As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

The dates on the indictments for the financial transactions listed go from 2006 to 2013, not 2015.

Count 11 of the Manafort indictment covers 2016 and 2017
post it

It's a PDF, I can't copy and paste

Look for charge 11, line 49
Well not sure, but your link says:

View attachment 157783

show me where it states 2016 to 2017 I'll wait.

That is item 11. Count Eleven refers to RECENT STATEMENTS made by Manafort about his work with the Podesta Group, which Mueller states are false statements.

Arguing about Indictments is silly, since they are just Mueller throwing shit to the wall to see if it sticks, which is actually THE PERFECT ANALOGY for describing what an INDICTMENT IS.

The burden of proof in a court of law is far different.

And not only that Mueller was fired in June of 2016
Count Eleven Cover statements made by Mueller in February 2017 when he was being interviewed, 7 months after being fired.
Well not sure, but your link says:

View attachment 157783

show me where it states 2016 to 2017 I'll wait.

I said Count 11, (of 12) which is found on line 49.

LINE 49, not LINE 11.
Manafort was fired in June of 2016 you cum slurping liberal.
Count Eleven NUMB NUTS, covers an interview in February 2017 Seven Months after Manafort was fired where they were asking him about his work on the behalf of The Podesta Group and work with other Foreign Governments which is UNRELATED TO WORK HE DID FOR THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN that Mueller is challenging. Again, go fuck yourself. All of your bastard son of a bitches are deceitful hateful little liars

You understand what an indictment is don't you? Heresay is allowed. Speculation is allowed. And THE DEFENSE is not even allowed to be present. It's the very definition of a witch trial. It's throwing SHIT at the wall and seeing what you can get to stick.

Shove those facts up your ass with a gallon of hot sauce.
The dates on the indictments for the financial transactions listed go from 2006 to 2013, not 2015.

Count 11 of the Manafort indictment covers 2016 and 2017
post it

It's a PDF, I can't copy and paste

Look for charge 11, line 49
Well not sure, but your link says:

View attachment 157783

show me where it states 2016 to 2017 I'll wait.

That is item 11. Count Eleven refers to RECENT STATEMENTS made by Manafort about his work with the Podesta Group, which Mueller states are false statements.

Arguing about Indictments is silly, since they are just Mueller throwing shit to the wall to see if it sticks, which is actually THE PERFECT ANALOGY for describing what an INDICTMENT IS.

The burden of proof in a court of law is far different.

And not only that Mueller was fired in June of 2016
Count Eleven Cover statements made by Mueller in February 2017 when he was being interviewed, 7 months after being fired.
I see, fk, I hate that. ok. so here:

And so Everyone knows READ THE INDICTMENT. If you are too dumb to understand it, don't comment on it, or cite it.

The fucking shit going down with Manafort and Mueller is this......Mueller continues to interrogate Manafort and has done so numerous times, and because THEY HAVE NOTHING, what they do is try to trip you up, and cause you to make incorrect statements, especially on matters that you yourself have documented.....ONLY THEY DON'T Play Fair. You aren't allowed to look the documents up, or use notes to recall on what dates you did what. You have to verbally tell them what you recall by memory.

NOW THAT IS SOME CROOKED SHIT, and this is how they entrapped the little unpaid volunteer, when he made a verbal statement about something he had already legally and properly disclosed in a disclosure document.

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So WTF does any of this have to to with THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN?


I believe Mueller is being a brilliant strategist. He's indicting Mueller on financials, and waiting to see what Trump does as far as giving Manafort a pardon.

Since it would look really bad for Trump to pardon Manafort like Ford did to Nixon, giving a blanket pardon covering any and all federal crimes. At which point Mueller would counter with his cooperative agreement with the NY AG, to indict Manafort on state charges of money laundering and state tax evasion, which only Governor Andrew Cuomo could pardon, and WON'T.

Then it's back to let's make a deal, and when the collusion charges get rolled out.
it's a nothing burger and won't go to court. wait for it.
Count 11 of the Manafort indictment covers 2016 and 2017
post it

It's a PDF, I can't copy and paste

Look for charge 11, line 49
Well not sure, but your link says:

View attachment 157783

show me where it states 2016 to 2017 I'll wait.

That is item 11. Count Eleven refers to RECENT STATEMENTS made by Manafort about his work with the Podesta Group, which Mueller states are false statements.

Arguing about Indictments is silly, since they are just Mueller throwing shit to the wall to see if it sticks, which is actually THE PERFECT ANALOGY for describing what an INDICTMENT IS.

The burden of proof in a court of law is far different.

And not only that Mueller was fired in June of 2016
Count Eleven Cover statements made by Mueller in February 2017 when he was being interviewed, 7 months after being fired.
I see, fk, I hate that. ok. so here:

View attachment 157789

What Mueller is doing is try to catch Manafort in a Perjury trap by grilling him on events that are already disclosed and in writing, and forcing Manafort and Papadopoulas, to recall these by memory, and if you get the fucking date wrong, they charge you with "LYING TO A FEDERAL AGENT" or "FALSIFYING TESTIMONY" or making "FALSE AND MISLEADING STATEMENTS"

I know enough crooked prosecutors and cops to know how the game works, and MUELLER is not an HONORABLE MAN and neither are the people he hired to work with him.

It's a PDF, I can't copy and paste

Look for charge 11, line 49
Well not sure, but your link says:

View attachment 157783

show me where it states 2016 to 2017 I'll wait.

That is item 11. Count Eleven refers to RECENT STATEMENTS made by Manafort about his work with the Podesta Group, which Mueller states are false statements.

Arguing about Indictments is silly, since they are just Mueller throwing shit to the wall to see if it sticks, which is actually THE PERFECT ANALOGY for describing what an INDICTMENT IS.

The burden of proof in a court of law is far different.

And not only that Mueller was fired in June of 2016
Count Eleven Cover statements made by Mueller in February 2017 when he was being interviewed, 7 months after being fired.
I see, fk, I hate that. ok. so here:

View attachment 157789

What Mueller is doing is try to catch Manafort in a Perjury trap by grilling him on events that are already disclosed and in writing, and forcing Manafort and Papadopoulas, to recall these by memory, and if you get the fucking date wrong, they charge you with "LYING TO A FEDERAL AGENT" or "FALSIFYING TESTIMONY" or making "FALSE AND MISLEADING STATEMENTS"

I know enough crooked prosecutors and cops to know how the game works, and MUELLER is not an HONORABLE MAN and neither are the people he hired to work with him.
his lawyer however is present and can stop it. He's indicted, he doesn't have to answer any more.
The fucking shit going down with Manafort and Mueller is this......Mueller continues to inteview Manafort and has done so numerous times, and because THEY HAVE NOTHING, what they do is try to trip you up, and cause you to make incorrect statements, especially on matters that you yourself have documented.....ONLY THEY DON'T Play Fair. You aren't allowed to look the documents up, or use notes to recall on what dates you did what. You have to verbally tell them what you recall by memory.

This wasn't about the dates of the meetings, but their claim there were no meeting at all, never, ever, ever.

Which was why they were charged with false statements.
yeah, my bad, here read it nothing about him doing anything in 2016 to 2017 accept talking to agents.

View attachment 157791

That was count 11 of a 12 count indictment.

5 years $10,000 fine
Notice how this fucking Troll completely ignores two things.
All the things Mueller is investigating are already disclosed and were he is engaging in entrapment by forcing the defendent to verbally recall documented events by memory which one can easily be tripped up, and said to be false if you make a verbal statement that conflicts with your documentation, some of which I might add is over 10 fucking years old.

But more importantly the cum guzzler lefty, does not realize that these are current statements made by Manafort while being interogated 7 months after he was fired from The Campaign when he was asked questions about his work with The Podesta Group and by Proxy Hillary Clinton that occurred between 2006 & 2013.

now fuck off, I am done with you and you are on IGNORE

Mean Green you are not. Snot, maybe, I agree.
Notice how this fucking Troll completely ignores two things.
All the things Mueller is investigating are already disclosed and were he is engaging in entrapment by forcing the defendent to verbally recall documented events by memory which one can easily be tripped up,.

You have it backwards. Manafort denied the meetings and involvement with foreign governments, only to have to amend his paperwork to include those interactions, payments, and his acting as a foreign agent for.

To put it simply, Manafort lied, corrected it on his paperwork, but by then it was too late.
It's like tax evasion (btw another few counts). Correcting your 1040 doesn't get you off the hook for filing a false 1040 in the first place.
The dates on the indictments for the financial transactions listed go from 2006 to 2013, not 2015.
Actually it says to 2016. But the Right never let facts get in the way of a "good" lie.

From pg 1 of the indictment:
In order to hide Ukraine payments from United States authorities, from approximately 2006 through 2016, Manafort and Gates laundered the money through scores of United States and foreign corporations, partnerships, and bank accounts

It's a PDF, I can't copy and paste

Look for charge 11, line 49
Well not sure, but your link says:

View attachment 157783

show me where it states 2016 to 2017 I'll wait.

That is item 11. Count Eleven refers to RECENT STATEMENTS made by Manafort about his work with the Podesta Group, which Mueller states are false statements.

Arguing about Indictments is silly, since they are just Mueller throwing shit to the wall to see if it sticks, which is actually THE PERFECT ANALOGY for describing what an INDICTMENT IS.

The burden of proof in a court of law is far different.

And not only that Mueller was fired in June of 2016
Count Eleven Cover statements made by Mueller in February 2017 when he was being interviewed, 7 months after being fired.
I see, fk, I hate that. ok. so here:

View attachment 157789

What Mueller is doing is try to catch Manafort in a Perjury trap by grilling him on events that are already disclosed and in writing, and forcing Manafort and Papadopoulas, to recall these by memory, and if you get the fucking date wrong, they charge you with "LYING TO A FEDERAL AGENT" or "FALSIFYING TESTIMONY" or making "FALSE AND MISLEADING STATEMENTS"

I know enough crooked prosecutors and cops to know how the game works, and MUELLER is not an HONORABLE MAN and neither are the people he hired to work with him.
his lawyer however is present and can stop it. He's indicted, he doesn't have to answer any more.

You are COMPLETELY WRONG. This is the crooked beauty of a Secret Grand Jury which I argue is ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

He can have a lawyer present during questioning when interrogated, but exactly how can a lawyer have access to disclosures in writing made by Manafort over a 10 year period, and "Stop It" when he thinks Mueller is abusing Manafort and trying to trip him up?


You know what is missing in that picture?

The Defendents, Their Attorneys, Cross Examination, The Presumption of Innocence, Due Process, and THE RIGHT to face your accuser and defend yourself against THE ACCUSATIONS BEING MADE.

It's a fucking KANGAROO COURT.
The dates on the indictments for the financial transactions listed go from 2006 to 2013, not 2015.

Count 11 of the Manafort indictment covers 2016 and 2017
post it

It's a PDF, I can't copy and paste

Look for charge 11, line 49
Well not sure, but your link says:

View attachment 157783

show me where it states 2016 to 2017 I'll wait.

That is item 11. Count Eleven refers to RECENT STATEMENTS made by Manafort about his work with the Podesta Group, which Mueller states are false statements.

Arguing about Indictments is silly, since they are just Mueller throwing shit to the wall to see if it sticks, which is actually THE PERFECT ANALOGY for describing what an INDICTMENT IS.

The burden of proof in a court of law is far different.

And not only that Mueller was fired in June of 2016
Count Eleven Cover statements made by Mueller in February 2017 when he was being interviewed, 7 months after being fired.
Hilarious you depict Mueller like that. He’s one of the most competent public servants ever.
Yet you don’t have the balls to criticize this president who shows daily he has no idea what he’s doing..
The blinders you wear must be state of the art!

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