As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal

Mueller is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. There isn't anything he has to say as it pertains to Trump that I would buy for even a second. You can forget about anything coming out about the Hildebeast and the prior admins. They are protected by the Crooks In Action. The level of corruption runs so deep that it can never be outed......too many heads would end up on the chopping block.
Trump is part of the swamp and HE needs to go. Many of his hires are alligators from the swamp but of course you look the other way.
So “ cleaning the swamp” means to permit BIG COAL to dump their wastes in our river and streams with immunity?
That was one of the first EO’s the big dummy right in his early days he set the trend to hurt Americans and cater to the fossil fuel industry..
How about the recent senate bill that passed 51-50 that fucks consumers up the ass by the Big Banks. This is what Frump accused Hillary would do if she was president. I know you’re a whore for this fossil fuel Big Banks president but when so many of his decisions are against Americans interests you would think you’d wake from your slumber.

Senate GOP vote protects banks from consumers

Spare me, douchebag....clean burning coal has been around for decades. Coal and oil are NOT "fossil fuels", moron. The ability to get off petroleum and coal has been suppressed since the days of Nikola Tesla. Carburetors that use ALL of the gasoline instead of 20 percent with NO emissions has been around since the 70's and that has also been suppressed by the owners of USA.INC because the banking elites have based the world's economy on petroleum and create artificial scarcities when the mood strikes them. Ever heard of the "petro dollar" and how that came to be? You might want to do some homework.....educate yourself.
He was working for Democrats in 2016?

Working for Clinton and Obama, dufus.

The indictment is for acts between 2006 and 2016. So...

Again: He was working for Democrats in 2016?
what about all of the other years there poindexter?
What about them? If he did something illegal — no matter who he was working for — then he should be prosecuted. You seem to think that the charges are illegitimate unless Hillary or the DNC is dragged into it
Beware of George Papadopoulos

Arrested last July and nobody knew. He has been wearing a wire for three months as part of a plea deal

What will it reveal?
Mueller is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. There isn't anything he has to say as it pertains to Trump that I would buy for even a second. You can forget about anything coming out about the Hildebeast and the prior admins. They are protected by the Crooks In Action. The level of corruption runs so deep that it can never be outed......too many heads would end up on the chopping block.

Yes, Trump has angered the LIzard People and must pay!


Not that he's a clumsy crook who has engaged in decades of sleazy business practices who got put into the White House on a fluke.

Again. Occam's Razor, buddy. Occam's Razor.

Simplest answer is usually the right one.
Spare me, douchebag....clean burning coal has been around for decades. Coal and oil are NOT "fossil fuels", moron. The ability to get off petroleum and coal has been suppressed since the days of Nikola Tesla. Carburetors that use ALL of the gasoline instead of 20 percent with NO emissions has been around since the 70's and that has also been suppressed by the owners of USA.INC because the banking elites have based the world's economy on petroleum and create artificial scarcities when the mood strikes them. Ever heard of the "petro dollar" and how that came to be? You might want to do some homework.....educate yourself.

The Lizard People don't like you burning their ancestors remains... that's why they are against Coal and Oil.
Mueller is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. There isn't anything he has to say as it pertains to Trump that I would buy for even a second. You can forget about anything coming out about the Hildebeast and the prior admins. They are protected by the Crooks In Action. The level of corruption runs so deep that it can never be outed......too many heads would end up on the chopping block.

Yes, Trump has angered the LIzard People and must pay!


Not that he's a clumsy crook who has engaged in decades of sleazy business practices who got put into the White House on a fluke.

Again. Occam's Razor, buddy. Occam's Razor.

Simplest answer is usually the right one.

And the simplest answer is, Trump is president and there is a loud minority of malcontents who will do anything they can imagine to get him out of office., truth fact and reason need not apply.

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And the simplest answer is, Trump is president and there is a loud minority of malcontents who will do anything they can imagine to get him out of office., truth fact and reason need not apply.

Well, given more people voted against him than for him, it would be a MAJORITY that is against him. Also the fact that he's been underwater in his approval ratings since the day he got in.
Crimes which occurred while he worked for Democrats, dufus.
He was working for Democrats in 2016?

Working for Clinton and Obama, dufus.

The indictment is for acts between 2006 and 2016. So...

Again: He was working for Democrats in 2016?
what about all of the other years there poindexter?
What about them? If he did something illegal — no matter who he was working for — then he should be prosecuted. You seem to think that the charges are illegitimate unless Hillary or the DNC is dragged into it
you have no idea if he did anything illegal. that's why we have a justice system. And just so you know, the indictment was for years 2008 to 2014. So your gittiness that this is somehow related to trump is dog pooh. plain and simple, he worked for the Podesta Group then. That is why this 180 degree swing here is very intriguing for many of us here. hmmmmmmm and you still don't get it which way the pointer is facing. LOL
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal

This is what happened when your only source of news (entertainment) is Hannity and Trump.

Uranium deal is/was very old news. During the campaign Trump used all forms of lies and dirtiest trick against Hillary. Yet Trump never mentioned about this funny story about uranium. Why is that?
The only reason it came up is because of Trump lap dog Rep. Senator Nunez is pushing this issue to help Trump deflect the attention.

Hillary uranium deal with the Russians is a very serious accusations. So why is Trump and AG Sessions didn’t push for the investigation after 10 months? Why is this suddenly coming out from Trump lying mouth?
Don't get mad it me because Hillary paid a GERMAN spy to give unsubstantiated accusations from the RUSSIANS on Trump and OBAMA used the fake information to wiretap the Trump campaign. Makes Nixon look like an Eagle Scout.

No I’m not mad at all. I’m just laughing at you. I’m very sure you got that from Hannity.
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal

Mueller is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. There isn't anything he has to say as it pertains to Trump that I would buy for even a second. You can forget about anything coming out about the Hildebeast and the prior admins. They are protected by the Crooks In Action. The level of corruption runs so deep that it can never be outed......too many heads would end up on the chopping block.

Mueller was hired by the Republicans to investigate the Republicans. So how is that qualified him to be part of the dirty swamp? You don’t believe in Mueller findings but I’m sure you believed Hannity.

Hillary was never charged of any wrong doing or indicted of any crimes. Compared to sleazy crooked Trump. Ten months later under this lousy president Hillary still not being charged.
Why is that? Is she being protected by Trump?

BTW I told you many times ——— That you are NOT qualified to talk to me but I will give you a chance to explain yourself.

On the side——— Whitefish Energy company with only 2 full time employees was awarded $300 millions contract to fix Puerto Rico electrical power grid. Without any other bids. Lying crooked Trump and Secretary Zinke both denied any involvement.
Only idiots believe that kind of hogwash.

Owner of Whitefish Energy donated thousands of $ to Trump campaign and the Republicans—— This proved that Trump is CROOKED & CORRUPT.

$300M Puerto Rico Recovery Contract Awarded to Tiny Utility Company Linked to Major Trump Donor
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal
especially when the congress is now asking Mueller for receipts.
Why are they trying to shut it down when its producing indictments on some pretty big charges?
Personally, I am bored by Mueller's Investigation. Nothing about the election, nothing about The Trump Campaign, and it looks like all he was able to find is poor documentation on work Manafort did for Podesta and a bunch of trumped up charges most of which Mueller won't be able to make stick in a jury trial.

And all the while, he is going after petty crimes, while ignoring actual and verified collusion, extortion, bribery and attempts to actually rig an election with solid evidence.

The guy I thought was some kind of stellar "law man" with impeccable integrity. He just looks a run of the mill average bureaucrat to me, justifying his pay and existence.

Elliot Ness, He ain't or he would have done something about The Uranium One Scandal instead of working to sweep it under the rug.
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal

Mueller is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. There isn't anything he has to say as it pertains to Trump that I would buy for even a second. You can forget about anything coming out about the Hildebeast and the prior admins. They are protected by the Crooks In Action. The level of corruption runs so deep that it can never be outed......too many heads would end up on the chopping block.
Trump is part of the swamp and HE needs to go. Many of his hires are alligators from the swamp but of course you look the other way.
So “ cleaning the swamp” means to permit BIG COAL to dump their wastes in our river and streams with immunity?
That was one of the first EO’s the big dummy right in his early days he set the trend to hurt Americans and cater to the fossil fuel industry..
How about the recent senate bill that passed 51-50 that fucks consumers up the ass by the Big Banks. This is what Frump accused Hillary would do if she was president. I know you’re a whore for this fossil fuel Big Banks president but when so many of his decisions are against Americans interests you would think you’d wake from your slumber.

Senate GOP vote protects banks from consumers

Spare me, douchebag....clean burning coal has been around for decades. Coal and oil are NOT "fossil fuels", moron. The ability to get off petroleum and coal has been suppressed since the days of Nikola Tesla. Carburetors that use ALL of the gasoline instead of 20 percent with NO emissions has been around since the 70's and that has also been suppressed by the owners of USA.INC because the banking elites have based the world's economy on petroleum and create artificial scarcities when the mood strikes them. Ever heard of the "petro dollar" and how that came to be? You might want to do some homework.....educate yourself.

Okay I will give another shot to qualify yourself.

1. Explain What is clean burning coal? No no no and no do not give me your conspiracy crap. Show me a link.

2. Coal and Oil is not fossil fuels. Really? Why not? Again do not give your conspiracy crap. Show me a link.
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal
especially when the congress is now asking Mueller for receipts.
Why are they trying to shut it down when its producing indictments on some pretty big charges?
indictments that have nothing to do with the intent of the special prosecutor. too funny, a big fat nothing burger.
you have no idea if he did anything illegal. that's why we have a justice system. And just so you know, the indictment was for years 2008 to 2014. So your gittiness that this is somehow related to trump is dog pooh. plain and simple, he worked for the Podesta Group then. That is why this 180 degree swing here is very intriguing for many of us here. hmmmmmmm and you still don't get it which way the pointer is facing. LOL

Count 11, line 49
November 23, 2016 and February 10, 2017, falst statement of a material fact.
Personally, I am bored by Mueller's Investigation. Nothing about the election, nothing about The Trump Campaign, and it looks like all he was able to find is poor documentation on work Manafort did for Podesta and a bunch of trumped up charges most of which Mueller won't be able to make stick in a jury trial.

And all the while, he is going after petty crimes, while ignoring actual and verified collusion, extortion, bribery and attempts to actually rig an election with solid evidence.

The guy I thought was some kind of stellar "law man" with impeccable integrity. He just looks a run of the mill average bureaucrat to me, justifying his pay and existence.

Elliot Ness, He ain't or he would have done something about The Uranium One Scandal instead of working to sweep it under the rug.
Personally, I am bored by Mueller's Investigation. Nothing about the election, nothing about The Trump Campaign,.

Doesn't George Papadopoulos ring a bell?
A volunteer?

And an Unpaid of Volunteer nobody even knew existed?

You are shitting me right?

And what did "ELLIOT NESS, G MAN" charge your papa with?

He had a meeting with a London.... Legal.
He states that the professor said he had dirt on
He disclosed the meeting with the

Your Papa even documented the date and topics discussed using the proper disclosure forms.

The London Professor stated emphatically that Papadopoulos is LYING, and that he NEVER approached him with dirt on Clinton. They never even had a discussion, NOR did he introduce him to some FEMALE RELATIVE of Putin's. The professor flat out called the accusation a LAUGHING STOCK!

But when the BIG OLE BAD FBI interviewed him, he made a verbal statement about THE DATE he said he met with The Professor.

And because the lil ole unpaid volunteer got the date wrong...a date that was WRITTEN DOWN and documented, THE BIG OLE BAD GMAN falsely charged him with "LYING TO A FEDERAL OFFICIAL"

So who is lying now? The Professor, Papadopoulas, or Herr Mueller? Two of the three already called Papadopoulos a you figure it out dummy!

Go Fuck yourself. You have got to be the Reason THE DEVIL INVENTED ABORTIONS.

You are one dumb mother fucker, and need to go punch your mother in the nose for giving birth to you.

The events Mueller is investigating all occurred years before Manafort signed on to help The Trump campaign for two and a half short months.
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two days now and still no russia russia. LOL

not even a glimpse of russia. shit 12 indictments to two folks and all dated before the election process started. WTF. I demand my money back mr. Mueller.

sounds like a personal vendetta against Manafort. I'm hoping he sues Mueller's ass.

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