As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

Manafort signed on to help The Trump campaign for two and a half short months.
Well, at least your lie has grown a half a month since I first nailed you on this lie, that at least is some progress. Manafort and Tramp have been partners in crime for decades, and Manafort joined the Tramp campaign the end of March and stayed until the middle of August. He then assisted the transition team after the election.
Also I would like to add and address one more issue for the POLE SMOKING Sodomites on here who hate God, Democracy, Our Flag, Our Country, and Our President.

The FBI is saying Papadopolous is a liar. The Professor said he is a liar. Nobody ever heard of the guy, and he was a volunteer, but the best part is..... This little weasel tried on a few occassions, NO DOUBT WITH MUELLER'S DIRECTION to try to get THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN to meet with people with Russian Associations, and MANAFORT for the 2 short months he worked for THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN REJECTED ALL OF THOSE REQUESTS.

Now, here is my advice. Go to the grocery store, buy a bottle of hot sauce, take the lid off, Shove it up your ASS, and STAND ON YOUR HEAD FOR 30 Minutes!
Manafort signed on to help The Trump campaign for two and a half short months.
Well, at least your lie has grown a half a month since I first nailed you on this lie, that at least is some progress.

Manafort joined the Tramp campaign the end of March and stayed until the middle of August. He then assisted the transition team after the election.

Maybe he's trying to make a deal.
Two months - Five months
Two and a half short months - Five months

When he gets to four and a half months, close the deal.
Doesn't George Papadopoulos ring a bell?
A volunteer?

You are shitting me right?

As I pointed out Paul Manifort was a volunteer.

And currently the west wing and even oval are full of volunteers, from Ivanka Trump to Jarred Kushner, to Donald John Trump.

All volunteers.

Go fuck yourself. Do you know why people increasingly hate liberals?
Because they are liars, and agenda driven. You cannot trust a liberal under any circumstances. They are morally bankrupt, just like Clinton, Obama & Podesta.

But back to talking about your Papa.

That little weasel was called a liar by THE FBI, and by THE PROFESSOR he said offered him dirt on Clinton. And since his offers to meet with The Trump Campaign over such matters were rejected, even by Manafort, I suggest you follow the advice I offered the previous poster.

Go to the grocery store, buy a bottle of hot sauce, take the lid off, Shove it up your ASS, and STAND ON YOUR HEAD FOR 30 Minutes!
Manafort signed on to help The Trump campaign for two and a half short months.
Well, at least your lie has grown a half a month since I first nailed you on this lie, that at least is some progress. Manafort and Tramp have been partners in crime for decades, and Manafort joined the Tramp campaign the end of March and stayed until the middle of August. He then assisted the transition team after the election.
accept for when manafort was working for the pedosta group from 2006 to 2013. oops when was trump in there?
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Manafort signed on to help The Trump campaign for two and a half short months.
Well, at least your lie has grown a half a month since I first nailed you on this lie, that at least is some progress.

Manafort joined the Tramp campaign the end of March and stayed until the middle of August. He then assisted the transition team after the election.

Maybe he's trying to make a deal.
Two months - Five months
Two and a half short months - Five months

When he gets to four and a half months, close the deal.
A fucking deal for what?
Because he got a date wrong in an oral INTEREGATION that he documented legally and correctly on a disclosure form which conflicted with the written record? The FBI actually charges people with "LYING TO A FEDERAL AGENT" over that?

The little shrimp looks like prison bait, and it's obvious what Mueller's Gestapo are trying to do...just like Clinton and Obama tried to do....trying to MANUFACTURE FAKE EVIDENCE.

The FBI is saying Papadopolous is a liar. The Professor said he is a liar. Nobody ever heard of the guy, and he was a volunteer, but the best part is..... This little weasel tried on a few occassions, NO DOUBT WITH MUELLER'S DIRECTION to try to get THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN to meet with people with Russian Associations, and MANAFORT for the 2 short months he worked for THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN REJECTED ALL OF THOSE REQUESTS.!

Whether or not he's a liar, his emails do not lie. He has emails between himself and his Trump campaign handlers, in which they both approveed and encouraged his contacts with the Russians.

The only caveat is that they wanted somebody low level, to give them plausable deniability. They didn't want "DT" to go to Moscow, because it might look like the collusion it was.
Manafort signed on to help The Trump campaign for two and a half short months.
Well, at least your lie has grown a half a month since I first nailed you on this lie, that at least is some progress. Manafort and Tramp have been partners in crime for decades, and Manafort joined the Tramp campaign the end of March and stayed until the middle of August. He then assisted the transition team after the election.
accept for when manafort was working for the pedosta group from 2006 to 2015. oops when was trump in there?

The dates on the indictments for the financial transactions listed go from 2006 to 2013, not 2015.
A fucking deal for what?
Because he got a date wrong in an oral INTEREGATION that he documented legally and correctly on a disclosure form which conflicted with the written record? The FBI actually charges people with "LYING TO A FEDERAL AGENT" over that?.

If it was a material fact, YES.....
Nothing exists on the uranium deal to investigate.

And anyone who self links their arguments needs to be outed every single time.

The FBI is saying Papadopolous is a liar. The Professor said he is a liar. Nobody ever heard of the guy, and he was a volunteer, but the best part is..... This little weasel tried on a few occassions, NO DOUBT WITH MUELLER'S DIRECTION to try to get THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN to meet with people with Russian Associations, and MANAFORT for the 2 short months he worked for THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN REJECTED ALL OF THOSE REQUESTS.!

Whether or not he's a liar, his emails do not lie. He has emails between himself and his Trump campaign handlers, in which they both approveed and encouraged his contacts with the Russians.

The only caveat is that they wanted somebody low level, to give them plausable deniability. They didn't want "DT" to go to Moscow, because it might look like the collusion it was.

Please....douchebag.....If there is proof of anything illegal in the little unpaid volunteer's emails, then WHERE IS THE FUCKING INDICTMENT FOR RUSSIAN COLLUSION?

Instead you have nothing but Mueller trying to find some kind of mistake in documentation of FARA, and financial transactions that are already documented that occurred with The Podesta Group while Paul Manafort was working for them.

Go to the grocery store, buy a bottle of hot sauce, take the lid off, Shove it up your ASS, and STAND ON YOUR HEAD FOR 30 Minutes!
Please....douchebag.....If there is proof of anything illegal in the little unpaid volunteer's emails, then WHERE IS THE FUCKING INDICTMENT FOR RUSSIAN COLLUSION?

George Papadopoulos plead guilty. His plea is the proof, he had to make a full confession, and they included the transcripts of his emails to [currently unnamed] Trump campaign officials.

They couldn't release the names, because they are unindicted co-conspirators.
you have no idea if he did anything illegal. that's why we have a justice system. And just so you know, the indictment was for years 2008 to 2014. So your gittiness that this is somehow related to trump is dog pooh. plain and simple, he worked for the Podesta Group then. That is why this 180 degree swing here is very intriguing for many of us here. hmmmmmmm and you still don't get it which way the pointer is facing. LOL

Count 11, line 49
November 23, 2016 and February 10, 2017, falst statement of a material fact.


Omg, you are stupid. That is in reference to when Manafort was questioned on those dates and made also written statements on those dates regarding his past associations and work with THE PODESTA GROUP.

So WTF does any of this have to to with THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN?


Please provide proof. Nobody gives a fuck about a guy who had a cup of coffee with The Trump Campaign for a little over 8 weeks, or about some so called unpaid volunteer, (probably an Obama Mole) who just failed all over the fucking place trying to entrap The Trump Campaign so much that he tripped his own damn lying self up.

You fuckwads, just don't get it do you? Mueller cannot proceed with the investigation past Manafort, because Manafort leads to The Podestas, The Podestas leads to Clinton, and Clinton leads to Obama.

And lets go back to how this whole charade began. It began with FAKE and Falsified reports, paid for by OBAMA AND CLINTON..that they knew were FAKE and used to lobby FISA, and THE FBI, and to get Mueller appointed.

Comey deserved to be fired, because not only did he cover up URANIUM ONE along with MUELLER, but he refused to investigation the felony leaking of classified intel, refused to investigate illegal unmasking, refused to charge Clinton with crimes Comey admitted she committed, and he knowingly distributed the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER to The Press, KNOWING IT WAS FALSE.
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Manafort signed on to help The Trump campaign for two and a half short months.
Well, at least your lie has grown a half a month since I first nailed you on this lie, that at least is some progress. Manafort and Tramp have been partners in crime for decades, and Manafort joined the Tramp campaign the end of March and stayed until the middle of August. He then assisted the transition team after the election.
accept for when manafort was working for the pedosta group from 2006 to 2013. oops when was trump in there?
Manafort NEVER worked FOR the Podesta Group. Manafort's partner in crime Gates hired the Podesta group and lied to them about their client that they wanted the Podesta Group to lobby for.
The dates on the indictments for the financial transactions listed go from 2006 to 2013, not 2015.

Count 11 of the Manafort indictment covers 2016 and 2017
post it

It's a PDF, I can't copy and paste

Look for charge 11, line 49
Well not sure, but your link says:
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So WTF does any of this have to to with THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN?


I believe Mueller is being a brilliant strategist. He's indicting Mueller on financials, and waiting to see what Trump does as far as giving Manafort a pardon.

Since it would look really bad for Trump to pardon Manafort like Ford did to Nixon, giving a blanket pardon covering any and all federal crimes. At which point Mueller would counter with his cooperative agreement with the NY AG, to indict Manafort on state charges of money laundering and state tax evasion, which only Governor Andrew Cuomo could pardon, and WON'T.

Then it's back to let's make a deal, and when the collusion charges get rolled out.

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