As if Politico wasn't in enough trouble for lying about Carson


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
It was also caught lying about the ICIG (Intelligence Community Inspector General) walking back claims that the two emails classified as Top Secret on Hillary's server, were not in fact marked as such. However, an ICIG spokesman spoke to Fox News' Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge about the claim, and refuted it:

"A spokesman for the ICIG, Andrea. G. Williams, told Fox the classification had not changed, and no formal notification had been received by her office. The State Department requested a second review of the emails by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence who oversees the 17 agencies. A statement was expected Friday from the ODNI, that no such determination had been made and the review was ongoing."

Not only that, Hillary Clinton signed Non Disclosure Agreements swearing to protect highly sensitive and classified information.

"I have been advised that any breach of this Agreement may result in my termination of my access to SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) and removal from a position of special confidence."

Furthermore, she acknowledged in signing the NDA's that:

"I have been advised that any authorized disclosure of SCI by me may constitute violations of United States criminal laws, including provisions of Sections 793, 794, 798 and 952, Title 18 United States Code..."

Hillary Clinton signed non-disclosure agreement to protect classified info while secretary of state

Caught in two lies on the same day. That has to be a record. I don't know what Politico was trying to do, but it failed miserably.

Ben Carson lies like a dog.


And he's a piss poor writer.

Ben Carson lies like a dog.


And he's a piss poor writer.

Not one part of what Carson has said is true. He didn't have dinner with Westmoreland - I posted a link to Westmoreland's itinerary. Now Carson has changed his story again, that it was his rotc supervisor who got the "scholarship" for him.

Carson is a chronic liar. No wonder the op fell for this.

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Wow, there is a bunch of racism, but no response to the Politico article about Hillary's server. I wonder why that is?

He'd be a liar if he was white. That means you are the racist. I've seen you write stuff the kkk would be proud of. Dumb kid. I know you're too lazy to get a job but grow up and get a clue.

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Wow, there is a bunch of racism, but no response to the Politico article about Hillary's server. I wonder why that is?

He'd be a liar if he was white. That means you are the racist. I've seen you write stuff the kkk would be proud of. Dumb kid. I know you're too lazy to get a job but grow up and get a clue.

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Hah! Look at you! Still with the job jokes. I mean, you could try debating me intelligently... wait.
Not so many intelligent liberal posters on tonight. Any liberal going to address this? Or explain why they so easily fell for two lies in the same day? I'd wager not, since fear is a powerful thing.

Ben Carson lies like a dog.


And he's a piss poor writer.

Not one part of what Carson has said is true. He didn't have dinner with Westmoreland - I posted a link to Westmoreland's itinerary. Now Carson has changed his story again, that it was his rotc supervisor who got the "scholarship" for him.

Carson is a chronic liar. No wonder the op fell for this.

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Not one part of what he said is a lie. You however are a known liar and so are your "sources". Idiot.

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