As if Pruitt didn't have enough scandals to contend with..

How do you prove a negative? Why isn't the burden of proof on the people who invented the theory? Ask hypocrite Al Gore who had no scientific training to submit evidence that supports his theory. .
They have supplied it in thousands of publications.
Man made global warming is a theory which means it hasn't been proved. Even a federal judge should know that it isn't up to the government to prove or disprove a theory, it's up to the theoriticians to prove their hypothesis before more taxpayer money is spent.
Gravity is a theory...and here I am...feet on the ground!
Why would Pruitt want a used mattress from Trump Hotel? That’s just weird.
I will take a crooked conservative Republican over a crooked Democrat any day of the week.

In other words, you fucking "values" stop at party affiliation, correct, you ignorant moron?........................LOL
Crooked, corrupt and incompetent Pruitt seems to be the "perfect" fit to a Trump cabinet post......I think that most Trump cult members may also have had enough of this clown.

Judge to EPA: Show your science
EPA must produce the opposing body of science Administrator Scott Pruitt has relied upon to claim that humans are not the primary drivers of global warming, a federal judge has ruled.
Judge Rules Pruitt Must Provide Evidence for his Climate Denial


Folks that don't understand the science thingy. Global warming as a CATASTROPHIC theory needs to be PROVEN. The body of evidence that needs to presented is PROOF of runaway GW models, the dominance of all positive feedbacks and ANY HINT OF ACCELERATIONS --- that still haven't manifested after about 36 years of panicking people. It's not there.

IN FACT -- since the activists in labcoats panicked everyone in the 80s and tossed out fantastical tales of doom and gloom, almost EVERY prediction and critical parameter in the modeling has been revised WAY DOWN. To the point where any anthropomorphic contributions are a nuisance -- not a global emergency.

Problem is -- the Internet never flushes its shit. And a lot of that propaganda lives to this day. But you KNOW the GW crazy train is stalled because you no longer hear the MONTHLY/YEARLY breathless projections of the future temperatures in 2060 or 2100..

Go find them. It's been VERY quiet for about 15 years now.. There's no traction left in this "emergency"....
Want a hankie moron?

Beagle, save that hankie for Pruitt when he has to come up with his little "proof"............

I'd give Pruitt a couple more weeks before he resigns and crawls back to his hole .......
Since the EPA didn't have to provide scientific evidence to implement it, why should it have to proved scientific evidence to repeal it?
Man made global warming is a theory which means it hasn't been proved. Even a federal judge should know that it isn't up to the government to prove or disprove a theory, it's up to the theoriticians to prove their hypothesis before more taxpayer money is spent.
Gravity is a theory...and here I am...feet on the ground!
The big bang is a theory. . .and here I am...feet on the ground!

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