As Long as We Are Asking Questions...Why did the Liberals Enjoy Counting KIAs


Sep 19, 2012
and showing caskets taken off airplanes so much during Bush's presidency and now we hear nothing about it? Front page news updated weekly by the drive-by media THEN, and now, hardly a blip. WHY? I ask WHY?
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They did that to make Bush look bad. Now we would be wise to do the same with Afighastan.
It's screwed up to watch people lie through the teeth to advance their political beliefs. Jesus.
Bush kept the wars "off budget" and wanted to keep the caskets "out of sight".
You know the answer. And so does everyone on this board.

The answer is simple: The American Pravda state-run news media.

I will never understand WHY the vast majority of the American news media HATES their country so much.

Is it self-loathing? Is it masochism? Is it insecurity? Is it a mental condition? Is it stupidity?
and showing caskets taken off airplanes so much during Bush's presidency and now we hear nothing about it? Front page news updated weekly by the drive-by media THEN, and now, hardly a blip. WHY? I ask WHY?

I remember a time when every combat death was reported on the evening news. Some newspapers had a daily account of killed and wounded. Whenever a certain level of casualties was reached, such as 1,000 or 2,000, these events were lead-off stories on all TV news stations and front page stories in all the newspapers. But since Obama took over, the media is mostly silent.

The MSM also reported on every gaffe made by Bush, but was silent regarding the many gaffes made by Obama.

It's the same regarding the homeless. Someone once said that the homeless problem which existed under Bush senior ended when Clinton took office; however, it didn't end because there was an actual change in the number of homeless people. It ended because the media stopped reporting about it. Of course, people started becoming homeless again when Bush junior took over and ended again when Obama took office.

The MSM is not truth-driven. It is agenda-driven, and protecting and promoting Obama is the current agenda.
and showing caskets taken off airplanes so much during Bush's presidency and now we hear nothing about it? Front page news updated weekly by the drive-by media THEN, and now, hardly a blip. WHY? I ask WHY?

Because the people you are talking about wanted us out of those wars, and now that we are out of one and on our way out of the other, there isn't such a big need to discuss all the deaths and horrible injuries to our soldiers.
and showing caskets taken off airplanes so much during Bush's presidency and now we hear nothing about it? Front page news updated weekly by the drive-by media THEN, and now, hardly a blip. WHY? I ask WHY?

Because the people you are talking about wanted us out of those wars, and now that we are out of one and on our way out of the other, there isn't such a big need to discuss all the deaths and horrible injuries to our soldiers.

So where is the media on this, are you saying they are part of the people who wanted us out?
and showing caskets taken off airplanes so much during Bush's presidency and now we hear nothing about it? Front page news updated weekly by the drive-by media THEN, and now, hardly a blip. WHY? I ask WHY?

I do't think they care anymore, I think they would not like to see flag draped coffins like they did in 2003-2008
and showing caskets taken off airplanes so much during Bush's presidency and now we hear nothing about it? Front page news updated weekly by the drive-by media THEN, and now, hardly a blip. WHY? I ask WHY?

THAT is actually a valid complaint about the MSM.

I think you are exactly right. The leaning DEM MS media is now downplaying the ongoing war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
and showing caskets taken off airplanes so much during Bush's presidency and now we hear nothing about it? Front page news updated weekly by the drive-by media THEN, and now, hardly a blip. WHY? I ask WHY?

Because the people you are talking about wanted us out of those wars, and now that we are out of one and on our way out of the other, there isn't such a big need to discuss all the deaths and horrible injuries to our soldiers.

Sheer fantasy.
I'm a liberal and I don't count Kia's, I count Volkswagens.

Punch Bug!
Bush kept the wars "off budget" and wanted to keep the caskets "out of sight".

He wanted the caskets out of sight in respect for those fallen soldiers and I totally agreed with him. It should not have been a political thing and the liberals would have used it as that. Bush did what was absolutely right.

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