As Manafort goes down, expect R-Wers on here to.............

You are why democrats can't win elections. You are to stupid to realize manifort and flynn going down doesn't mean shit.

First of all, learn the difference between "to" and "too".....(so that you wouldn't come off as so fucking ignorant)

But MOST important, all that your half brain is "proving" with your post, is that you're so far up Trump's fat ass that NOTHING would convince you that you're actually suffocating with your head where it is......

Have you been praying that Trump goes down? Maybe God will hear you.
Have you been praying that Trump goes down? Maybe God will hear you.

Good Lord, NO..........I want for Trump to stick around long enough to completely destroy the credibility of elected republicans. I mean, what Trump is doing through his "brilliance" is something that NO democrat could ever have dreamed of.
Jake, you sound like KJU, only far more hostile to America reminding your morons that Manafort is in DEEP SHIT, certainly "reminds" idiots like you of KJU.....
WOW, you're so fucking "profound"...........LOL

I guess your making such a broad affirmative statement means you have knowledge that the FBI found evidence of his wrong doing. Do you care to share or you can just admit you're making assumptions and are full of shit?

I guess your making such a broad affirmative statement means you have knowledge that the FBI found evidence of his wrong doing. Do you care to share or you can just admit you're making assumptions and are full of shit?

Well, Tigger-baby.......all I know is that NO magistrate would have given a search warrant to the FBI UNLESS probable cause existed and that there was proof that Manafort did NOT relinquish all his documentation (he could have destroyed, shredded or burned documents) BUT there are STILL traceable electronic correspondence between Manafort and (fill in the blank...)

BTW, learn the difference between "your" and "you're".....thanks.
..........revamp their attacks on Hillary Clinton, Obama, Lynch, Wasserman-Schultz, Podesta....and maybe their dogs.......

How many think that Manafort (and Flynn and Sessions, and Page) will fall on their respective swords to protect the reputation of the orange charlatan???

Go to FOX. They are desperately bashing Hillary. It is obvious to everyone that they are protecting the orange clown.

Now we know why their ratings are hurting. Rachel Maddow is killing them, cause she speaks the truth on the Comrade.
Mueller is manufacturing a case against Manafort and getting activist Democrat judges to rubber stamp everything he does and wants found. This is pure kangaroo court. Once Manafort is firmly where democrats want him to be, he will be given testimony to memorize and regurgitate.
..........revamp their attacks on Hillary Clinton, Obama, Lynch, Wasserman-Schultz, Podesta....and maybe their dogs.......

How many think that Manafort (and Flynn and Sessions, and Page) will fall on their respective swords to protect the reputation of the orange charlatan???

well, Flynn has been running around saying he "has a story to tell" and sessions must hate Donald right about now... .manafort is a ho, so I'm pretty sure he'd happily take the whole lot of them down.

and yes... the more its clear that the noose is tightening around the orange sociopath, the more they will genuflect to him and shriek in their insane little voices about anyone with a D after their name.

buncha loons. :cuckoo:
Mueller is manufacturing a case against Manafort and getting activist Democrat judges to rubber stamp everything he does and wants found. This is pure kangaroo court. Once Manafort is firmly where democrats want him to be, he will be given testimony to memorize and regurgitate.

no one is manufacturing anything, you insane twit.
I guess your making such a broad affirmative statement means you have knowledge that the FBI found evidence of his wrong doing. Do you care to share or you can just admit you're making assumptions and are full of shit?

Well, Tigger-baby.......all I know is that NO magistrate would have given a search warrant to the FBI UNLESS probable cause existed and that there was proof that Manafort did NOT relinquish all his documentation (he could have destroyed, shredded or burned documents) BUT there are STILL traceable electronic correspondence between Manafort and (fill in the blank...)

BTW, learn the difference between "your" and "you're".....thanks.

So you're just making assumptions and are full of shit. Search warrants are issued all the time and nothing is found.

BTW my use of "your" is proper because it referred to "YOUR STATEMENT", perhaps you should practice what you preach.

Have you been praying that Trump goes down? Maybe God will hear you.

Good Lord, NO..........I want for Trump to stick around long enough to completely destroy the credibility of elected republicans. I mean, what Trump is doing through his "brilliance" is something that NO democrat could ever have dreamed of.

That was done back in 2010.
You are why democrats can't win elections. You are to stupid to realize manifort and flynn going down doesn't mean shit.

First of all, learn the difference between "to" and "too".....(so that you wouldn't come off as so fucking ignorant)

But MOST important, all that your half brain is "proving" with your post, is that you're so far up Trump's fat ass that NOTHING would convince you that you're actually suffocating with your head where it is......

Me come off as ignorant? You post tired useless shit off buzzfeed and twitter and make fun of the president for doing The same. You really can't be making ignorance claims without taking a good look in the mirror cupcake.
Mueller is manufacturing a case against Manafort and getting activist Democrat judges to rubber stamp everything he does and wants found

Yeah, you just can't trust these republicans......LOL
Have you been praying that Trump goes down? Maybe God will hear you.

Good Lord, NO..........I want for Trump to stick around long enough to completely destroy the credibility of elected republicans. I mean, what Trump is doing through his "brilliance" is something that NO democrat could ever have dreamed of.

^ Jake, the Republican

I'm in my office, working hard.

Well, your definition of working hard while wasting time posting your inanities on a forum such as this, may need some help.

If your IT decides to snoop on you, and they find you posting ypur mindless garbage, well you might have a long rest period...

I'm using my personal laptop on a secured jetpack.
Nothing connected to IT.
Oh and btw, the IT Director reports to me.

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