As much as 99% of what we think we know comes from corporations


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
I've never been to Israel but know a lot about it. How? I watch a lot of tv and documentaries.

I've never been in outer space but know a lot about that. More tv and documentaries.

I've never been a combat soldier ina war but know I wouldn't wanna. More tv and documentaries.

Everything I know, or think I know about various things is because I watch lots of tv, read about an equal amount (albeit from online sources,) but almost none of it is from first-hand experience or observations.

Something to think about when discussing our political ideologies, world views, and opinions on things. Corporations exist solely to make money. They're not making tv shows and documentaries out of the goodness of their hearts but because it's making them money. And since all tv news is corporate in nature it's worth asking whether the overwhelmingly negative themes are by design since that creates fear and worry which benefits corporations with things for sale. When people are fearful and worried they seek control over their own lives. And the most common way we do that is by buying something.

When I think about the future (as in the next few decades - my own future) I have a very dim impression of it. I worry about a tipping point ahead when the shit hits the fan, but then I remember everything I know about what's going on, and what's likely to be going on in the years ahead has come from corporate tv. So am I simply another victim of fear-mongering corporations trying to get me to buy their products? I really can't say because I have very little direct experience to base any conclusions upon.

All I know is what corporations want me to think.
I've never been to Israel but know a lot about it. How? I watch a lot of tv and documentaries.

I've never been in outer space but know a lot about that. More tv and documentaries.

I've never been a combat soldier ina war but know I wouldn't wanna. More tv and documentaries.

Everything I know, or think I know about various things is because I watch lots of tv, read about an equal amount (albeit from online sources,) but almost none of it is from first-hand experience or observations.

Something to think about when discussing our political ideologies, world views, and opinions on things. Corporations exist solely to make money. They're not making tv shows and documentaries out of the goodness of their hearts but because it's making them money. And since all tv news is corporate in nature it's worth asking whether the overwhelmingly negative themes are by design since that creates fear and worry which benefits corporations with things for sale. When people are fearful and worried they seek control over their own lives. And the most common way we do that is by buying something.

When I think about the future (as in the next few decades - my own future) I have a very dim impression of it. I worry about a tipping point ahead when the shit hits the fan, but then I remember everything I know about what's going on, and what's likely to be going on in the years ahead has come from corporate tv. So am I simply another victim of fear-mongering corporations trying to get me to buy their products? I really can't say because I have very little direct experience to base any conclusions upon.

All I know is what corporations want me to think.

Very true. They may even try to appear liberal on such issues like gay rights and abortions, but that's not what really matters to them.

Could a reporter ever run a piece that was anti oil company or anti corporation? Not if they are sponsors. The biggest corporations own the media and sensor it, not question about it.

If it was liberal it isn't anymore. I don't love Bill Clinton because he gave the GOP too much. He signed Nafta and he signed this: Telecommunications Act of 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deregulated the media and now 7 companies own all the media.

Then we got right wingers on USMB who cry that PBS or NPR are liberal/government sites. God forbid we leave one fucking tv and one radio channel to the public and not let the corporations gobble it up too.

Oh, and the GOP has also recently defunded NPR. Took away some of its government funding.

I also saw the Koch brothers have their paws involved in PBS. Unfucking believable.

Anyways, I won't go on and on. I just laugh when righties call the media liberal. They don't even know that they're being mind fucked.
As you mention consrvatives being duped (paraphrasing) it's just as possible you are as well. I'm as moderate and middle as I can be on things so don't prefer either pov. I think though everything we know or think we know about the Koch brothers fro example is a custom spun web from corporations. Unless you've met them, and spent years talking with them you don't really know anything about them except what some profit-motivated people want you to know. That was my point.
What does General Motors tell you about the planned obsolescence of automobiles?

But if it was possible to put men on the Moon in 1969 then what sense does it make to keep redesigning cars in 2014. The SR-71 Blackbird could do 2000+ mph the year the Ford Mustang was introduced. Did they know something about aerodynamics back then?

If you read between the lines things are obviously weird.

Adults understand that any information must be evaluated not only for what you see and hear, but for the POV of the person (or organization) communicating. What is dangerous (and irritating) is when people and organizations pretend to be objective but are not. Witness N-P-fucking-R.

Fox News does not disguise its political POV and everyone tuned in is aware of it. So when they report that Harry Reid is a scumbag you take it with a grain of salt. Newsweek magazine pretends to be objective but slants every story so badly that many "Conservatives" cannot even read it, over health concerns (HBP).

The New York Times is an excellent newspaper - one of the best - but you can never forget what you are reading and where it comes from.

On a slight tangent, my pet peeve in (mainly) local television coverage is when they quote someone who is clearly an ADVOCATE of one party or side of a discussion, and don't even mention the possibility of bias. For example, they will quote some criminal's ATTORNEY, describing how the State's evidence is all bullshit. Really? I'm shocked!

"...planned obsolescense of automobiles..."? Are you shitting me? Today's cars are immensely better than anything that has ever been mass produced before. Most GM cars (and Chrysler and Ford and Honda and on and on) can be expected to run for at least 200,000 miles without any major component failures.

The statistics on the recent "news-worthy" product recalls PROVE how good the cars are. They are talking about 8 million cars sold with a "defect," that might have killed a dozen people. Do the math.
The first time I realized that corporations were in control of what we learn was years ago, when I was reading the flashy and colorful poster about nutrition on the wall of the grade school cafeteria wall. Down in the lower corner, in very small print, it read, American Dairy Association.

ADA, like the Beef Producers or the Pork, the Other White Meat liars are all cartels of producers who have only one goal - selling their product.

Its no accident that we say, "money talks".

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