“…as my hopes have flown before...”


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
“…as my hopes have flown before...”
Livermore scientists develop CO2 sequestration technique that produces 'supergreen' hydrogen fuel, offsets ocean acidification
…LIVERMORE, Calif. -- Lawrence Livermore scientists have discovered and demonstrated a new technique to remove and store atmospheric carbon dioxide while generating carbon-negative hydrogen and producing alkalinity, which can be used to offset ocean acidification.
The team demonstrated, at a laboratory scale, a system that uses the acidity normally produced in saline water electrolysis to accelerate silicate mineral dissolution while producing hydrogen fuel and other gases. The resulting electrolyte solution was shown to be significantly elevated in hydroxide concentration that in turn proved strongly absorptive and retentive of atmospheric CO2…
…"We not only found a way to remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while producing valuable H2, we also suggest that we can help save marine ecosystems with this new technique," said Greg Rau, an LLNL visiting scientist, senior scientist at UC Santa Cruz and lead author of a paper appearing this week (May 27) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences…
…"When powered by renewable electricity and consuming globally abundant minerals and saline solutions, such systems at scale might provide a relatively efficient, high-capacity means to consume and store excess atmospheric CO2 as environmentally beneficial seawater bicarbonate or carbonate," Rau said. "But the process also would produce a carbon-negative 'super green' fuel or chemical feedstock in the form of hydrogen."
Might be especially effectively coupled to offshore wind, tidal/wave, current, (etc.,) power generation systems. It would offset some of the energy used to sequester CO2 with the generation of H2.
Interesting. Another way to come at the problems facing us.

There is no One Solution to problems as complex as A forced CC, lots of facets, lots of approaches to address those individual aspects.
Hmm how many more posts until the assholes come in here waving their dicks around about how we should stop working on science?

As for the OP I wonder how long until we can replicate in the natural environment what was done in that lab. I'm also more interested in how that can be used to save marine ecosystems. I'll have to google this stuff up.
Hmm how many more posts until the assholes come in here waving their dicks around about how we should stop working on science?

As for the OP I wonder how long until we can replicate in the natural environment what was done in that lab. I'm also more interested in how that can be used to save marine ecosystems. I'll have to google this stuff up.

Real-life application is rarely as tidy and easy as the simplified laboratory trials, but it does demonstrate proof of concept. The primary ecosystems that they discussing saving are the reef systems that seem particularly vulnerable to lowered pH (increased acidity). A part of this process generates a strongly basic (high pH) solution as it binds the CO2 into a solid form and releases H2 from the seawater. The basic solution can be released in areas sensitive to low pH conditions neutralizing some of the acidity and raising the pH.

Here is a link to the full paper:
Direct electrolytic dissolution of silicate minerals for air CO2 mitigation and carbon-negative H2 production

This really isn't my field of expertise, but I can muddle through it well enough to discuss it in a bit more detail if you'd like.

excerpt from paper

A method has been demonstrated at laboratory scale that uses the anolyte acidity normally produced in saline water electrolysis to accelerate silicate mineral dissolution in the course of producing H​
2 and other gases. The resulting electrolyte solution was shown to be signi[FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb][FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb]fi[/FONT][/FONT]cantly elevated in hydroxide concentration, which was, in turn, strongly absorptive and retentive of CO2. When powered by nonfossil electricity and consuming globally abundant minerals and saline solutions, such systems at scale might provide a relatively ef[FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb][FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb]fi[/FONT][/FONT]cient high-capacity means to consume and store excess air CO2 as environmentally bene[FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb][FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb]fi[/FONT][/FONT]cial seawater bicarbonate or carbonate while also producing a carbon-negative [FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+20][FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+20]“[/FONT][/FONT]super green[FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+20][FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+20]” [/FONT][/FONT]fuel or chemical feedstock, H2. Notably, such electrochemical methods avoid the need for inef[FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb][FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb]fi[/FONT][/FONT]cient and costly thermal/mechanical processes required in concentrating CO2 from air and in recycling of reagents, as inherent in most previously described chemical air capture systems (e.g., 13[FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+20][FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+20]–[/FONT][/FONT]17). Use of the produced hydroxide to consume excess ocean CO2 would preclude the need for the equivalent amount of more technically complex direct air CO2 capture and concentration while performing the same net atmospheric CO2 mitigation. Chemical base/alkalinity addition to the ocean would also help neutralize or offset the effects of ocean acidi[FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb][FONT=AdvOT88ac8687+fb]fi[/FONT][/FONT]cation...


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