As of now, TRUMP campaign has 240 pages of sworn affidavits proving voter fraud

(movie trailer guy voice) THE DEAD VOTE...Fox News just broadcast pictures and names of people long dead who cast ballots for Joe Biden. :eusa_think:
How do you LYING assholes know who the votes were for in a SECRET BALLOT!!!!!
You FOOLS are the STUPIDEST idiots on the planet!!!!!
You should be ashamed of yourself, Ed. You're old enough to know that dead Democrats never vote Republican.
Every dead voter I know say they ALWAYS vote GOP.
Buying a poor homeless person a cheap bottle of wine and then having him sign a blank page (to be filled in later) is not evidence, despite the RWNJs' certainty.

WOW, that is Chicago Old School,


Over 450.000 Biden only votes dropped into swing states behind unsupervised closed doors,


"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.

My question is why have trump's lawyers not presented any of this in any of the cases? They have presented ZERO evidence of any fraud and all of their cases have been thrown out of court.

It's very easy to go on TV and lie through your teeth. There are no legal repercussions. '

A person can end up in prison for perjury and lying to a judge and court of law. Which is why none of it has been presented to any judge in any of the cases they have filed and have been quickly thrown out.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.
How do the republicans hang on to power in the senate......gain 11 and counting seats in the house....and win almost every state race going....and the leader of that party loses???? no way this win for Biden is way in hell which is where every cheater at the blue city ballot locations will go.....
100% right. The crooked dems used skewed computer algorithms and ballot box stuffing to give Biden a lead.

That is why the dems are TERRIFIED of recounts.
How do the republicans hang on to power in the senate......gain 11 and counting seats in the house....and win almost every state race going....and the leader of that party loses???? no way this win for Biden is way in hell which is where every cheater at the blue city ballot locations will go.....
100% right. The crooked dems used skewed computer algorithms and ballot box stuffing to give Biden a lead.

That is why the dems are TERRIFIED of recounts.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.

My question is why have trump's lawyers not presented any of this in any of the cases? They have presented ZERO evidence of any fraud and all of their cases have been thrown out of court.

It's very easy to go on TV and lie through your teeth. There are no legal repercussions. '

A person can end up in prison for perjury and lying to a judge and court of law. Which is why none of it has been presented to any judge in any of the cases they have filed and have been quickly thrown out.
You raise an excellent point, which is that those complaints, at best, have a miniscule impact on the vote total.

This is where the rubber meets the road.


"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
False title.

He may have that many affidavits. An affidavit proves nothing.

The title of your post is garbage as is the rest of your post.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when the stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.
Didn't Trump tell his supporters to wait until election day to vote? And if they count the in-person votes first it's not surprising that the initial tallies would show a Trump lead, however 100 million people voted early, Of course the numbers don't fall exactly this way but if you have 40 million in person votes and then 100 million mail-in or early votes, it's not difficult to see how, even if Trump had a significant lead in the beginning of the day, how the addition of another 100 million votes could cause his lead to disappear.

Think of it this way, electoral college votes aside. Of the roughly 40 million in-person votes let's say Trump had 30 and Biden only had 10 then yes that's a significant lead that could cause some people to think Trump had the election in the bag. But if roughly 70 million of the mail-in/early votes went to Biden leaving 30 million to go to Trump who already had 75% of the votes, that would cause Trump's "lead" to begin to vanish and would give Biden the roughly 4 million extra votes he ended up with which caused him to prevail - finally tally being 74 million Biden and 70 Trump

I am aware this isn't how the media portrays the activity of the electoral college but I'm not sure how else to explain it. Trump may very well have had a strong lead early in the day but as more votes were counted and added to the final tally they diluted his lead until Biden eventually overtook him.

The most telling aspect of this whole scenario is that Trump wanted the counting to stop in the states in which he had the lead and wanted it to continue in the ones in which he was behind which is I read supported in the lawsuits he filed. How does one reconcile this inconsistency?
remember when Gore sued and we waited 35 plus days for Florida recount, on a much less obvious scale? Oh the irony lib liars.
The person that is the expert on this in our nation is Dr. Cynthia McKinney. She was a 6 time congress woman, member of the DNC progressive caucus, and member of the congressional black Caucus.

Even she maintains the Deep State has robbed Trump. How does she know? Because they started with her. . . .

These are links to a private lawsuit funded by poll watchers that she led me to. I do not know if it will see court before the vote is verified, but there are sworn exhibits by the former Secretary of State of Michigan.

Complaint with Exhibits

Motion for Temporary Restraining Order

Supplemental Brief for Motion for TRO, Affidavit of Mellissa Carone, Dominion Voting Services Contractor

Reply Brief for Motion for TRO, Affidavit of Ruth Johnson, Former Michigan Secretary of State

(movie trailer guy voice) THE DEAD VOTE...Fox News just broadcast pictures and names of people long dead who cast ballots for Joe Biden. :eusa_think:
How do you LYING assholes know who the votes were for in a SECRET BALLOT!!!!!
You FOOLS are the STUPIDEST idiots on the planet!!!!!

^^^ this fool is triggered by verified voter fraud. Oh wait, are you a dead person who voted for Biden??
I don't know what it is about dying that makes folks start voting Democrat.
djdmmd d.png

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
More evidence of fraud by way of using Covid as a tactic to commit fraud. Sit on the shelf untouched eh ? Why for fear the handlers might get Covid if handled them ?????? If yes, then that links Covid to the fraud, and therefore the election is null and void because it was a plan the whole time to use Covid to cover up for the reasoning to steal the election based upon the Covid. All linking of this entire thing has to be considered, and then placed together as overwhelming evidence upon what the Democrat's have alledgedly done, and what they alledgedly have attempted to do in order to use a pandemic sent over here by it's communist Allie in order to help them take back power in order to oppease certain world powers in which have been made to play more fair by Trump, and in which they hated.

Because the FUCKING STATE LEGISLATURE REPUBLICANS INSISTED they sit around unopened, that's why.

This is common knowledge at this point. Do your friggin' HOMEWORK.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.

Of course it's not only the Democrats (proper name, capitalized) but Rump spent weeks trying to convince his yahoo lemmings that mail-in ballots were untrustworthy (even though they have been used for generations, including by Rump himself), and therefore his brain-dead zombie robots followed his advice and largely didn't do it. Instead they came out ON ELECTION DAY. And those were the votes that were counted FIRST.

Again -- THAT is why, when the mail-ins finally got counted, they tilted heavily to Biden. Because Rump's robots were told not to use them, and being too stupid to think for themselves --- they didn't.

The count was ALWAYS going to run that way. It was expected.

AGAIN, no election anywhere piles up linearly. We get results from one particular place before we get the next particular place. ALL OF THEM COUNT EQUALLY.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when the stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.
Didn't Trump tell his supporters to wait until election day to vote? And if they count the in-person votes first it's not surprising that the initial tallies would show a Trump lead, however 100 million people voted early, Of course the numbers don't fall exactly this way but if you have 40 million in person votes and then 100 million mail-in or early votes, it's not difficult to see how, even if Trump had a significant lead in the beginning of the day, how the addition of another 100 million votes could cause his lead to disappear.

Think of it this way, electoral college votes aside. Of the roughly 40 million in-person votes let's say Trump had 30 and Biden only had 10 then yes that's a significant lead that could cause some people to think Trump had the election in the bag. But if roughly 70 million of the mail-in/early votes went to Biden leaving 30 million to go to Trump who already had 75% of the votes, that would cause Trump's "lead" to begin to vanish and would give Biden the roughly 4 million extra votes he ended up with which caused him to prevail - finally tally being 74 million Biden and 70 Trump

I am aware this isn't how the media portrays the activity of the electoral college but I'm not sure how else to explain it. Trump may very well have had a strong lead early in the day but as more votes were counted and added to the final tally they diluted his lead until Biden eventually overtook him.

The most telling aspect of this whole scenario is that Trump wanted the counting to stop in the states in which he had the lead and wanted it to continue in the ones in which he was behind which is I read supported in the lawsuits he filed. How does one reconcile this inconsistency?
In my opinion even the democrats could have noticed that the election was rigged and yes the Republicans voted less by mail but even CNN did not jump for joy when the hold-up happened the next morning because we also have to explain why the Democrats'mail vote was in coming by mass for Hiden when Trump was well ahead? I’m talking about the remaining 5 states and not the other states before the beginning of the election then everything was going like a normal election.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.

And what do those 240 pages say? When were they publicly released? Which court were they submitted to as evidence?

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when the stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.
Didn't Trump tell his supporters to wait until election day to vote? And if they count the in-person votes first it's not surprising that the initial tallies would show a Trump lead, however 100 million people voted early, Of course the numbers don't fall exactly this way but if you have 40 million in person votes and then 100 million mail-in or early votes, it's not difficult to see how, even if Trump had a significant lead in the beginning of the day, how the addition of another 100 million votes could cause his lead to disappear.

Think of it this way, electoral college votes aside. Of the roughly 40 million in-person votes let's say Trump had 30 and Biden only had 10 then yes that's a significant lead that could cause some people to think Trump had the election in the bag. But if roughly 70 million of the mail-in/early votes went to Biden leaving 30 million to go to Trump who already had 75% of the votes, that would cause Trump's "lead" to begin to vanish and would give Biden the roughly 4 million extra votes he ended up with which caused him to prevail - finally tally being 74 million Biden and 70 Trump

I am aware this isn't how the media portrays the activity of the electoral college but I'm not sure how else to explain it. Trump may very well have had a strong lead early in the day but as more votes were counted and added to the final tally they diluted his lead until Biden eventually overtook him.

The most telling aspect of this whole scenario is that Trump wanted the counting to stop in the states in which he had the lead and wanted it to continue in the ones in which he was behind which is I read supported in the lawsuits he filed. How does one reconcile this inconsistency?
In my opinion even the democrats could have noticed that the election was rigged and yes the Republicans voted less by mail but even CNN did not jump for joy when the hold-up happened the next morning because we also have to explain why the Democrats'mail vote was in coming by mass for Hiden when Trump was well ahead? I’m talking about the remaining 5 states and not the other states before the beginning of the election then everything was going like a normal election.

Trump bashed mail in voting for weeks. Biden encouraged people to vote by mail.

And in what was a shock to NO ONE, less Trump supporters voted by mail than Biden supporters.

Trump fucked himself by talking shit about mail in ballots.

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