As of now, TRUMP campaign has 240 pages of sworn affidavits proving voter fraud

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when the stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.
Didn't Trump tell his supporters to wait until election day to vote? And if they count the in-person votes first it's not surprising that the initial tallies would show a Trump lead, however 100 million people voted early, Of course the numbers don't fall exactly this way but if you have 40 million in person votes and then 100 million mail-in or early votes, it's not difficult to see how, even if Trump had a significant lead in the beginning of the day, how the addition of another 100 million votes could cause his lead to disappear.

Think of it this way, electoral college votes aside. Of the roughly 40 million in-person votes let's say Trump had 30 and Biden only had 10 then yes that's a significant lead that could cause some people to think Trump had the election in the bag. But if roughly 70 million of the mail-in/early votes went to Biden leaving 30 million to go to Trump who already had 75% of the votes, that would cause Trump's "lead" to begin to vanish and would give Biden the roughly 4 million extra votes he ended up with which caused him to prevail - finally tally being 74 million Biden and 70 Trump

I am aware this isn't how the media portrays the activity of the electoral college but I'm not sure how else to explain it. Trump may very well have had a strong lead early in the day but as more votes were counted and added to the final tally they diluted his lead until Biden eventually overtook him.

The most telling aspect of this whole scenario is that Trump wanted the counting to stop in the states in which he had the lead and wanted it to continue in the ones in which he was behind which is I read supported in the lawsuits he filed. How does one reconcile this inconsistency?
In my opinion even the democrats could have noticed that the election was rigged and yes the Republicans voted less by mail but even CNN did not jump for joy when the hold-up happened the next morning because we also have to explain why the Democrats'mail vote was in coming by mass for Hiden when Trump was well ahead? I’m talking about the remaining 5 states and not the other states before the beginning of the election then everything was going like a normal election.

Trump bashed mail in voting for weeks. Biden encouraged people to vote by mail.

And in what was a shock to NO ONE, less Trump supporters voted by mail than Biden supporters.

Trump fucked himself by talking shit about mail in ballots.
That still doesn’t explain why the counting of the vote stop for after having a masses of votes for Hiden when Trump was far ahead?

Says who? What about their counting process was violated?

Remember, you don't actually know shit about what their count is 'supposed' to look like. You don't know how the reporting is 'supposed' to happen. You don't know when they counted, or when they stopped. You know only what they reported.

And you make up a story for everything else.

Alas, your story isn't evidence. When Trump's own attorney's were pressed on the 'fraud' claim that is so common among Trump and his ilk, they had this to say:


The bullshit Trump tells you about 'fraud' in his public rants......and what his lawyers admit to in court are very, very different.

And that why Trump has lost again and again and again.
I’m talking about what I saw during the election live on CNN and for me there was this pause of the count of votes so after for Hiden to come take the hand like a vicious hold-up going on under a table.

View attachment 415894
AGAIN --- there was no "pause in the counting of votes". There were pauses in the REPORTING of the vote count.

Neither CNN nor any other news agency counts the votes. Votes are counted by the local election boards.
Pogo, it means the same thing, come on, there’s was a stop of the counting of votes.


Were you there? At all the local election boards in all 57 states?
I wasn't either.

Nobody at those election boards is "required" to release a report every hour or any other time interval. My own state went several days without reporting any new numbers at all. Meanwhile in places like Philadelphia they worked around the clock doing the counting ----- but that does NOT mean they kept furnishing reports all night, or in any predictable pattern at all. The news media had no idea when the next report would come or from where. And that's how it always works.

What is it that prevents you from accepting the simple fact that Rump and his cronies are LIARS and always have been?
I was not there behind the counting of the votes but I watched the election and you have to be blind not to see that there was fraud with this election when the stop of counting vote started.

There is no fraud. You have to be gullible to buy that line, just because liars put it out there.
If they had evidence, they could show it.
They have not. Because it does not exist.
In fact they have been repeatedly laughed out of court for that reason.
That is how liars work.

You need to understand that Donald Rump has been pulling this mendacious shit for literally all his adult life, before you were born. ESPECIALLY in the courts. He is not to be trusted and never has been. This is something we know about him and have known for a long long time.
I’m talking about the course of the election and its defunction that I saw because Trump was stock at 213 and he had a good lead over Hiden but after a simple count we saw that in the end Hiden would have had 270 right on the target to win the election when the counting vote stopped , I felt it coming when the suspense started and we all sadly know all of this no sense finish.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.
you are one of the most gullible idiots on this board, and you have really tough competition.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
if nothing suspescious, then let both sides be there for the counting.


"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.
you are one of the most gullible idiots on this board, and you have really tough competition.
I think nothing of you who comes to insult the member for no reason if you have nothing else to say but to spit your venom go see somewhere else.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.
you are one of the most gullible idiots on this board, and you have really tough competition.
I think nothing of you who comes to insult the member for no reason if you have nothing else to say but to spit your venom go see somewhere else.
my post was completely on topic, retarded snowflake, which is your gullibility. you are taken for an idiot, because you are an idiot. i have not seen one post of yours that demonstrated independent thought. a bot could provide your input.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.
you are one of the most gullible idiots on this board, and you have really tough competition.
I think nothing of you who comes to insult the member for no reason if you have nothing else to say but to spit your venom go see somewhere else.
my post was completely on topic, retarded snowflake, which is your gullibility. you are taken for an idiot, because you are an idiot. i have not seen one post of yours that demonstrated independent thought. a bot could provide your input.
Saying insults has nothing to do with the thread and you know it very well .

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
if nothing suspescious, then let both sides be there for the counting.

Yes, because it was reported in certain places of the counting of votes that the Republicans could not monitor the counting of votes

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.
you are one of the most gullible idiots on this board, and you have really tough competition.
I think nothing of you who comes to insult the member for no reason if you have nothing else to say but to spit your venom go see somewhere else.
my post was completely on topic, retarded snowflake, which is your gullibility. you are taken for an idiot, because you are an idiot. i have not seen one post of yours that demonstrated independent thought. a bot could provide your input.
Saying insults has nothing to do with the thread and you know it very well .
the gullibility and idiocy rampant on this board and exemplified i.a. by you is at the root of all this conspiracy bullshit regarding alleged voter fraud. you twats need to grow up.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.
you are one of the most gullible idiots on this board, and you have really tough competition.
I think nothing of you who comes to insult the member for no reason if you have nothing else to say but to spit your venom go see somewhere else.
my post was completely on topic, retarded snowflake, which is your gullibility. you are taken for an idiot, because you are an idiot. i have not seen one post of yours that demonstrated independent thought. a bot could provide your input.
Saying insults has nothing to do with the thread and you know it very well .
the gullibility and idiocy rampant on this board and exemplified i.a. by you is at the root of all this conspiracy bullshit regarding alleged voter fraud. you twats need to grow up.

Pitt and Philly wouldn’t let Republican representatives in to watch the 700k ballots they counted late at night. That should be fishy even to TDS folks. GA doesn’t want any part of verifying signatures on mail-in ballots. Stacey Abrams and a never-Trumper governor saw to that.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
I don’t let anyone influence me, I analyze and it was far too obvious that there was some scheming going on , this way they want us to swallow the pill, come on, it’s not only the democrats who voted by mail we are really taken for idiots.
you are one of the most gullible idiots on this board, and you have really tough competition.
I think nothing of you who comes to insult the member for no reason if you have nothing else to say but to spit your venom go see somewhere else.
my post was completely on topic, retarded snowflake, which is your gullibility. you are taken for an idiot, because you are an idiot. i have not seen one post of yours that demonstrated independent thought. a bot could provide your input.
Saying insults has nothing to do with the thread and you know it very well .
the gullibility and idiocy rampant on this board and exemplified i.a. by you is at the root of all this conspiracy bullshit regarding alleged voter fraud. you twats need to grow up.

Pitt and Philly wouldn’t let Republican representatives in to watch the 700k ballots they counted late at night. That should be fishy even to TDS folks. GA doesn’t want any part of verifying signatures on mail-in ballots. Stacey Abrams and a never-Trumper governor saw to that.
thx 4 regurgitating a lying giuliani tweet. grow up.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
Which is untrue
Buying a poor homeless person a cheap bottle of wine and then having him sign a blank page (to be filled in later) is not evidence, despite the RWNJs' certainty.

WOW, that is Chicago Old School,


Over 450.000 Biden only votes dropped into swing states behind unsupervised closed doors,

That guy don't know Jack.
today there will be a hearing in the PA lawsuit. yesterday evening they replaced the previous attorney with a new one.

"Meanwhile, the Trump campaign switched up its lawyers in the case Monday evening. Exiting is Linda Kerns, a Philadelphia lawyer who has handled a number of lawsuits for the campaign. Replacing her is Marc Scaringi, a Harrisburg-area lawyer who volunteered on Trump’s 2016 campaign, is a conservative activist who hosts a radio talk show and ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate in 2012. "

scaringi has a website, where he admits that biden won the election, LOL

Yes, because it was reported in certain places of the counting of votes that the Republicans could not monitor the counting of votes
That GOSSIP has been proven to be a LIE ages ago. But it speaks to your incredible GULLIBILITY to mindlessly PARROT it on this public forum!!!!!
Last edited:

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when the stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.
Didn't Trump tell his supporters to wait until election day to vote? And if they count the in-person votes first it's not surprising that the initial tallies would show a Trump lead, however 100 million people voted early, Of course the numbers don't fall exactly this way but if you have 40 million in person votes and then 100 million mail-in or early votes, it's not difficult to see how, even if Trump had a significant lead in the beginning of the day, how the addition of another 100 million votes could cause his lead to disappear.

Think of it this way, electoral college votes aside. Of the roughly 40 million in-person votes let's say Trump had 30 and Biden only had 10 then yes that's a significant lead that could cause some people to think Trump had the election in the bag. But if roughly 70 million of the mail-in/early votes went to Biden leaving 30 million to go to Trump who already had 75% of the votes, that would cause Trump's "lead" to begin to vanish and would give Biden the roughly 4 million extra votes he ended up with which caused him to prevail - finally tally being 74 million Biden and 70 Trump

I am aware this isn't how the media portrays the activity of the electoral college but I'm not sure how else to explain it. Trump may very well have had a strong lead early in the day but as more votes were counted and added to the final tally they diluted his lead until Biden eventually overtook him.

The most telling aspect of this whole scenario is that Trump wanted the counting to stop in the states in which he had the lead and wanted it to continue in the ones in which he was behind which is I read supported in the lawsuits he filed. How does one reconcile this inconsistency?
In my opinion even the democrats could have noticed that the election was rigged and yes the Republicans voted less by mail but even CNN did not jump for joy when the hold-up happened the next morning because we also have to explain why the Democrats'mail vote was in coming by mass for Hiden when Trump was well ahead? I’m talking about the remaining 5 states and not the other states before the beginning of the election then everything was going like a normal election.

Trump bashed mail in voting for weeks. Biden encouraged people to vote by mail.

And in what was a shock to NO ONE, less Trump supporters voted by mail than Biden supporters.

Trump fucked himself by talking shit about mail in ballots.
That still doesn’t explain why the counting of the vote stop for after having a masses of votes for Hiden when Trump was far ahead?

Says who? What about their counting process was violated?

Remember, you don't actually know shit about what their count is 'supposed' to look like. You don't know how the reporting is 'supposed' to happen. You don't know when they counted, or when they stopped. You know only what they reported.

And you make up a story for everything else.

Alas, your story isn't evidence. When Trump's own attorney's were pressed on the 'fraud' claim that is so common among Trump and his ilk, they had this to say:


The bullshit Trump tells you about 'fraud' in his public rants......and what his lawyers admit to in court are very, very different.

And that why Trump has lost again and again and again.
I’m talking about what I saw during the election live on CNN and for me there was this pause of the count of votes so after for Hiden to come take the hand like a vicious hold-up going on under a table.

View attachment 415894
AGAIN --- there was no "pause in the counting of votes". There were pauses in the REPORTING of the vote count.

Neither CNN nor any other news agency counts the votes. Votes are counted by the local election boards.
Pogo, it means the same thing, come on, there’s was a stop of the counting of votes.


Were you there? At all the local election boards in all 57 states?
I wasn't either.

Nobody at those election boards is "required" to release a report every hour or any other time interval. My own state went several days without reporting any new numbers at all. Meanwhile in places like Philadelphia they worked around the clock doing the counting ----- but that does NOT mean they kept furnishing reports all night, or in any predictable pattern at all. The news media had no idea when the next report would come or from where. And that's how it always works.

What is it that prevents you from accepting the simple fact that Rump and his cronies are LIARS and always have been?
I was not there behind the counting of the votes but I watched the election and you have to be blind not to see that there was fraud with this election when the stop of counting vote started.

There is no fraud. You have to be gullible to buy that line, just because liars put it out there.
If they had evidence, they could show it.
They have not. Because it does not exist.
In fact they have been repeatedly laughed out of court for that reason.
That is how liars work.

You need to understand that Donald Rump has been pulling this mendacious shit for literally all his adult life, before you were born. ESPECIALLY in the courts. He is not to be trusted and never has been. This is something we know about him and have known for a long long time.
I’m talking about the course of the election and its defunction that I saw because Trump was stock at 213 and he had a good lead over Hiden but after a simple count we saw that in the end Hiden would have had 270 right on the target to win the election when the counting vote stopped , I felt it coming when the suspense started and we all sadly know all of this no sense finish.



"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
if nothing suspescious, then let both sides be there for the counting.

Yes, because it was reported in certain places of the counting of votes that the Republicans could not monitor the counting of votes

What did I already tell you about LIARS?

That particular lie was taken to court, where they were forced to admit it was a lie. Specifically they said there was a "nonzero number" of observers in the room.


And we already told you about this.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
if nothing suspescious, then let both sides be there for the counting.

Yes, because it was reported in certain places of the counting of votes that the Republicans could not monitor the counting of votes

Once again AGAIN ---

That "report" was bullshit. It was bullshit during the counting; it was bullshit when it was "reported"; it's still bullshit right now, and at this exact time tomorrow, and forevermore .... IT WILL STILL BE BULLSHIT.

Just because some hack LIES about something, doesn't make it real. Dites pas ces bêtises.

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
if nothing suspescious, then let both sides be there for the counting.

Yes, because it was reported in certain places of the counting of votes that the Republicans could not monitor the counting of votes

Once again AGAIN ---

That "report" was bullshit. It was bullshit during the counting; it was bullshit when it was "reported"; it's still bullshit right now, and at this exact time tomorrow, and forevermore .... IT WILL STILL BE BULLSHIT.

Just because some hack LIES about something, doesn't make it real. Dites pas ces bêtises.

So why did a PA appellate court issue an order to allow the canvassing of ballots in PA on 11/5? Why would that have been necessary if they were allowed access on election night?

"You had 687,000 ballots without poll watchers"

The DEMOCRATS have ILLEGALLY prevented multiple Republican poll workers from observing ballots being counted.

, Because of the Democratic Party's Criminal Obstruction of Legal Poll Watchers, MASSIVE FRAUD became viable. This is clearly shown with Thousands of Biden only votes.
For me there was fraud mainly because of the unfolding of the election Trump had 5 states ahead and right after the counting to stop for Biden comes slowly take all the lead and even the democrats began to be afraid of Trump’s lead and this is when the fraud started right after.

No, no and no.
The COUNTING had higher numbers for Rump only because the election day ballots got counted first. Once the mailed-in ballots were counted, much later, the totals rebalanced.

That ain't "fraud". That's the most COVID-infected country on earth taking measures for public safety.
Did you not know that some states, including Pennsylvania, mandated that those mail-in ballots could not be counted or opened for weeks before election day, and that they had to sit on the shelf untouched? *THAT* is why they weren't counted until late. But they count.
The beginning of the election looked in every way like that of 2016 Trump had a good lead at least it was un déjà vu that broke away when stop of the counting of votes happen and wow the mass filling of votes for Biden all this is suspicious.

Once AGAIN there is nothing "suspicious" about it. Two different types of votes were cast, one mailed in well before the election and the other in person on election day. The latter was counted first, which is what you saw in the early count, which is *NEVER* an indicator of the final result. The mail-in vote, which BY LAW had to sit untouched, was then counted and added in.

Since Rump went out of his way to denigrate the mail vote and sabotage it every way he could think of, his voters mostly DID NOT USE THAT METHOD. They stood in line on election day. THAT is what you saw in the early count. Once that was counted, THEN the mail votes started to be counted, which were heavily Biden votes. And THAT is why the totals changed.

Vote counts do not work like a football game. You get a count from wherever you get it, whenever you get it.

Dalia you have to recognize that Rump, and his sycophants here, are LYING TO YOU. And they're doing so deliberately.
if nothing suspescious, then let both sides be there for the counting.

Yes, because it was reported in certain places of the counting of votes that the Republicans could not monitor the counting of votes

Once again AGAIN ---

That "report" was bullshit. It was bullshit during the counting; it was bullshit when it was "reported"; it's still bullshit right now, and at this exact time tomorrow, and forevermore .... IT WILL STILL BE BULLSHIT.

Just because some hack LIES about something, doesn't make it real. Dites pas ces bêtises.
Link please.

Or you are that "hack"

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