As the Right Tries to Exploit Mollie Tibbetts’ Death, Her Family Says Stop

President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

The issue affects everyone. Mollie and (some) of her family are rabid liberals and open border freaks. Illegals rape and kill left wing liberals as well as true Americans. It's pretty telling when you lefties don't even care about the left wingers that take it for the cause.
So, the dumbass Trumpsters are having a meltdown because some "illegal" murdered a young woman. They blame border policy for allowing this man to come into our country & eventually commit murder. If he had come here legally 7 years earlier, would he have still committed that murder?

Yet they fight the policies that put an AR-15 in the hands of a young man who slaughtered children at Sandy Hook.
The Trump supporters did not give a rat's ass. An assault weapon ban would have prevented this. But these murders were evidently OK to the Trumpettes.

The exact same bunch of morons cheered when Trumnp's environmental policies about coal generation plants will kill & sicken hundreds of Americans. Trumps actions will have done this.

Keeping the insane in mental hospitals and thugs in prison would prevent most of the madness with gun violence. Yes, we have enough of our own killers, so we don't need to import third world trash and their rapists and murderers too.
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

It's not like the pull first graders out of class to go protest or shout down people at universities who don't see things their way or censor them on Facebook, Youtube, etc.
Why The Right Needs To Stop Politicizing Mollie Tibbetts' Death

“It shouldn't come as a surprise that the Trump administration and its allies are peddling the myth of the criminal immigrant as a way to accumulate political points. This is exactly what President Trump did the day he announced his campaign by calling Mexicans criminals and rapists.

The idea that immigrants, but particularly undocumented folks, are hardened criminals has been debunked over and over again.”

Of course, most on the right don’t care about the facts; all they care about is propagating their lies about immigrants.
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.
The story you cited is a politicization itself, hypocrite.

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