As the Right Tries to Exploit Mollie Tibbetts’ Death, Her Family Says Stop

feck the Tibbits family wishes on this situation . This issue is more than their families private concern Clayton .
Of course it is to you people. Just like you used Seth Richard’s death. You don’t care about the people, just your agenda.
^^ does anyone actually believe lefties. care about Seth Rich? Raise your hand.

They can't even get his name right.
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

The families of some of the Sandy Hook children have had to ask for the conservatives to stop exploiting them.

The family of the Seth Rich had to ask for the conservatives to stop exploiting his dead and lying about his death. In fact alex jones is being sued by the family to get him to stop lying about his death.

Conservatives don't care even when they're asked by the families for them to stop. They have no sense of decency.
i don't think that it is illegal for people to say whatever they want about the public events that any of these people you mentioned were involved in Dana .
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fech these families that think that they have a RIGHT to stifle or stop FREE Speech about a public event Dana . --------------------------------------- in Mollies case for example , an illegal alien 'mexican' murdered Molly , heard that its been reported that he used knives . Nothing to be stopped as Far as that truthful Free Speech is concerned Dana . imo !!
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

The families of some of the Sandy Hook children have had to ask for the conservatives to stop exploiting them.

The family of the Seth Rich had to ask for the conservatives to stop exploiting his dead and lying about his death. In fact alex jones is being sued by the family to get him to stop lying about his death.

Conservatives don't care even when they're asked by the families for them to stop. They have no sense of decency.
EXPLOITING , EXPLOITING and Exploitation is a matter of OPINION and views on exploitation differ depending on the Case Dana .
From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.
We the people have no obligation silence ourselves for her family members. They don't have to go online and read what people are saying unless they want to.
I find it to be no surprise whatsoever that Trump desired to make the murder of Mollie Tibbetts all about an immigration issue, merely for the attempt to score political points.

Trump continues DAILY to demonstrate to all Americans, and to the world, that Trump is all about Trump.
What a petty & poor excuse for a leader of our nation Trump is.
I find it to be no surprise whatsoever that Trump desired to make the murder of Mollie Tibbetts all about an immigration issue, merely for the attempt to score political points.

Trump continues DAILY to demonstrate to all Americans, and to the world, that Trump is all about Trump.
What a petty & poor excuse for a leader of our nation Trump is.

It's not "all about" illegal immigration, but it absolutely plays a big role in this murder.
TRUMP is doing the best he can to preserve a recognizable America , If the 'mexican' hadn't been in the USA and murdered Molly she would be going to School from what i hear Caddo .
TRUMP is doing the best he can to preserve a recognizable America , If the 'mexican' hadn't been in the USA and murdered Molly she would be going to School from what i hear Caddo .

what exactly does a, "recognizable America" mean?
I'm sure it means different things to different people but what is your inference?
an America full of Americans . I am only concerned with what a recognizable America means to ME and The TRUMP since i think that TRUMP and i share the same values Caddo .
C.C.J. thinks open borders would solve the whole problem. He wants illegals for neighbors and marry into the family.
Who is for open borders? You fricken feeble minded Trumpettes keep screaming this so to whom are you referring.

I've been to the border. There were checkpoints & fences & border patrols.
We will keep talking about how the Dems have let killers into the country.

Obama increased border patrols & border security & deported more than Bush.

So quit blaming Democrats.

How many crossed the border while El Dumpster was going after children?
to me open borders means YOU guys that want any immigration into the USA You guys are deceitful and just like Gun control once you get a little you want more RDave .
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.
Screw what her family thinks --- these illegals need to be shipped out of here and any murder that can help demonize these folks the way they deserve is worth it...
So, the dumbass Trumpsters are having a meltdown because some "illegal" murdered a young woman. They blame border policy for allowing this man to come into our country & eventually commit murder. If he had come here legally 7 years earlier, would he have still committed that murder?

Yet they fight the policies that put an AR-15 in the hands of a young man who slaughtered children at Sandy Hook.
The Trump supporters did not give a rat's ass. An assault weapon ban would have prevented this. But these murders were evidently OK to the Trumpettes.

The exact same bunch of morons cheered when Trumnp's environmental policies about coal generation plants will kill & sicken hundreds of Americans. Trumps actions will have done this.
to me open borders means YOU guys that want any immigration into the USA You guys are deceitful and just like Gun control once you get a little you want more RDave .

So, now you resort to lying.

We want legal immigration. We want a fair policy.

Trump imports labor every year.

Are you sure they all went back after they left their jobs?

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