As the Right Tries to Exploit Mollie Tibbetts’ Death, Her Family Says Stop

President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.
and democrats dont do this shit too right jones?.....some day jones you might want to take your head out of your ass,if thats possible...
You beat me to it Harry. We all remember Obama and Holder bringing the full force of the President and the AG into Ferguson when the "Gentle Giant" was killed by a Cop.
feck the Tibbits family wishes on this situation . This issue is more than their families private concern Clayton .
Of course it is to you people. Just like you used Seth Richard’s death. You don’t care about the people, just your agenda.
--------------------------------- correct and sure , when a guy like me has an issue , well , might as well take advantage of it Coyote . You sensitive and caring 'ilk:afro:' can snivel , whine and cry and its ok with me . Molly is dead at the hands of a third world mexican invader so might as well shout that news from the Rooftops Coyote .
I thought the left was outraged about childern being separated from their parents guess it depends on the child and how they are separated.
When they are dead you can't reunite them.
If you deport people who break our immigration laws maybe some of these people wouldn't be dead now and we dam sure know if a border patrol agent killed the child of someone trying to enter the country illegally the left would try and exploit that 24/7.
I thought the left was outraged about childern being separated from their parents guess it depends on the child and how they are separated.
When they are dead you can't reunite them.
If you deport people who break our immigration laws maybe some of these people wouldn't be dead now and we dam sure know if a border patrol agent killed the child of someone trying to enter the country illegally the left would try and exploit that 24/7.
I fully support the effort to deport people who are here illegally.
feck the Tibbits family wishes on this situation . This issue is more than their families private concern Clayton .
How many murders have their been? How many by illegals? How many could have been stopped with a slightly faster roll out of trumps wet blanket immigration plan? Seems like you guys are just hyping this up to be a mascot. People die. Lots of murders happen every year. Because two are at the hands of someones that shouldnt be here, that doesn't mean we should go foaming mouth crazy. Tons of people are dieing from unjust causes and you guys are focusing on this one becaus either suits your agenda and it will help get votes in the midterm.
libs cry about parents being seperated at border from their children, yet support strongly btw killing A MILLION babies every year.
libs cry about parents being seperated at border from their children, yet support strongly btw killing A MILLION babies every year.
If you know someone who is killing babies you really need to do something about it. Why don`t you call the police?
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

Hey Jones...I remember you were one of the vocal ones after the FL school shooting....standing on the bodies of dead children spewing your anti gun venom.

Ya hypocritical son of a and anyone else screaming Mollie's death is being used politically....and I'm going to call each of you out when you do it.

Now run away're a nothing on here
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.
So it's ok for you vile fucking leftist to exploit tragedies, but it's not ok for normal humans to want you to stop letting criminals into our country.

try not to be surprised when you end up in hell.
Bottom line that pwns the goofy sentiment by the OP....stuff like this, while tragic, keeps white voters who love their country good and pissed off. They remember shit like this on election day and love to deliver the bumpy cucumber to the hate America types.:113:. It's a dynamic that didnt exist even 10 years ago. We can thank the identity driven politics left for that!:flirtysmile4:
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.
Just like Al Sharpton who uses death to advance his racist cause.
feck the Tibbits family wishes on this situation . This issue is more than their families private concern Clayton .
How many murders have their been? How many by illegals? How many could have been stopped with a slightly faster roll out of trumps wet blanket immigration plan? Seems like you guys are just hyping this up to be a mascot. People die. Lots of murders happen every year. Because two are at the hands of someones that shouldnt be here, that doesn't mean we should go foaming mouth crazy. Tons of people are dieing from unjust causes and you guys are focusing on this one becaus either suits your agenda and it will help get votes in the midterm.
------------------------------------------ to me this Molly issues is simply something to be taken advantage of . Hey a 'mexican' illegal alien killed Molly and that should be advertised very widely . And further more , legal or illegal alien importeds or immigrants doesn't matter to ME . They are ALL the same , see the Boston bombers that bombed Boston as one example . They were LEGAL Imports or legal immigrants weren't they ?? Same for the 'muslim' husband and wife murder team in San Bernadino California i think . I say , stop all importation / immigration of all people of all types into the USA Grainbely . [just saying for the record GBely ]
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

Mollie should not have died. What part of this is confusing to you?
Why isn`t this murder getting coast to coast coverage? Do killers get a free pass if they`re white and were born here?

Because there is not wide spread political movement supporting policies that led to that murder.

This has been explained to libs on this site hundreds of times.

Are you stupid, or just playing propaganda games?

Rhetorical question. We both know the answer.

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