As the Right Tries to Exploit Mollie Tibbetts’ Death, Her Family Says Stop

Why isn`t this murder getting coast to coast coverage? Do killers get a free pass if they`re white and were born here?

Because there is not wide spread political movement supporting policies that led to that murder.

This has been explained to libs on this site hundreds of times.

Are you stupid, or just playing propaganda games?

Rhetorical question. We both know the answer.

Not a matter of intelligence with these people....its an issue with the thought processing. Most folks dont get the difference but it's very real. Distinct inability to think on the margin.....fascinating to me.
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.
and democrats dont do this shit too right jones?.....some day jones you might want to take your head out of your ass,if thats possible...
You beat me to it Harry. We all remember Obama and Holder bringing the full force of the President and the AG into Ferguson when the "Gentle Giant" was killed by a Cop. jones fantasy world the democrats never politicize a tragedy to try and one up the other guys....but then thats the way dipshits see the world....
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

There are other people out there we would like to keep pointing out that their daughter was murdered because the democrats refuse to take control of illegal immigration is important and necessary to save more doofus.
Keeping the events surrounding Mollies death in the public memory is as much about stopping the next Murder of one of our children, than it is about Mollie herself. Mollies fate was sealed when we allowed the events of Sarah Roots death to fade away.

Their fates were sealed when we allowed the fate of many others to fade into background clutter.
and then there is Sarah Root , i have no info on her but he Mother was on FOX TV and briefly stated that Sarah was killed one way or the other by another illegal alien that is or was in the USA .
and then there is Sarah Root , i have no info on her but he Mother was on FOX TV and briefly stated that Sarah was killed one way or the other by another illegal alien that is or was in the USA .

Sarah's story and many more that were killed illegals, many deported several times, can be found here:

Serious Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens |

I had the honor of meeting and talking with Scott Root, Sarah's father at an event honoring his daughters short life. I never want to go through the pain that he feels.
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

An Aunt and a distant cousin? What do the immediate family members say?
Conservative family values on full display. "Fuck em"

How about the author of this article being disingenuous passing off more distant relations in the tile as more closely related relatives?

When one says "family" in something like this, you think of parents, grandparents,siblings, and a more unified message.

Not one Aunt and a distant cousin.
Mollie Tibbetts will be the poster girl for what is wrong with the Democrats stupid and destructive zeal to import the illegals.

She was murdered by one of Obama's "Dreamers" and the filthy Democrats need to be held accountable for being such assholes.
President Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem to be convinced there is political gold in the tragic death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts — and they began mining for it as soon as her accused killer was identified as a Mexican immigrant.
But the GOP narrative is getting some pushback from some members of Tibbetts' family. Billie Jo Calderwood, who has been widely reported to be the Mollie Tibbett's aunt, posted her dismay on Facebook.

"Please remember Evil comes in EVERY color," she wrote in a post that has since been made private. "Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by friends from all different nations and races."

Sam Lucas, a distant cousin of the slain college student, was outraged by tweets from conservative commentator Candace Owens, which she said vilified immigrants and fired back with some choice words of her own on Twitter.

"I was just like, 'Holy cow, my family just lost a member and this is the immediate response,' " Lucas told The Washington Post.

From conservatives, yes – who see an opportunity to exploit her tragic death in an effort to advance their hateful, bigoted anti-immigration agenda.

One wonders what Mollie Tibbett's immediate family thinks of the "distant cousin" who's decided to jump into this fray by accusing the right of "exploiting" this tragedy. The list of Americans who have been harmed by illegal aliens continues to grow by the day but liberals like Elizabeth Warren ignore that pain and choose to focus on kids being separated from their parents. Gee, many of those parents will never get to see their child again? Mollie Tibbets parents can't be reunited with their daughter because someone who shouldn't have been in the country MURDERED HER!
Conservative family values on full display. "Fuck em"

How about the author of this article being disingenuous passing off more distant relations in the tile as more closely related relatives?

When one says "family" in something like this, you think of parents, grandparents,siblings, and a more unified message.

Not one Aunt and a distant cousin.
That's why this is called fake news.
I feel absolutely awful for this family, but it's very important to point out that this cretin who killed her, should have never been here in the first place.

It's unfortunate that people like the OP, have no problem with illegals running rampant in this country.

Maybe if every American would demand enforcement of our immigration laws, the illegals that are here would start being more concerned about following all of our laws.

Thanks to the American left who work so hard to enable illegals, many are not concerned about following our laws.
Conservative family values on full display. "Fuck em"

How about the author of this article being disingenuous passing off more distant relations in the tile as more closely related relatives?

When one says "family" in something like this, you think of parents, grandparents,siblings, and a more unified message.

Not one Aunt and a distant cousin.
In times like these I think the immediate family is in shock and grieving for their loss and it is not unusual for relatives to speak out instead.

I personally find the politicized reaction callous and distasteful, but that is just me. Carry on.
Conservative family values on full display. "Fuck em"

How about the author of this article being disingenuous passing off more distant relations in the tile as more closely related relatives?

When one says "family" in something like this, you think of parents, grandparents,siblings, and a more unified message.

Not one Aunt and a distant cousin.
In times like these I think the immediate family is in shock and grieving for their loss and it is not unusual for relatives to speak out instead.

I personally find the politicized reaction callous and distasteful, but that is just me. Carry on.

Both sides do it. You don't think the whole "you separated the chiiillldreennnn from the faaaamilliiies!!!": screed about illegals crossing the border wasn't the same thing?
Conservative family values on full display. "Fuck em"

How about the author of this article being disingenuous passing off more distant relations in the tile as more closely related relatives?

When one says "family" in something like this, you think of parents, grandparents,siblings, and a more unified message.

Not one Aunt and a distant cousin.
In times like these I think the immediate family is in shock and grieving for their loss and it is not unusual for relatives to speak out instead.

I personally find the politicized reaction callous and distasteful, but that is just me. Carry on.

Both sides do it. You don't think the whole "you separated the chiiillldreennnn from the faaaamilliiies!!!": screed about illegals crossing the border wasn't the same thing?
I don't care how you justify it. I mean, you are just saying that you are no different than the liberals you rail against. Congrats.
Conservative family values on full display. "Fuck em"

How about the author of this article being disingenuous passing off more distant relations in the tile as more closely related relatives?

When one says "family" in something like this, you think of parents, grandparents,siblings, and a more unified message.

Not one Aunt and a distant cousin.
In times like these I think the immediate family is in shock and grieving for their loss and it is not unusual for relatives to speak out instead.

I personally find the politicized reaction callous and distasteful, but that is just me. Carry on.

Both sides do it. You don't think the whole "you separated the chiiillldreennnn from the faaaamilliiies!!!": screed about illegals crossing the border wasn't the same thing?
I don't care how you justify it. I mean, you are just saying that you are no different than the liberals you rail against. Congrats.

I am very different.

I am right.
Conservative family values on full display. "Fuck em"

How about the author of this article being disingenuous passing off more distant relations in the tile as more closely related relatives?

When one says "family" in something like this, you think of parents, grandparents,siblings, and a more unified message.

Not one Aunt and a distant cousin.
In times like these I think the immediate family is in shock and grieving for their loss and it is not unusual for relatives to speak out instead.

I personally find the politicized reaction callous and distasteful, but that is just me. Carry on.

Both sides do it. You don't think the whole "you separated the chiiillldreennnn from the faaaamilliiies!!!": screed about illegals crossing the border wasn't the same thing?
Actually I think there are maby people truly upset at the unecessary abd brutal seperation of families. I think it is also possible to be uoset at a senseless murder with out taking it out on all illegal immigrants.

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