As the U.S. becomes ‘browner’ and ‘gayer’ are we becoming better? Dems, what do you have in mind for America’s future?

Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618
No one cares about your retarded opinion if it never matured past the 8th grade. Real men don’t care about people being gay or brown. Real men focus on their own lives.

We aren't really talking about skin color and or sexual preference...Dig down Billy....we're talking about the behavioral traits that obviously accompany skin color and sexual preference. Think critically once.
No, see this is just you being a moron. How about you let the grown ups talk, k pumpkin?

Your inability to support your position...

to even clearly state your position is clear to all.
What behavior from gay people concerns you? Don’t say gay pride parades because that shit is a tired complaint from you idiots especially since the large majority of gay people don’t even participate in them.

The question is not my concerns. The question is, is the change we see making America a better place.

Some shocking numbers have been presented.

You seem to support the "gaying" of America.

Yet, you have not answered the question.

Do you believe that the "gaying" of American is making America a better place and if so, why?

Bonus points if you can refute or outweigh some of the shocking numbers presented so far.
The “gaying” of America. How the fuck do you even define that? What numbers?

Define it how you want to and then answer the question.

YOur fear of answering the question, makes it seem that you know that this change is for the worse and are afraid to admit it.
Lol there is no “gaying of America”. What are you 14 years old?

Got it. So the changes are NOT for the better in your opinion.
Lol are you too fucking dense to even explain with specifics what you’re taking about?
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618

Way to go!

Outed yourself as a maga chud.
The racist, bigoted, hateful right is the true threat to America's future
Dangerous, but they are on the wrong side of America's trajectory

Yep, those builders of this nation, ole productive, law abiding whitey must turn their nation over to the trash of the world...OR ELSE!
Our founding fathers never lived up to their lofty words of equality.

Does anyone really life up to their ideals perfectly?

So, you want to make your case that these changes are for the "better"?

Or are you just here to smear our Founding Fathers?
All men are created equal....start with that one.

So, you admit that you cannot even try to argue that these changes are for the better. Got it.
You don't get shit.

You should stop boasting about trying.

Own your unwise, unamerican filth and admit simply can't reconcile positions rooted in FEELZ. We all know that logic and reason must give way to FEELLZ for you whacks.
Is there a point that you're trying unsuccessfully to make here.
Just exposing ignorant fools and the Democrat agenda that's all.
It is not in the best interest of Democrats to assist in improving America...they could never win if America was predominantly comprised of good, decent, legitimate people.
Do you mean like the thugs who violated the capitol on Jan 6?

You sir are an ignorant ass.

LefTard Logic:


Not Thugs-

Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent and even half sane takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618
No one cares about your retarded opinion if it never matured past the 8th grade. Real men don’t care about people being gay or brown. Real men focus on their own lives.

We aren't really talking about skin color and or sexual preference...Dig down Billy....we're talking about the behavioral traits that obviously accompany skin color and sexual preference. Think critically once.
No, see this is just you being a moron. How about you let the grown ups talk, k pumpkin?

Your inability to support your position...

to even clearly state your position is clear to all.
What behavior from gay people concerns you? Don’t say gay pride parades because that shit is a tired complaint from you idiots especially since the large majority of gay people don’t even participate in them.

The question is not my concerns. The question is, is the change we see making America a better place.

Some shocking numbers have been presented.

You seem to support the "gaying" of America.

Yet, you have not answered the question.

Do you believe that the "gaying" of American is making America a better place and if so, why?

Bonus points if you can refute or outweigh some of the shocking numbers presented so far.
The “gaying” of America. How the fuck do you even define that? What numbers?

Define it how you want to and then answer the question.

YOur fear of answering the question, makes it seem that you know that this change is for the worse and are afraid to admit it.
Lol there is no “gaying of America”. What are you 14 years old?

Got it. So the changes are NOT for the better in your opinion.
Lol are you too fucking dense to even explain with specifics what you’re taking about?
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618

Way to go!

Outed yourself as a maga chud.
The racist, bigoted, hateful right is the true threat to America's future
Dangerous, but they are on the wrong side of America's trajectory

Yep, those builders of this nation, ole productive, law abiding whitey must turn their nation over to the trash of the world...OR ELSE!
Our founding fathers never lived up to their lofty words of equality.

Does anyone really life up to their ideals perfectly?

So, you want to make your case that these changes are for the "better"?

Or are you just here to smear our Founding Fathers?
All men are created equal....start with that one.

So, you admit that you cannot even try to argue that these changes are for the better. Got it.
You don't get shit.

You should stop boasting about trying.

Own your unwise, unamerican filth and admit simply can't reconcile positions rooted in FEELZ. We all know that logic and reason must give way to FEELLZ for you whacks.
Is there a point that you're trying unsuccessfully to make here.
Just exposing ignorant fools and the Democrat agenda that's all.
It is not in the best interest of Democrats to assist in improving America...they could never win if America was predominantly comprised of good, decent, legitimate people.
You have only exposed your limited intelligence and racial bias.
I've taken my opinion out of the equation by showing you facts and statistics...Time for you to do the Get beyond your FEELZ....GO
Here's something for you from Psych-101: at root of racism is fear. How many times a day does your mommy change your pampers?
Ignorant fucked in the head degenerate fools never "FEAR" demise and degradation. They have nothing to lose.
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
The trump Nazis have only the statistics that prove the terrible damage caused by systemic racism. That sure as he11 isn't anything to brag about.

But trump's Nazis will.

diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
The trump Nazis have only the statistics that prove the terrible damage caused by systemic racism. That sure as he11 isn't anything to brag about.

But trump's Nazis will.

Yep...Whitey is still forcing ShaQuita to have fo baby daddys by 19
We're also holding blacks back by only allowing them to achieve President Of The United States Of America
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.
That's going to start the trump Nazis' ever-popular defense of the overwhelming success(?) of the unregulated, free market capitalism that's made all Americans prosperous. More of their FOX Noise learned bullsh!t.

diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
The trump Nazis have only the statistics that prove the terrible damage caused by systemic racism. That sure as he11 isn't anything to brag about.

But trump's Nazis will.

Yep...Whitey is still forcing ShaQuita to have fo baby daddys by 19
We're also holding blacks back by only allowing them to achieve President Of The United States Of America
Your claiming that you voted for Obama now.
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
The trump Nazis have only the statistics that prove the terrible damage caused by systemic racism. That sure as he11 isn't anything to brag about.

But trump's Nazis will.

Yep...Whitey is still forcing ShaQuita to have fo baby daddys by 19
We're also holding blacks back by only allowing them to achieve President Of The United States Of America
Take it easy, whitey, you could blow one of your white supremacist gaskets.

Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618
No one cares about your retarded opinion if it never matured past the 8th grade. Real men don’t care about people being gay or brown. Real men focus on their own lives.

We aren't really talking about skin color and or sexual preference...Dig down Billy....we're talking about the behavioral traits that obviously accompany skin color and sexual preference. Think critically once.
No, see this is just you being a moron. How about you let the grown ups talk, k pumpkin?

Your inability to support your position...

to even clearly state your position is clear to all.
What behavior from gay people concerns you? Don’t say gay pride parades because that shit is a tired complaint from you idiots especially since the large majority of gay people don’t even participate in them.

The question is not my concerns. The question is, is the change we see making America a better place.

Some shocking numbers have been presented.

You seem to support the "gaying" of America.

Yet, you have not answered the question.

Do you believe that the "gaying" of American is making America a better place and if so, why?

Bonus points if you can refute or outweigh some of the shocking numbers presented so far.
The “gaying” of America. How the fuck do you even define that? What numbers?

Define it how you want to and then answer the question.

YOur fear of answering the question, makes it seem that you know that this change is for the worse and are afraid to admit it.
Lol there is no “gaying of America”. What are you 14 years old?

Got it. So the changes are NOT for the better in your opinion.
Lol are you too fucking dense to even explain with specifics what you’re taking about?
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618

Way to go!

Outed yourself as a maga chud.
The racist, bigoted, hateful right is the true threat to America's future
Dangerous, but they are on the wrong side of America's trajectory

Yep, those builders of this nation, ole productive, law abiding whitey must turn their nation over to the trash of the world...OR ELSE!
Our founding fathers never lived up to their lofty words of equality.

Does anyone really life up to their ideals perfectly?

So, you want to make your case that these changes are for the "better"?

Or are you just here to smear our Founding Fathers?
All men are created equal....start with that one.

So, you admit that you cannot even try to argue that these changes are for the better. Got it.
You don't get shit.

You should stop boasting about trying.

Own your unwise, unamerican filth and admit simply can't reconcile positions rooted in FEELZ. We all know that logic and reason must give way to FEELLZ for you whacks.
Is there a point that you're trying unsuccessfully to make here.
Just exposing ignorant fools and the Democrat agenda that's all.
It is not in the best interest of Democrats to assist in improving America...they could never win if America was predominantly comprised of good, decent, legitimate people.
Do you mean like the thugs who violated the capitol on Jan 6?

You sir are an ignorant ass.

LefTard Logic:


Not Thugs-

Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent and even half sane takes you whack-jobs seriously.
How many cops were killed from the second one?
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason they know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Last edited:
I hate political parties. They are the root of all our problems right now.. But if you HAVE a political party -- don't you WANT HIGH STANDARDS??? At least in your leadership? Standards have nothing to do with sex, race, or religion..

Just like this OP has nothing to do with just Repubs... We have MANY immigration issues and open borders MIXED with "free stuff" is just moronically insane..

Relatively open borders AND NO free stuff for hoofing it thru immigration is a better approach...

You are a Rumpster. You leave out the failures and then go off on "Free Stuff". Where are my free things? The biggest problem we have is people like you that spread hate. When Rump had a change on July 4th to help heal the nation, he did exactly what you do. You can't let the hate go. Well, Nov 3rd a clear and concise message is being sent. And it's time to heal America. And we will do it without you.
We will do it without you.
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
The poorly educated trump Nazis still have their right-wing nut belief they are born with the knowledge of all things. For this reason the know climate change is a hoax, and they know more than the scientists, medical personnel, and the virologists trying to control COVID-19 (which is also a hoax). And the list goes on.

Under your scientist Gore, we should've been dead 10 years ago. I see you're still alive, bummer.
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618
No one cares about your retarded opinion if it never matured past the 8th grade. Real men don’t care about people being gay or brown. Real men focus on their own lives.

We aren't really talking about skin color and or sexual preference...Dig down Billy....we're talking about the behavioral traits that obviously accompany skin color and sexual preference. Think critically once.
No, see this is just you being a moron. How about you let the grown ups talk, k pumpkin?

Your inability to support your position...

to even clearly state your position is clear to all.
What behavior from gay people concerns you? Don’t say gay pride parades because that shit is a tired complaint from you idiots especially since the large majority of gay people don’t even participate in them.

The question is not my concerns. The question is, is the change we see making America a better place.

Some shocking numbers have been presented.

You seem to support the "gaying" of America.

Yet, you have not answered the question.

Do you believe that the "gaying" of American is making America a better place and if so, why?

Bonus points if you can refute or outweigh some of the shocking numbers presented so far.
The “gaying” of America. How the fuck do you even define that? What numbers?

Define it how you want to and then answer the question.

YOur fear of answering the question, makes it seem that you know that this change is for the worse and are afraid to admit it.
Lol there is no “gaying of America”. What are you 14 years old?

Got it. So the changes are NOT for the better in your opinion.
Lol are you too fucking dense to even explain with specifics what you’re taking about?
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618

Way to go!

Outed yourself as a maga chud.
The racist, bigoted, hateful right is the true threat to America's future
Dangerous, but they are on the wrong side of America's trajectory

Yep, those builders of this nation, ole productive, law abiding whitey must turn their nation over to the trash of the world...OR ELSE!
Our founding fathers never lived up to their lofty words of equality.

Does anyone really life up to their ideals perfectly?

So, you want to make your case that these changes are for the "better"?

Or are you just here to smear our Founding Fathers?
All men are created equal....start with that one.

So, you admit that you cannot even try to argue that these changes are for the better. Got it.
You don't get shit.

You should stop boasting about trying.

Own your unwise, unamerican filth and admit simply can't reconcile positions rooted in FEELZ. We all know that logic and reason must give way to FEELLZ for you whacks.
Is there a point that you're trying unsuccessfully to make here.
Just exposing ignorant fools and the Democrat agenda that's all.
It is not in the best interest of Democrats to assist in improving America...they could never win if America was predominantly comprised of good, decent, legitimate people.
Do you mean like the thugs who violated the capitol on Jan 6?

You sir are an ignorant ass.

LefTard Logic:


Not Thugs-

Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent and even half sane takes you whack-jobs seriously.
How many cops were killed from the second one?

At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020

Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618

Way to go!

Outed yourself as a maga chud.
The racist, bigoted, hateful right is the true threat to America's future
Dangerous, but they are on the wrong side of America's trajectory

Yep, those builders of this nation, ole productive, law abiding whitey must turn their nation over to the trash of the world...OR ELSE!
Our founding fathers never lived up to their lofty words of equality.

Does anyone really life up to their ideals perfectly?

So, you want to make your case that these changes are for the "better"?

Or are you just here to smear our Founding Fathers?

No, no they don't.

The browning/gaying of our country has increased the variety of food, music, movies and art.

They have pushed our country for more equality and to live to the words we espouse about equality, freedoms and truth.

The founding fathers didn't do as well on that.
if these people are so great why is mexico, central america and africa such crap holes???????????????
If white people are so great how do you explain mississippi and alabama? Both shithole states.
still nicer than New York or LA or san francisco
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
The trump Nazis have only the statistics that prove the terrible damage caused by systemic racism. That sure as he11 isn't anything to brag about.

But trump's Nazis will.

whose fault is it that you are a horrible racist?
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618

Way to go!

Outed yourself as a maga chud.
The racist, bigoted, hateful right is the true threat to America's future
Dangerous, but they are on the wrong side of America's trajectory

Yep, those builders of this nation, ole productive, law abiding whitey must turn their nation over to the trash of the world...OR ELSE!
Our founding fathers never lived up to their lofty words of equality.

Does anyone really life up to their ideals perfectly?

So, you want to make your case that these changes are for the "better"?

Or are you just here to smear our Founding Fathers?

No, no they don't.

The browning/gaying of our country has increased the variety of food, music, movies and art.

They have pushed our country for more equality and to live to the words we espouse about equality, freedoms and truth.

The founding fathers didn't do as well on that.
if these people are so great why is mexico, central america and africa such crap holes???????????????
If white people are so great how do you explain mississippi and alabama? Both shithole states.
still nicer than New York or LA or san francisco
Those three cities produce more GDP for America than the two shithole states combined.
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

View attachment 364618

Way to go!

Outed yourself as a maga chud.
The racist, bigoted, hateful right is the true threat to America's future
Dangerous, but they are on the wrong side of America's trajectory

Yep, those builders of this nation, ole productive, law abiding whitey must turn their nation over to the trash of the world...OR ELSE!
Our founding fathers never lived up to their lofty words of equality.

Does anyone really life up to their ideals perfectly?

So, you want to make your case that these changes are for the "better"?

Or are you just here to smear our Founding Fathers?

No, no they don't.

The browning/gaying of our country has increased the variety of food, music, movies and art.

They have pushed our country for more equality and to live to the words we espouse about equality, freedoms and truth.

The founding fathers didn't do as well on that.
if these people are so great why is mexico, central america and africa such crap holes???????????????
If white people are so great how do you explain mississippi and alabama? Both shithole states.
still nicer than New York or LA or san francisco
Those three cities produce more GDP for America than the two shithole states combined.
Red states lose in their blue shithole cities full of dark Democrats...but you already knew that.
It’s weird how you whacko’s always default to the value of GDP when you think it fits for you...yet you HATE those filthy, greedy high achievers who make up the bulk of GDP and create that inequality you claim to hate.
Remember, all those degenerates you champion whom lie within the dregs do they even know what GDP is?
Make up your twisted fucking mind, what side are you on?
diversity is inevitable.

Yes, "diversity is inevitable" under Mexicrat rule....This thread poses the question...."Is a darker America better" if it is, can you prove it with statistics available today?
Are we richer as individuals than we were 60 years ago?

Try that one on.

It's not about riches...Americans seek quality of life.
Sure, did we have microwave ovens in 1960? Color TV's?
Yes. Look it up ,fool/

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