As Trump raked in cash denying his loss, little went to actual legal fight

$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

So there are no more legal bills? It is all done? I find that hard to believe as I work with attorneys constantly and the bills just keep on coming. No chance his billing is done as he only left the WH two weeks ago.
$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

Are you saying hew did not pay his legal bills?
And who's to say what legal bills are forthcoming, from the actions of every malignant hater like Cy Vance?

just trying to figure out if the OP is expressing 'envy' over President Trump's legitimate raising of money, as opposed to the Biden's raking in billions from Russian money laundering, taking $1 Billion from China, and conflict f Interest / illegal Influence peddling.
WTF does Biden have to do with Trumpers like yourself being made fools of?

Biden wasn't in office in 2017 when Hunter bought into the International Equity Fund.. They don't even know what that is so they'll believe anything.
Yeah, it's over $250M now.

The biggest political con in history continues. And the money is only a small part of it. Too funny.
It has to hurt to be that stupid and fall for anything Dump asks of you. These people that donated to him are delusional.
I guess that's the word. This is just this side of religious.
Trump's supporters are just so sad and pathetic.

Your own mentally unstable, irrational hate-driven, 'Orange man Bad' highly emotional state is what is 'sad an pathetic'.

For 4 years Democrats, the exposed fake media, and snowflakes engaged in / supported failed political cup attempt after coup attempt...and after Biden has won the Presidency, all they can still think about is Donald Trump, the former President.

Pelosi and Democrats are waging another confessed Democrat Party Impeachment of a US citizen / President who I no longer in office, making him stronger and / or a martyr, exposing their unhealthy 'addiction to the man and their need to 'get revenge'.

You can tell Trump is still powerful because you can see Trump is still living in their heads 24/.

Pelosi and Democrats are so afraid of him in 2024 and beyond that they are violating / abusing the Constitution for the benefit of the Democratic Party, not the country, in an attempt to eliminate Trump as a threat to the the middle of a pandemic.
$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

The craziest phenomena of idiot Trumpers is Trump can tell these ass clowns any lie imaginable and they will believe it...

"We're rounding the curve!"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these ass clowns that HRC was an alien being trying to enslave the human race to feed on their brains, they'd believe it.

They are pathetically gullible.
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$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

And anyone who votes for the freedoms to be taken away, are idiots...Did you vote Prog?
$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

If you can't find the sucker on this message board, that sucker is you.
Fess up. You donated didnt you? :auiqs.jpg:
The donations were for the legal fight and or his reelection bid or to defend him from fascist liberals....
$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

If you can't find the sucker on this message board, that sucker is you.
Fess up. You donated didnt you? :auiqs.jpg:
I did three times and will again if needed....
$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

If you can't find the sucker on this message board, that sucker is you.
Fess up. You donated didnt you? :auiqs.jpg:

To Trump? No? I did donate to Graham and McSally. So I hit .500.

At least I have the means to donate, unlike you.
$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

If you can't find the sucker on this message board, that sucker is you.
Fess up. You donated didnt you? :auiqs.jpg:
I did three times and will again if needed....
I know you will. Youre one of the pathetic people we are laughing at. :auiqs.jpg:
$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

If you can't find the sucker on this message board, that sucker is you.
Fess up. You donated didnt you? :auiqs.jpg:

To Trump? No? I did donate to Graham and McSally. So I hit .500.

At least I have the means to donate, unlike you.
Personally I think its stupid to donate to rich people but everyone has their reasons.
$175 million in fund raising to "stop the steal," and only $10 million went to legal costs. As P.T. Barnum once said, "there's a sucker born every minute."

Trumpers get orgasms from being scammed.
WTF does Biden have to do with Trumpers like yourself being made fools of?
Trump made fools of no one.

While Barry's administration is remembered officially as the most criminally FOIA & FRA NON-compliant in US history, President Trump is known for being the most successful US President in DECADES, in some cases EVER. This is officially substantiated, documented, recorded, reported FACT, and no amount of attempted leftist re-writing of history can change that....and I do expect your pending, 'NUH-UH'.

How much Chicom loot has you boi Biden jammed in his pockets, Gomer?

One born every minute indeed.
Stick to the topic man.... unless your point is that it’s cool for Trump to do it because you think Biden did it. Is that what you’re trying to say?

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