As usual, Andrew Klavan captures the spirit of the democrat and republican sex scandals...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
In this column, Andrew Klavan explains the sex scandals of the Republicans, the democrats and how they should be treated....

I'm Done With the Sex Scandals

Either way, I don't think voting for Moore is going to bring about the moral apocalypse, and I don't think it means the Republican Party is going to hell. There are other issues on the table. I don't want to retract the Declaration of Independence because Jefferson took advantage of a slave girl. I'm not going to surrender to Germany because Eisenhower cheated on his wife. Sex makes people do bad and stupid things. Again, prosecute, eject or slap. Otherwise, I'll take each case in context as it comes.

Anyway, that's how I see it, but, according to our media elites, the rules are different.

According to them, Democrats can run interference for an accused sex abuser and his complicit wife for 25 years, they can call a priapic woman-slaughterer the lion of the Senate, but one make-believe resignation speech from a handsy comedian? Then the Democrats' worst problem is that they're "too pure." As for Republicans: they shouldn't decide elections on the issues but should instead fly into a moral panic the moment the mainstream media charges their candidate with anything, whether it's traveling with his dog on the car roof or dating a girl too young for him forty years ago.

As far as I'm concerned, there's one sex act the media elites can all go perform with my complete approval. For the rest, I'm going to mind my own business — which is voting for what's best for my country.

And how these scandals should be handled....

I'm pretty much done with the sex scandals. They were fun, but they're just going to have to carry on without me. If someone broke the law and you can prove it, prosecute him. If someone violated the rules of his organization, eject him.

Other than that, if women have forgotten the fine art of slapping a man in the face, there's not a whole hell of a lot society can do for them. You keep silent for forty years and then ruin a man's career with an unprovable allegation — and that makes you a hero? Not to me.

Go with we defended a child molester because we needed his vote. That's a sure long-term winning strategy.
In this column, Andrew Klavan explains the sex scandals of the Republicans, the democrats and how they should be treated....

I'm Done With the Sex Scandals

Either way, I don't think voting for Moore is going to bring about the moral apocalypse, and I don't think it means the Republican Party is going to hell. There are other issues on the table. I don't want to retract the Declaration of Independence because Jefferson took advantage of a slave girl. I'm not going to surrender to Germany because Eisenhower cheated on his wife. Sex makes people do bad and stupid things. Again, prosecute, eject or slap. Otherwise, I'll take each case in context as it comes.

Anyway, that's how I see it, but, according to our media elites, the rules are different.

According to them, Democrats can run interference for an accused sex abuser and his complicit wife for 25 years, they can call a priapic woman-slaughterer the lion of the Senate, but one make-believe resignation speech from a handsy comedian? Then the Democrats' worst problem is that they're "too pure." As for Republicans: they shouldn't decide elections on the issues but should instead fly into a moral panic the moment the mainstream media charges their candidate with anything, whether it's traveling with his dog on the car roof or dating a girl too young for him forty years ago.

As far as I'm concerned, there's one sex act the media elites can all go perform with my complete approval. For the rest, I'm going to mind my own business — which is voting for what's best for my country.

And how these scandals should be handled....

I'm pretty much done with the sex scandals. They were fun, but they're just going to have to carry on without me. If someone broke the law and you can prove it, prosecute him. If someone violated the rules of his organization, eject him.

Other than that, if women have forgotten the fine art of slapping a man in the face, there's not a whole hell of a lot society can do for them. You keep silent for forty years and then ruin a man's career with an unprovable allegation — and that makes you a hero? Not to me.

Pajamas Media? Oh my God, it must be true...

What a dumb site and writer. Biased BS without an inkling of intelligence. There is no question misogyny exists so deep in people they fail even to see it. Every rape victim is afraid of coming forward because she asked for it or was once in some trouble. The only parallel in thought bias is racism, it too is a deep pond of scummy thought. It really doesn't matter for ideologues that Moore is a pedophile, the enemy of my enemy is my friend fits easily into this election mentality. But step back for a moment and consider that if Moore is so religious etc is he telling the truth before his God and all these women are lying? Of course not, deep down the truth doesn't matter here, the enemy is always wrong and God is on our side. "You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamott

19 women: What About the 19 Women Who Accused Trump of Sexual Misconduct?

"President-elect Trump seems incapable of experiencing humility. Despite the multiple bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the failed marriages, he seems to maintain an impenetrable self-regard." Donald Trump: Our Dumbest President | Inside Higher Ed
You left wingers are trying to create your next big lie.....the democrat party has defended rapists and sexual predators their entire history......from the raping of their slaves, to ted kennedy letting a woman drown to the rapist bill clinton who was still the hero of the party until 6 minutes ago.....the only reason you are pushing out franken and conyers is that they are going to be easily replaced with new, democrat Senators......

You morons haven't insisted bob menendez, the senator from New Jersey leave the senate even though he has been accused of child rape...multiple counts of child rape on top of his other crimes...and why haven't you pushed him out? Because New Jersey currently has a republican governor.

So you can pretend to be pure and the party of women now.....but unlike yesterday when you made your big lies, we now have the internet.....and the actual, violent history of the democrat party sacrificing low level democrat women to your democrat men in exchange for power is not going to be hidden anymore....

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