As usual, WRONG "conclusion" by L-W'ers regarding Albuquerque rally

You can't even Derp right.

Fucking idiots

You crying Granny?

Commas mean everything........for an example?

Let's eat opposed to...

Let's eat, Grandma..........

Learn, grow, evolve.....

When you throw out lame flames that fall flat? At least have the correct punctuation.....get it now?

Are people ignoring you? What a surprise.

Nope, I have more ratings than I do posts here. I have been well received in this forum since I started posting here in earnest back in September.....but hey! Thanks for askin'........(snicker)

Glad to help the less fortunate. Your welcome.

"You're welcome"....dumb ass. I have a great core of posters that appreciate what I write and they are my targeted audience. Leftards like you simply provide an avenue to expound upon what I know. You and your kind are simply cannon fodder and I can't "thank" you enough....(snicker)
Liberals like to throw rocks at horses.......true story.
Isn't that disgusting...Makes me sick.

And they will defend the animals who threw the rocks at horses as well.

At G20 protests the assholes were throwing marbles and ball bearings underneath the hooves of the Police horses. Absolute monsters who would do that.


Hyperbole has become standard language for conservatives. Everything is the 'worst in history' or it's 'a war on' or 'they are evil monsters'.

Real monsters cut people's heads off, or throw them off buildings, or fly airliners into skyscrapers, or planes into ships, or force people to work as slaves.

Protesting a political event in America doesn't even deserve mention in the same breath. Except for the hard rightwingys who see all of humanity who isn't like them as 'the most evil movement in the history of Earth'.
And who SUPPORTS Muslims again? Why it is Liberals.

Another con meme.

Do any of you ever think for yourself? You seem to keep a handy list of things 'those others' support, or hate, or love, or are evil because of. Is there any original thought in there?
You crying Granny?

Commas mean everything........for an example?

Let's eat opposed to...

Let's eat, Grandma..........

Learn, grow, evolve.....

When you throw out lame flames that fall flat? At least have the correct punctuation.....get it now?

Are people ignoring you? What a surprise.

Nope, I have more ratings than I do posts here. I have been well received in this forum since I started posting here in earnest back in September.....but hey! Thanks for askin'........(snicker)

Glad to help the less fortunate. Your welcome.

"You're welcome"....dumb ass. I have a great core of posters that appreciate what I write and they are my targeted audience. Leftards like you simply provide an avenue to expound upon what I know. You and your kind are simply cannon fodder and I can't "thank" you enough....(snicker)

You stalking me Newman? Run along.
Commas mean everything........for an example?

Let's eat opposed to...

Let's eat, Grandma..........

Learn, grow, evolve.....

When you throw out lame flames that fall flat? At least have the correct punctuation.....get it now?

Are people ignoring you? What a surprise.

Nope, I have more ratings than I do posts here. I have been well received in this forum since I started posting here in earnest back in September.....but hey! Thanks for askin'........(snicker)

Glad to help the less fortunate. Your welcome.

"You're welcome"....dumb ass. I have a great core of posters that appreciate what I write and they are my targeted audience. Leftards like you simply provide an avenue to expound upon what I know. You and your kind are simply cannon fodder and I can't "thank" you enough....(snicker)

You stalking me Newman? Run along.

Don't reply to my posts if you don't want a response, dumb ass......btw what is a "me Newman"? Are you "Irish"????
I love lib hypocrisy ...

We hate guns and violence

Unless we are using both to " protest ",

Then we will shoot out windows at the albuquerque police dept.

Dale Smith & Daws are two pees in a pod just from different sides of the political spectrum. Both hacks. Both too stupid to realize they're easily out witted. Both hell bent on waving their digital dicks around to boost self esteem.

Pathetic really...

Hell will be a Frigidaire dealership before someone like you ever "outwits" me. You can't go toe to toe with me in a debate or discussion so insults are all you have.
bold statement for an assclowns who has no wit at all.

the story of dale

little paws101, you are such a lightweight...intellectually and debate wise.

Dreamin ' is free.
I'm more than a match for a shit stacker like you .
They must have taken their cue from the Republicans who are shutting down the government every six months.
You can't even Derp right.

Fucking idiots

You crying Granny?

Commas mean everything........for an example?

Let's eat opposed to...

Let's eat, Grandma..........

Learn, grow, evolve.....

When you throw out lame flames that fall flat? At least have the correct punctuation.....get it now?

Are people ignoring you? What a surprise.
He's far too entertaining to ignore.
Liberals like to throw rocks at horses.......true story.
Isn't that disgusting...Makes me sick.

And they will defend the animals who threw the rocks at horses as well.

At G20 protests the assholes were throwing marbles and ball bearings underneath the hooves of the Police horses. Absolute monsters who would do that.


Hyperbole has become standard language for conservatives. Everything is the 'worst in history' or it's 'a war on' or 'they are evil monsters'.

Real monsters cut people's heads off, or throw them off buildings, or fly airliners into skyscrapers, or planes into ships, or force people to work as slaves.

Protesting a political event in America doesn't even deserve mention in the same breath. Except for the hard rightwingys who see all of humanity who isn't like them as 'the most evil movement in the history of Earth'.
The " conservatives" in thread irrefutable evidence of the evil and insanity that is now the standard of behavior of the right.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

They must have taken their cue from the Republicans who are shutting down the government every six months.
I am all for shutting down the federal "gubermint" that is nothing but a corporate entity....but for those like you it must have been a traumatic event. Were you one of those leftards that curled up in the fetal position and babbled incoherently when it happened?

"da gubermint....da gubermint...DA GUBERMINT!!!! sob, sob.....sniffle, sniffle"
So dickless what do you think will happen if the government , I mean all of it would shut down. ?

Well, fuckwad, we would re-install the Republic and kick this corporate entity to the curb. Don't worry little fella, there are plenty of people that could get the trains moving again without those idiots in D.C and especially without the current monky that resides on Pennsylvania Avenue.I know that you worship at the feet of "da gubermint" but they don't give a flying fuck about you. You are just a resource and they have shareholders to answer to....hope this helps, dickless....


oh btw dale you are not a part of the imaginary we you keep yammering about.
you have to be a citizen for that.

You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what was done to the people of this nation in 1933. You live in a proverbial fog and you buy into the programming of your masters. It's truly sickening to me....

You just keep telling yourself that.
Isn't that disgusting...Makes me sick.

And they will defend the animals who threw the rocks at horses as well.

At G20 protests the assholes were throwing marbles and ball bearings underneath the hooves of the Police horses. Absolute monsters who would do that.


Hyperbole has become standard language for conservatives. Everything is the 'worst in history' or it's 'a war on' or 'they are evil monsters'.

Real monsters cut people's heads off, or throw them off buildings, or fly airliners into skyscrapers, or planes into ships, or force people to work as slaves.

Protesting a political event in America doesn't even deserve mention in the same breath. Except for the hard rightwingys who see all of humanity who isn't like them as 'the most evil movement in the history of Earth'.
The " conservatives" in thread irrefutable evidence of the evil and insanity that is now the standard of behavior of the right.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

You don't know a fucking thing about the constitution......not the organic one written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written in 1871. You don't have a fucking clue about the land grabs by the federal "gubermint" that is not only outright theft but outside of their jurisdiction per their own corporate charter. You are typical of the sheeple mindset..
At G20 protests the assholes were throwing marbles and ball bearings underneath the hooves of the Police horses. Absolute monsters who would do that.


Hyperbole has become standard language for conservatives. Everything is the 'worst in history' or it's 'a war on' or 'they are evil monsters'.

Real monsters cut people's heads off, or throw them off buildings, or fly airliners into skyscrapers, or planes into ships, or force people to work as slaves.

Protesting a political event in America doesn't even deserve mention in the same breath. Except for the hard rightwingys who see all of humanity who isn't like them as 'the most evil movement in the history of Earth'.
The " conservatives" in thread irrefutable evidence of the evil and insanity that is now the standard of behavior of the right.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

You don't know a fucking thing about the constitution......not the organic one written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written in 1871. You don't have a fucking clue about the land grabs by the federal "gubermint" that is not only outright theft but outside of their jurisdiction per their own corporate charter. You are typical of the sheeple mindset..
Same bullshit different day .
At G20 protests the assholes were throwing marbles and ball bearings underneath the hooves of the Police horses. Absolute monsters who would do that.


Hyperbole has become standard language for conservatives. Everything is the 'worst in history' or it's 'a war on' or 'they are evil monsters'.

Real monsters cut people's heads off, or throw them off buildings, or fly airliners into skyscrapers, or planes into ships, or force people to work as slaves.

Protesting a political event in America doesn't even deserve mention in the same breath. Except for the hard rightwingys who see all of humanity who isn't like them as 'the most evil movement in the history of Earth'.
The " conservatives" in thread irrefutable evidence of the evil and insanity that is now the standard of behavior of the right.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

You don't know a fucking thing about the constitution......not the organic one written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written in 1871. You don't have a fucking clue about the land grabs by the federal "gubermint" that is not only outright theft but outside of their jurisdiction per their own corporate charter. You are typical of the sheeple mindset..

Hilarious. You are the head sheep. The fact that you believe your own bile does not make any of it true. Just as with Alex Jones who is terrified of every shadow and every sound.

The rest of watch you people and laugh but are sad for you at the same time. Relax, jesus h.

Hyperbole has become standard language for conservatives. Everything is the 'worst in history' or it's 'a war on' or 'they are evil monsters'.

Real monsters cut people's heads off, or throw them off buildings, or fly airliners into skyscrapers, or planes into ships, or force people to work as slaves.

Protesting a political event in America doesn't even deserve mention in the same breath. Except for the hard rightwingys who see all of humanity who isn't like them as 'the most evil movement in the history of Earth'.
The " conservatives" in thread irrefutable evidence of the evil and insanity that is now the standard of behavior of the right.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

You don't know a fucking thing about the constitution......not the organic one written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written in 1871. You don't have a fucking clue about the land grabs by the federal "gubermint" that is not only outright theft but outside of their jurisdiction per their own corporate charter. You are typical of the sheeple mindset..

Hilarious. You are the head sheep. The fact that you believe your own bile does not make any of it true. Just as with Alex Jones who is terrified of every shadow and every sound.

The rest of watch you people and laugh but are sad for you at the same time. Relax, jesus h.
Like all shit stackers Dale cannot discern the difference between fact and speculation.

Hyperbole has become standard language for conservatives. Everything is the 'worst in history' or it's 'a war on' or 'they are evil monsters'.

Real monsters cut people's heads off, or throw them off buildings, or fly airliners into skyscrapers, or planes into ships, or force people to work as slaves.

Protesting a political event in America doesn't even deserve mention in the same breath. Except for the hard rightwingys who see all of humanity who isn't like them as 'the most evil movement in the history of Earth'.
The " conservatives" in thread irrefutable evidence of the evil and insanity that is now the standard of behavior of the right.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

You don't know a fucking thing about the constitution......not the organic one written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written in 1871. You don't have a fucking clue about the land grabs by the federal "gubermint" that is not only outright theft but outside of their jurisdiction per their own corporate charter. You are typical of the sheeple mindset..

Hilarious. You are the head sheep. The fact that you believe your own bile does not make any of it true. Just as with Alex Jones who is terrified of every shadow and every sound.

The rest of watch you people and laugh but are sad for you at the same time. Relax, jesus h.

It is only "bile" to someone that hates the truth and is afraid his little world's view might be challenged. All you have is "Leftards are GOOD! Neocons are BAAAAAD" bullshit. You don't know a fucking thing except what the television tells you.
You lack critical thinking skills nor do you have any intellectual curiosity. I do which is why I kicked my TV to the curb four years ago and started downloading books and listening to documentaries that were recorded going all back the the 50's. It's crystal clear to me as to what has happened to this country/ corporate don't have the slightest clue.
The " conservatives" in thread irrefutable evidence of the evil and insanity that is now the standard of behavior of the right.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

You don't know a fucking thing about the constitution......not the organic one written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written in 1871. You don't have a fucking clue about the land grabs by the federal "gubermint" that is not only outright theft but outside of their jurisdiction per their own corporate charter. You are typical of the sheeple mindset..

Hilarious. You are the head sheep. The fact that you believe your own bile does not make any of it true. Just as with Alex Jones who is terrified of every shadow and every sound.

The rest of watch you people and laugh but are sad for you at the same time. Relax, jesus h.
Like all shit stackers Dale cannot discern the difference between fact and speculation.

lilpaws 101 SEZ????? "Baaaaaaa......baaaaaaaa............baaaaaaaa.....baaaaaaa".
The " conservatives" in thread irrefutable evidence of the evil and insanity that is now the standard of behavior of the right.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

You don't know a fucking thing about the constitution......not the organic one written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written in 1871. You don't have a fucking clue about the land grabs by the federal "gubermint" that is not only outright theft but outside of their jurisdiction per their own corporate charter. You are typical of the sheeple mindset..

Hilarious. You are the head sheep. The fact that you believe your own bile does not make any of it true. Just as with Alex Jones who is terrified of every shadow and every sound.

The rest of watch you people and laugh but are sad for you at the same time. Relax, jesus h.

It is only "bile" to someone that hates the truth and is afraid his little world's view might be challenged. All you have is "Leftards are GOOD! Neocons are BAAAAAD" bullshit. You don't know a fucking thing except what the television tells you.
You lack critical thinking skills nor do you have any intellectual curiosity. I do which is why I kicked my TV to the curb four years ago and started downloading books and listening to documentaries that were recorded going all back the the 50's. It's crystal clear to me as to what has happened to this country/ corporate don't have the slightest clue.
Shit stacking alert.
Remind us again right wingers protest peacefully and with in the confines of accepted political discourse while Liberals organize mobs attack police and peaceful rally groups burn propoerty destroy property try to kill animals and attack disabled Americans. Which is worse again?
Only if you explain why RWNJs take over national parks and and persecute gays shoot blacks because their car stereo is too loud?

You don't know a fucking thing about the constitution......not the organic one written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written in 1871. You don't have a fucking clue about the land grabs by the federal "gubermint" that is not only outright theft but outside of their jurisdiction per their own corporate charter. You are typical of the sheeple mindset..

Hilarious. You are the head sheep. The fact that you believe your own bile does not make any of it true. Just as with Alex Jones who is terrified of every shadow and every sound.

The rest of watch you people and laugh but are sad for you at the same time. Relax, jesus h.
Like all shit stackers Dale cannot discern the difference between fact and speculation.

lilpaws 101 SEZ????? "Baaaaaaa......baaaaaaaa............baaaaaaaa.....baaaaaaa".
Says little bo peep.
Just as with Alex Jones who is terrified of every shadow and every sound.

That fact that you're not just shows how profoundly ignorant you are of history, current events, and reality. Here we are on Memorial Day weekend and you dishonor the memory of all who died for this country by pissing on their grave because you'll take the rights and freedoms that they handed to you on a silver platter and exchange them for pitiful government handouts.
Just as with Alex Jones who is terrified of every shadow and every sound.

That fact that you're not just shows how profoundly ignorant you are of history, current events, and reality. Here we are on Memorial Day weekend and you dishonor the memory of all who died for this country by pissing on their grave because you'll take the rights and freedoms that they handed to you on a silver platter and exchange them for pitiful government handouts.

You talk to an imaginary friend in your head rather than people out here, and you put all your anger, hatred, and ugly ties on your invisible pal so he looks like the thing you want to hate.

Try again, be coherent, and I'll pay some attention. Or don't, who cares.

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