As Websight Crashes,Obama Off To Five Week Vacation/Fund Raising Tour.

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

Have a great, well deserved vacation President Obama!
Obama is backed into a corner, does anyone actually think he will take questions from the angry press anytime soon? no wonder he keeps running away when he's in deep doodoo.

Angry press? You mean the lame stream media? Fuck them!

LOL... and I love it. :lol:
Obama did better with the Deep Water Horizon spill than Jr. ever thought about doing with Katrina.

He's also done more than declare "mission accomplished" in Iraq than Jr. ever did.

Sorry, but with the crap storm Obama was handed when Jr. walked out is better than most could have done.

BTW..................wanna talk about how the car makers like Ford and GM are coming back? How about the FACT that the people on Wall St. have doubled since he took office?

The only ones holding him back are those in the GOP, and I hope that Boehner, McConnell and Cantor all lose their seats in 2014.

I also hope that every teabagger elected that has a re-election coming up loses. They are toxic for this country.
You can count on it. When the going gets rough the president gets going. He did the same thing when Fast/Furious and Benghazi got hot. He knows he can get away with it because the media covers his sorry cowardly ass every time.

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

sounds good to me ... you do realize that bush took more vacations in office then all presidents combined .... bush took 879 days of vacation ... this is recorded history ... check for your self ... Bush also took 77 days more to the crawford ranch ... so when you want to make a issue of this when Obamo hasn't broke 100 days yet in 5 years, come back when you have a real issue ...

Let's compare the costs of the vacations...shall we?
so will leftist commentators bring up Bush's Texas vacations again if a show host brings this up?.....well,,uh,,,Bush went on vacation all the time....yah, right, and I am an 5 year old boy who wasn't around when Bush kept running away from every crisis that happened on his watch.

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

sounds good to me ... you do realize that bush took more vacations in office then all presidents combined .... bush took 879 days of vacation ... this is recorded history ... check for your self ... Bush also took 77 days more to the crawford ranch ... so when you want to make a issue of this when Obamo hasn't broke 100 days yet in 5 years, come back when you have a real issue ...

Let's compare the costs of the vacations...shall we?

Bush's vacations vs Obama's vacations

George W. Bush indeed spent a lot of time on Vacation, not as much as the Obamas. Ok, here is the difference. While the bushes spend their vacation at home, using air force one to fly them to Texas and back, George W. spend a lot of that time working from that vacation spot. If you add in all the White House parties, the bill comes to a whopping twenty five million dollars.

Obama, and his family are world travelers it would seem. One trip to Hawaii cost taxpayers four million dollars. f you times that by their three other vacations, their daughters trips as well as the Michelle trips, and all the White House parties, it is not even close to George W. No, it surpasses Bush by a mere thirty two million adding the total to a whopping 57 million. Christmas 2010, in Hawaii.

August 2010, the first family traveled to Panama City Beach, Fla, August 2010, Obama spent the weekend alone in Chicago for his 49th birthday bash, August 2010, the first lady and daughter Sasha traveled to Spain for a mother-daughter vacation, August 2010, summer vacation again at Martha’s Vineyard, July 2010, the first family went to Mount Desert Island, Maine, May 2010, the first family had a four-day trip to Chicago.

March 2010, first lady and daughter spend Spring Break in New York City, Christmas 2009, Hawaii again for the annual break, August 2009, at Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon for a short vacation, August 2009, their first summer vacation as first family at Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Grand Theft total for all Vacations Golf and trips, well in 2011 alone it was 1.4 Billion dollars, but in the past four years, drum roll please, 1.4 Trillion dollars. Now some would say, Bush racks up his costs for his lavish trips to his home in Texas, but remember he did all that in eight years time, and the Obama’s in four.
Read more: Bush Vacations vs. Obama Vacations Update | Socyberty

$1.4 Trillion when we are having trouble paying our debts! In 4 years!!!!
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total for all Vacations Golf and trips, well in 2011 alone it was 1.4 Billion dollars, but in the past four years, drum roll please, 1.4 Trillion dollars
Gosh, you're right...that does seem a lot.

I wonder where those figures came from?

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.


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