As Websight Crashes,Obama Off To Five Week Vacation/Fund Raising Tour. states where they have governors who are willing to accept Obamacare, it's being wildly effective.

Oregon and Kentucky come quickly to mind.

Texas (where I unfortunately live), not so much.
Wildly successful lol.

Tell ya what....................check how many they've enrolled, and check how many are satisfied.

In both states, it's in the tens of thousands (meaning anywhere from 30 to 130 each).

And.................sorry to tell you, but it's gonna keep climbing.

And.........................know what? Republican governors are going to see the success and start trying to flip over to accepting ObamaCare.

Main reason that I'm hoping a Democrat is going to win not only the Va. race (which I think they will) but also hoping that the wave will continue so that a Democrat is finally the governor of Texas (where I live).

Because................sorry..................Dems are smarter than the GOP because the GOP has been taken over by radicals (known as the Tea Party).
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If they would tell us I would be glad to check it.

[ame=]GOP Rep. Dave Camp Repeatedly Grills Obama Official on How Many Have Enrolled in Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
What exactly are you suggesting? Spell it out for us.
If one doesn't understand contemporary vernacular, one should solicit comprehension from the Urban Dictionary. It's a good tool to file in your favorites references folder.

Meanwhile, do not speak until spoken to. ;)

Oh I understand him perfectly well. But I would like for him to come out and say it.

If you don't understand my intentions then may I suggest you get a fucking clue. Now sit down and shut the fuck up.

so according to Obama, the average young adult is fully employed and makes around 100k a year, therefore can afford to pay 500.00 a month for D-Grade health insurance. And we can just assume they will never intentionally run in front of a "Moving Bus". {as an option to walking in front of a stationary bus}.

From his gulf oil spill all the way to Benghazi. Every time a crisis occurs under his watch, he is off and running to a fund raiser aka {vacation away from the evil press}
And when Bush went to his ranch, the left tarred and feathered him.
When a leader takes a vacation as his nation is in crisis, it's an admission of guilt and failure.
Fine, so be it, let's just wait and see how Obama reacts when he finds out it may take 6 months to a year to fix the problem as polls start showing the Dem's in serious trouble in both House & Senate for 2014.

He deserves a vacation after all the shit he had to put up with this fall.

Fuck the far-right. Suck on Obamacare and the broken web site, pigs.

I think that most on the far right have jobs and insurance so the broken website seems to be a problem for the moocher class.
30 days into this debacle, and Obama refuses to take questions, he can't hide forever.

Actually, on Wednesday, Obama made a speech telling everyone what the ACA will do, and why it's a decent idea. Yeah, he even admitted that a VERY FEW people may pay higher premiums, but that's because it's based on income (meaning can you afford it or not), as well as told us that there were going to be people who had bought insurance that they thought would keep them covered, but under the guidelines of the ACA, it wouldn't.

Sorry..................but there are rip off artists everywhere, and I'm glad that the ACA is going to hold those who are trying to only make money rather than provide adequate coverage to account.
someone needs to ask Obama, Mr. President, doesn't it bother you that millions of hard working Americans will have to sell their homes to pay for medical care under your plan?
someone needs to ask Obama, Mr. President, doesn't it bother you that millions of hard working Americans will have to sell their homes to pay for medical care under your plan?

Actually, they won't have to sell their homes because they have affordable healthcare that doesn't make them choose between chemo or radiation therapy if they have cancer.

They can get both under Obamacare.

Sorry...............but the GOP is trying to keep you from having an affordable healthcare program because their lobbyists are wanting to keep you giving them more money.

Quick question....................what kind of healthcare does Ted Cruz have? What does McConnell have? What does Boehner have?

I'm guessing it's better than what most people have, or what they can get.

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