Ashley Biden's Diary

People who support the orange douche bag who justifies making sexual comments publically on his daughter and boasts about grabbing pussy... have no business commenting on other people.
Trump merely CORRECTLY pointed out that women will do anything for a celebrity including letting them grab their pussy. This was ADMIRALLY proved by the Harvey Weistein and Bill Cosby cases where many women offered pussies to be grabbed for a little celebrity shine. This is a step up from the ordinary women who went to Elvis concerts and took off sweaty panties to throw at the stage.
Trump merely CORRECTLY pointed out that women will do anything for a celebrity including letting them grab their pussy. This was ADMIRALLY proved by the Harvey Weistein and Bill Cosby cases where many women offered pussies to be grabbed for a little celebrity shine. This is a step up from the ordinary women who went to Elvis concerts and took off sweaty panties to throw at the stage.
Again, you are ok with the orange douche bag grabbing his daugter's pussy? That is sick. I hope you are ashamed of yourself.
Sure. How about Rump visiting porn stars while still being married? How about how he loves to grab pussy? How about the 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct?

All of them false or just the golden showers with Russian prostitutes?
How about Bill Clinton? STFU hypocritical scumbag.
How about Bill Clinton? STFU hypocritical scumbag.
Yeah, how about Bill Clinton? If you trumptards had a problem with Clinton's womanizing but have no problem with the orange douche bag's sexual perversions...? that is the essence of hypocrisy. Scumbags, indeed.
Again, you are ok with the orange douche bag grabbing his daugter's pussy? That is sick. I hope you are ashamed of yourself.
Trump never did that. You made it up to justify Fuck Biden's soaping up his daughter's naked body.
Biden never did that. You made that up to justify loving Rump's pussy grabbing. Arn't you ashamed?
You do not know that. I say his daughter does and wrote it down. Too bad, your president is an incestuous degenerate.
Biden never did that. You made that up to justify loving Rump's pussy grabbing. Arn't you ashamed?
If Biden never did that, why did Ashley Biden write about it in her diary and openly question whether she had been abused?

You are defending a man who has a long history of weenie wagging at female secret service agents.

You are defending a man who while stark naked chased his dog through the white house. A man who has had the nickname of "sniffy" for years because of his nosing around under age girls.

Let it go while you still have some self respect.
If Biden never did that, why did Ashley Biden write about it in her diary and openly question whether she had been abused?

You are defending a man who has a long history of weenie wagging at female secret service agents.

You are defending a man who while stark naked chased his dog through the white house. A man who has had the nickname of "sniffy" for years because of his nosing around under age girls.

Let it go while you still have some self respect.
If Rump wasn't molesting women, why would he claim that he likes to grab pussy? If he wasn't molesting his daughter, why would he make sexual remarks about it to Howard Stern? If the orange douche bag wasn't having sex with porn stars, why would he pay them off and lastly, if he didn't rape his wife, why would she bring charges of rape against your favorite orange douche bag?

I can't believe you admire this sexual pervert. How come you sleep at night? Arn't you ashamed?
Too bad you admire a guy who likes golden showers from Russian prostitutes.
That is not true, or cannot be proven which is the only standard you go by. Things can be obvious and you want proof, like the fraud for example. There is proof that Biden is a pig. An incestuous one. You lose and you support a wicked, wicked pervert.
If Rump wasn't molesting women, why would he claim that he likes to grab pussy? If he wasn't molesting his daughter, why would he make sexual remarks about it to Howard Stern? If the orange douche bag wasn't having sex with porn stars, why would he pay them off and lastly, if he didn't rape his wife, why would she bring charges of rape against your favorite orange douche bag?

I can't believe you admire this sexual pervert. How come you sleep at night? Arn't you ashamed?
Trump never made such a claim. As has been pointed out to you repeatedly.
Trump never made such a claim. As has been pointed out to you repeatedly.
If Rump wasn't molesting women, why would he claim that he likes to grab pussy? If he wasn't molesting his daughter, why would he make sexual remarks about it to Howard Stern? If the orange douche bag wasn't having sex with porn stars, why would he pay them off, and lastly, if he didn't rape his wife, why would she bring charges of rape against your favorite orange douche bag?

I can't believe you admire this sexual pervert. How come you sleep at night? Aren't you ashamed?
That is not true, or cannot be proven which is the only standard you go by. Things can be obvious and you want proof, like the fraud for example. There is proof that Biden is a pig. An incestuous one. You lose and you support a wicked, wicked pervert.
If Rump wasn't molesting women, why would he claim that he likes to grab pussy? If he wasn't molesting his daughter, why would he make sexual remarks about it to Howard Stern? If the orange douche bag wasn't having sex with porn stars, why would he pay them off, and lastly, if he didn't rape his wife, why would she bring charges of rape against your favorite orange douche bag?

I can't believe you admire this sexual pervert. How come you sleep at night? Aren't you ashamed?
If Rump wasn't molesting women, why would he claim that he likes to grab pussy? If he wasn't molesting his daughter, why would he make sexual remarks about it to Howard Stern? If the orange douche bag wasn't having sex with porn stars, why would he pay them off, and lastly, if he didn't rape his wife, why would she bring charges of rape against your favorite orange douche bag?

I can't believe you admire this sexual pervert. How come you sleep at night? Aren't you ashamed?
This is about Biden. Biden is an incestuous pig. Trump has nothing to do with this.
If Rump wasn't molesting women, why would he claim that he likes to grab pussy? If he wasn't molesting his daughter, why would he make sexual remarks about it to Howard Stern? If the orange douche bag wasn't having sex with porn stars, why would he pay them off, and lastly, if he didn't rape his wife, why would she bring charges of rape against your favorite orange douche bag?

I can't believe you admire this sexual pervert. How come you sleep at night? Aren't you ashamed?
Only lib loon losers and perverts could compare Yeump guy talking to another guy about what women can let you do versus Biden forcing himself on his daughter.
Yeah those are equivalents all right
If Rump wasn't molesting women, why would he claim that he likes to grab pussy? If he wasn't molesting his daughter, why would he make sexual remarks about it to Howard Stern? If the orange douche bag wasn't having sex with porn stars, why would he pay them off, and lastly, if he didn't rape his wife, why would she bring charges of rape against your favorite orange douche bag?

I can't believe you admire this sexual pervert. How come you sleep at night? Aren't you ashamed?
This is a bot. Or someone using a bot.. That's the only explanation.
This is about Biden. Biden is an incestuous pig. Trump has nothing to do with this.
If Rump wasn't molesting women, why would he claim that he likes to grab pussy? If he wasn't molesting his daughter, why would he make sexual remarks about it to Howard Stern? If the orange douche bag wasn't having sex with porn stars, why would he pay them off, and lastly, if he didn't rape his wife, why would she bring charges of rape against your favorite orange douche bag?

I can't believe you admire this sexual pervert. How do you sleep at night? Aren't you ashamed?

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