Ashley Judd bows out

I heard her speak at GWU a couple weeks ago & was not impressed. Talking about Bono & other hollywood do-gooder stuff, while admirable, wouldn't have gone over well in Red state Central (kentucky)

Realistic comment.
Loo, Judd has a fairly high level of education. But she is who she is.
A dyed in the wool liberal with absolutely no message and no grasp of the issues of the day.

Actually, "absolutely no message and no grasp of the issues of the day", mirrors Washington politicians of all stripes. Ashley Judd was more qualified than any of us really imagined. :cool:
I heard her speak at GWU a couple weeks ago & was not impressed. Talking about Bono & other hollywood do-gooder stuff, while admirable, wouldn't have gone over well in Red state Central (kentucky)

Realistic comment.
Loo, Judd has a fairly high level of education. But she is who she is.
A dyed in the wool liberal with absolutely no message and no grasp of the issues of the day.

I'm sure she enjoyed her 15 minutes as the spotlight hasn't been around her much lately.
She never stood a chance of winning that race anyway. The Democratic Party was not going to back her.

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