Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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Sounds like most of the Capitol police should be fired due to incompetence for not being properly equipped to handle the situation. They knew there was a large protest planned and chose to only come unprepared and in the end resorted to lethal force to end a mostly peaceful protest.



Don't blame the unpreparedness on Capitol Cops please. They were told to handle this murderous Trump mob with kid gloves. And why do you suppose that was (two guesses only ;-)
Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. As a veteran she certainly should have known better than to get involved in an insurrectionist mob breaking into the Capitol.

Insurrectionists are always fully armed.
There protestors were not armed.
Therefore they were not insurrectionists.
They were just trying to get media coverage of what they believed to be true.
The fact they were wrong about the election does not change their right to get media coverage.
It is like their day in court.
Definition of insurrection | Where in the definition does it say anything about those in an insurrection are "always fully armed"?

Insurrection is the destruction of a previous sovereign rule, by force.
Has that EVER been accomplished without massive amounts of arms?
A successful insurrection would be that....this was a FAILED insurrection by a bunch of traitor losers. Did its failure depress you?

He was an assassin. That's why. I saw the whole thing. It was a total setup.
We're not supposed to believe what we saw with out own eyes.
This wasn't a split-second act of defense.
He aimed at her for at least 30 seconds drawing a bead on her all the while attempting to hide his face from cameras.
He aimed to kill.....a woman he could have subdued easily.

He did his duty as a Capitol cop protecting those in his charge from the rabid mob. You hate that, we get it.

The fact the rabid mob stopped shows that it was not necessary to shoot Ashli in the neck.
A shot to the floor would have had a better effect as far as defense.
The murder was superfluous and without authorization.

They didn't stop but you know that. You also didn't address my previous question about your right to shoot an intruder coming into your house. Why not?

The protestors did stop after the shot.
The window was still broken out, and anyone could have gone through, but no one did.

You have the right to shoot intruders coming to your house only if they are a threat to your or your privacy.
You can not shoot them if the building is owned by the public and is not private, nor can you shoot them if their intent is not harmful.

So the Capitol Policeman was very effective in his job. Again, he's a hero.

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Then most the police you progressive liberals are going after should be cleared of all wrongdoing and presented with medals for their service.


:) believe all police shootings are the same? I guess that wouldn't clutter up your mind to believe that. :heehee:


I'm going to go with getting rid of the tasers so there isn't any mistake as to what a police officer pulls and shooting anyone that resists arrest or wants to burn and loot buildings.


Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
cop has no authority to pick and choose who is right when there is a conflict like this.
You're incorrect. the cop has a duty to enforce the law.

Again, can we at least try to be serious?

Not really.
The duty of any cop actually is to protect individual rights.
Since laws are supposed to do that, then they usually coincide.
But in the case of conflict like this, law no longer is sufficient and you have ignore that in favor of individual rights.
And while the cop had the authority to defend members of congress, he did not have the authority to use reckless abandon in the process.
A deliberately deadly shot like this was unwarranted.
It was not necessary.
He could easily have over powered and handcuffed Ashli if she went through the window.
Capitol Police are responsible for protecting members of Congress. That's why they are separate from D.C. police. Get educated.

The law is the SAME everywhere in America, your rationalization is self defeating and stupid.
Well.thats not even close to true.

Where do you kids come up with this crap?

Notice that you didn't actually address my post which is true.

Seriously? Every town, city, county, and state has it's own laws.

Stop with the crazy shit please.

Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?
Too bad for you this wasn't murder.
So a black man shoots an unarmed white woman?

Is he a Louis Farrakahn supporter?

Looks like a hate crime to me.

It was. Democrats refuse to prosecute black murderers, though, much less hate crimes committed by their pet hood rats. In fact encouraging murders of whites is a key Democratic Party platform. They lose votes without it.
Fascinating theory there. :heehee:

lol like you deviants and racists have any credibility left to talk about. You rely on encouraging murders and looting and fraud for your power base.
"deviants and racists"? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No fruitless attempt at denial, so thank, you wear the facts well for once.
cop has no authority to pick and choose who is right when there is a conflict like this.
You're incorrect. the cop has a duty to enforce the law.

Again, can we at least try to be serious?

Not really.
The duty of any cop actually is to protect individual rights.
Since laws are supposed to do that, then they usually coincide.
But in the case of conflict like this, law no longer is sufficient and you have ignore that in favor of individual rights.
And while the cop had the authority to defend members of congress, he did not have the authority to use reckless abandon in the process.
A deliberately deadly shot like this was unwarranted.
It was not necessary.
He could easily have over powered and handcuffed Ashli if she went through the window.
Capitol Police are responsible for protecting members of Congress. That's why they are separate from D.C. police. Get educated.

The law is the SAME everywhere in America, your rationalization is self defeating and stupid.
Well.thats not even close to true.

Where do you kids come up with this crap?

Notice that you didn't actually address my post which is true.

Seriously? Every town, city, county, and state has it's own laws.

Stop with the crazy shit please.

Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?
What murder?

"Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?"

Yes you are getting desperate now, suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.
What murder? There was no murder committed.


What did you think I was talking about?

Then she didn't die without a weapon and no evidence that she was a threat too him?

This situation is normally considered MANSLAUGHTER charge.

Your backtracking is poorly executed.

Backtracking? Try to keep up. I've maintained no murder was committed for the whole thread.

A criminal was killed in the act of committing a crime by an officer doing his duty.

That isn't murder, or manslaughter. It's a tragedy, nothing more.

In actual fact, her and the other insurrectionists are legally responsible for her death, not the police officer.

This is Bodeccea post I replied to:
Capitol Police are responsible for protecting members of Congress. That's why they are separate from D.C. police. Get educated.


You are now LYING because this is your FIRST reply to my statement:

I wrote:

"The law is the SAME everywhere in America, your rationalization is self defeating and stupid."

your first reply:

"Well. thats not even close to true.

Where do you kids come up with this crap? "


The facts as shown is clear that a murder was committed since he wasn't under threat and the woman was unarmed, no evidence that she was after him or anyone else in the building.

It looks like Manslaughter.

He shot her, that makes him involved and responsible for his actions.

Give it up, you are sliding around and now lying.
It's not a lie. The law isn't the same everywhere in america.

As I said before, every town, city, county, and state has their own version.

Stop trying to make excuses. Grow up, admit you were talking outta yer ass, and move on.

@ 34 mark - the 'insurgents' start yelling, 'Gun, there's a gun....'

y'all may have to log into U-tube to see the video

And the idiots tried to break in anyway. She deserved to be shot and they're lucky more weren't.

Ok, the shooting is around 35 minutes into it.
And clearly the cop gives NO warning at all, but just points and shoots.
The warning of "He's got a gun", is coming from the other demonstrators.
And this shows how dangerous, irresponsible, and illegal the shot was, because if it had missed Ashli, it could easily have killed one of the 2 cops that moved to the side of the door.
Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.
Angry mobs are protected political activities.

Not when they're breaking into government building and threatening to kill our elected officials.

It was public buildings so is exactly where you do have a right to protest, in order to be heard.
And I did not hear a single threat in the videos, ever.
In fact, the protestors are trying to prevent any cops from getting injured.
Nor are "elected officials" any more valuable than any of the protestors.
They are elected representatives, not officials.
Angry mobs are protected political activities.

Not when they're breaking into government building and threatening to kill our elected officials.

It was public buildings so is exactly where you do have a right to protest, in order to be heard.

LoL, no.

You have the right to peacefully protest. You do not have the right to break into a government building, injure hundreds of police officers, and threaten to kill our elected officials.

If you disagree then go try it and let us know how it goes for you.
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