Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.

No, the dozens of fully armed and armored cops on the stair could have prevented any entry through through those doors and windows if there was any threat to any members of congress.
But all members of congress had left by then.
Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.
You know what? There was a time when members of Congress would have fought those people themselves. They were hiding because they betrayed those people. Besides politicians in the past actually had morals. What we have today is a bunch of criminals and cowards, save one or two.

Your tip of the spear shit is laughable. There was absolutely no reason to shoot her.
Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.

Your delusion make you ignore that 99% of them have no weapon, most were charged with Trespassing.

There was no evidence that they were trying to overthrow Congress.
Faun writes: Too bad for you this wasn't murder.


Too bad for America that he wasn't charged with Manslaughter.

Nope. Again, too bad for you. America is a better country not having Benedict Ashli in it.
As a veteran she certainly should have known better than to get involved in an insurrectionist mob breaking into the Capitol.

I will note that you favor the execution of anyone breaking a law.

So you AGREE that George Floyd deserved to die, right?
I will note that you are lying about my position on "anyone breaking a law". Is that all you can do? Lie? (silly question for me to ask at this point, actually)
She fucked around and found out.

Give that man a raise.

So give every cop a raise that shoots a black felon lawfully. Correct?

False. Give every cop a raise who protects our elected officials from an angry mob trying to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol. :)
Oh, so black felons and thugs are excluded.

Leftists making this about race again.
Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

The cop could have stepped up and warned her or sprayed her with mace or a taser, etc. He immediately went to the furthest extreme. What's done is done. I'll notate that you support executing for anyone that breaks any law.
Did he have mace or a taser? If you were watching the Congressional hearings the last few days, the Capitol cops were not well supplied. As I've said several times in this thread already, if they'd all been supplied with rubber bullets and they fired a few salvos as the insurrectionists charged up the stairs of the Capitol, problem would have been solved right then and there.
Angry mobs are protected political activities.

Not when they're breaking into government building and threatening to kill our elected officials.

C'mon dude be fair. All they brought were stun guns, flak jackets, bricks, battering rams, gallos, nooses, bombs, walkie-talkies, crossbows, molotov cocktails, zip ties, and bear spray. IOW, just a normal Trump rally. ;)
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Angry mobs are protected political activities.

Not when they're breaking into government building and threatening to kill our elected officials.

It was public buildings so is exactly where you do have a right to protest, in order to be heard.
And I did not hear a single threat in the videos, ever.
In fact, the protestors are trying to prevent any cops from getting injured.
Nor are "elected officials" any more valuable than any of the protestors.
They are elected representatives, not officials.
If you didn't hear a single threat, it's because you're tone deaf. In this video, they're heard threatening police if they don't get out of the way and someone's yelling, "fuck the blue!" When they see Congressmen being escorted out,, they yell out "they're leaving," which then escalates their attempts to break into the chamber.. There was talk about the Capitol being burned down. In other videos, "hang Mike Pence" is heard.

You really are deplorable, as well as a damn hypocrite.

How so?

Are you really too stupid to understand? You have put a target on the back of the person you named, and the many kooks on this MB will echo the same hateful comment.

Be advised, if an attack on the Capitol or other Federal or State Government Building is stormed by the crazies, those who actually believe anything Trump says, and in this case that the election was stolen from him, the defense of said buildings will be met with a much more lethal response.

This was not a case of murder, it was in defense of the Members of Congress, the VP and the Capitol Police on duty. What would you do if a mob attempt to breach your front door?

View attachment 481010

Perhaps the Capitol needs a few tanks to go with the fences and armed military they put up after the protest to keep those congresscritters safe.



If only all those Capitol cops have been supplied with rubber bullets. A few salvos and we wouldn't have had this discussion.


It did give them a convenient excuse to preform an execution then attempt to call it an insurrection when the only shot fired was from the Capitol police.


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An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.

It was Darwin-award level stupidity to try to breach a barricaded part of the building directly in front of armed security.

She fucked around and she found out.
Does that apply to Floyd and others who died because they resisted arrest? There was no warning. No one said stop or we will shoot, why? are admitting you cannot or will not be able to tell the difference?
cop has no authority to pick and choose who is right when there is a conflict like this.
You're incorrect. the cop has a duty to enforce the law.

Again, can we at least try to be serious?

Not really.
The duty of any cop actually is to protect individual rights.
Since laws are supposed to do that, then they usually coincide.
But in the case of conflict like this, law no longer is sufficient and you have ignore that in favor of individual rights.
And while the cop had the authority to defend members of congress, he did not have the authority to use reckless abandon in the process.
A deliberately deadly shot like this was unwarranted.
It was not necessary.
He could easily have over powered and handcuffed Ashli if she went through the window.
Capitol Police are responsible for protecting members of Congress. That's why they are separate from D.C. police. Get educated.

The law is the SAME everywhere in America, your rationalization is self defeating and stupid.
Well.thats not even close to true.

Where do you kids come up with this crap?

Notice that you didn't actually address my post which is true.

Seriously? Every town, city, county, and state has it's own laws.

Stop with the crazy shit please.

Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?
What murder?

"Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?"

Yes you are getting desperate now, suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.
What murder? There was no murder committed.


What did you think I was talking about?

Then she didn't die without a weapon and no evidence that she was a threat too him?

This situation is normally considered MANSLAUGHTER charge.

Your backtracking is poorly executed.

Backtracking? Try to keep up. I've maintained no murder was committed for the whole thread.

A criminal was killed in the act of committing a crime by an officer doing his duty.

That isn't murder, or manslaughter. It's a tragedy, nothing more.

In actual fact, her and the other insurrectionists are legally responsible for her death, not the police officer.

This is Bodeccea post I replied to:
Capitol Police are responsible for protecting members of Congress. That's why they are separate from D.C. police. Get educated.


You are now LYING because this is your FIRST reply to my statement:

I wrote:

"The law is the SAME everywhere in America, your rationalization is self defeating and stupid."

your first reply:

"Well. thats not even close to true.

Where do you kids come up with this crap? "


The facts as shown is clear that a murder was committed since he wasn't under threat and the woman was unarmed, no evidence that she was after him or anyone else in the building.

It looks like Manslaughter.

He shot her, that makes him involved and responsible for his actions.

Give it up, you are sliding around and now lying.
It's Bodecea....only one "c".
Faun writes: Too bad for you this wasn't murder.


Too bad for America that he wasn't charged with Manslaughter.

Nope. Again, too bad for you. America is a better country not having Benedict Ashli in it.
How dare you insult her like that. What kind of shit is that? You are the true face of the Left you hateful lying bastard.
Angry mobs are protected political activities.

Not when they're breaking into government building and threatening to kill our elected officials.

C'mon dude be fair. All they brought were stun guns, flak jackets, bricks, battering rams, gallos, nooses, bombs, walkie-talkies. crossbows, molotov cocktails, zip ties, and bear spray. IOW, just a normal Trump rally. ;)
Certainly seems that way.....seen some of the stuff they had at Charlottesville too? You know, all those "good people"?
Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.

My only regret is that the Capitol Cops were told to handle the Trump mob with kid gloves. Mowing down 10-15 of them at every busted out entrance would have worked better. The rest of these assholes would have turned tail.
wowza - tweet is unavailable?

Tayler Hansen
Apr 13
The Identify of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

Multiple Mainstream Media Outlets have known this, but they REFUSE to run the story.

Why is that?

An American Hero

Saved Congress Members from a trained assassin

Murderer. Thats who he is.

He should have emptied his clip into that crowd and reloaded with an admonition that if they didn't retreat and leave the Capitol he would continue firing into the Trump traitors.

That not only would be illegal, but would have justified the start of a civil war that could have killed millions.
Even though I am anti Trump, police that shoot unnecessarily are the greater danger and have to be eliminated as a threat to the democratic republic.
The Trumpsters obvious stopped after that shot, so were not a threat to anything.
The police were and not still are a clear and present threat.

You're kind of fully of yourself, aren't you.

Millions of Trump supporters are not about to rise up, risk their lives, their jobs, their homes, etc. They're too soft. And who do you think is going to lead you? Do you think that a multimillionaire like Sean Hannity is going to lead the way? That's a laugh. The man is an unadulterated coward who is content to rabble rouse from the safety of a Fox studio, but who would never even risk the possibility of anything more dangerous than a paper cut.

The only reason the insurrectionists made an attempt is because they had the unfair advantage of what was essentially a sneak attack on our Capitol that hadn't been accomplished in over 200 years and only then by a foreign power during a time of war.

It wasn't a protest; it was an insurrection/riot, and it will forever be a black stain of shame on the conservative movement.
The black stain is the stolen election. The fact that Congress did nothing when they knew 40% of voters had serious doubts about election integrity says it all.

Try to live in the real world.

Here's a dose of reality. Anytime there's something seriously important at stake, the powers that be (whether it's gov't or business as two examples) take precautions to insure the integrity of any process. The longer time goes by, those processes are regularly reviewed, refined, and updated in order to promote confidence in the system and the procedures.

Take our currency, for example. There are numerous safeguards to prevent would be counterfeiters from flooding our economy with phony money that would undermine the value of our currency.

The country has been having elections for over 200 years. Only an ignorant idiot or a fool would believe that a small cadre of people could falsify an election in several states with millions of votes and manage to go undetected. And it takes an even bigger moron to believe that a conspiracy like that could exist without someone blowing the whistle on it.

But Trump counts on his simpleminded voters to believe something so fantastic as to be unbelievable to people with a modicum of common sense. They're probably the same people who bought the Globe newspaper in supermarket checkout lanes with the pictures of Bigfoot on the cover.
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