Ashlii Babbitt Thread

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I condone the cops shooting people climbing through a broken window when they have been warned not to.

That is criminal.
You should rethink that.
Police do not legally and never can legally have that discretion.
The only exception is if the person has been convicted of a violent felony and is known to be armed.
Winter of hate.


SO you take two rare events and use them to "prove" your point. There was far more violence and destruction during the leftist demonstrations and riots that lasted for months during the summer of 2020 than there was in the demonstration and riot by rightists on January sixth that lasted a few hours.
That is criminal.
You should rethink that.
Police do not legally and never can legally have that discretion.
The only exception is if the person has been convicted of a violent felony and is known to be armed.
To these idiots, police have special rights and protections normal civilians don't have. It's generally their attitude about all government.

Unless you have the right skin color.....
You certainly celebrate death enough. Between your proclamations of of intention to murder and celebrating police killings of Mike Brown and George Floyd

Ashes Darwin’s herself. I have zero sympathy.

Poor Rosanne Boyland, I feel for. She didn’t deserve to be killed by that mob. You don’t care about though do you…

Rosanne Boyland was killed by the police, who charges the crowd with clubs and sprays, and made them panic and run.
SO you take two rare events and use them to "prove" your point. There was far more violence and destruction during the leftist demonstrations and riots that lasted for months during the summer of 2020 than there was in the demonstration and riot by rightists on January sixth that lasted a few hours.
Cannot figure these people out ( I can).They deny reality and think they can rewrite what happened that summer. The examples of Left wing violence are far more numerous and costly.
Her actions caused her to get shot and it was completely justified

And has been ruled so.
It has been ruled appropriate by a department that never has disciplined one of its members for improper conduct or excessive use of force in a CLOSED INVESTIGATION run by the department itself. If that doesn't reek of whitewash, I don't know what would.
She was stuck? Just because you have trouble passing somewhere doesn't mean you are stuck. There where about 50 people waiting to follow. 50 people are perfectly capable of overcoming a few cops if they don't use firearms. And behind those few cops, again there were civilians trying to evacuate.

It wasn't a riot? Over 140 cops got injured. So call it anything but a riot and you never and I do mean EVER can claim that you support the blue.
It wasn’t a riot. It was a protest.
That is criminal.
No it isn't.
You should rethink that.
No, I'm good.
Police do not legally and never can legally have that discretion.
Yes they do. Security guards have that discretion. Private citizens have that discretion if they are protecting their domicile or business.
The only exception is if the person has been convicted of a violent felony and is known to be armed.
Aren't you the guy who didn't know that the insurrectionists made it to the Senate floor and didn't know that the joint session was taking place?

Actually, since the demonstrators never made it into the House or Senate, Congress never had to leave at all.

There was nothing happening in the Senate at the time.
you should probably refrain from making any comments period. But in the interest of comedy...feel free to continue.
It has been ruled appropriate by a department that never has disciplined one of its members for improper conduct or excessive use of force in a CLOSED INVESTIGATION run by the department itself. If that doesn't reek of whitewash, I don't know what would.
The shooting officer investigated himself and cleared himself of any wrongdoing.
Ashli's backpack could have contained a change of clothes, or 20 pounds of C4.

She was climbing through a broken window to get at the congressmen in the worse possible way. And I guarantee it wasn't to get an autograph.

Kids going to school could also have C4 stuffed backpacks, but you can't shoot anyone just because it of what they MIGHT have.

And no, she was NOT going to be able to "get at the congressmen", since this door only lead to another corridor, and all the congressmen has already left.
No one is saying that, ya fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

What is being said is committing a crime and resisting arrest and being a threat to the public's safety justifies it. Floyd, handcuffed and face down on the ground, was not threatening anyone's safety.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


And Ashlii going through a window also was NOT a threat to anyone at all.
No they don't. To justify the use of lethal force there has to be an IMMEDIATE threat to the life of the officer or a bystander. Cops can't shoot felons because the MIGHT injure someone.

According to DemoKKKrats, they can.

Remember that, DemoKKKrats are 100% OK with cops shooting unarmed citizens. This will be important to remember in the future.
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