Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
While I believe the DoE is redundant and not needed, it has nothing to do with this. It's Federal Law.

It will be interesting to see how the Supreme Court rules.
Gee this is just a repeat of the same issue facing the court in 2014. The conservative nonprofit Students for Fair Admissions originally filed lawsuits related to affirmative action in 2014. They accused Harvard College (the undergraduate institute of Harvard University) of being discriminatory towards Asian American applicants.
In Fisher case they confirmed that lower court was deemed correct in their ruling in favor of Harvard as their process was align with Supreme Court precedents.

Now with the court with more conservatives , they are going for it again in hope of changing the previous verdict. The issue is should race be used in college admissions. Yet there are multiple criteria that Harvard uses to select someone to go to their college. Still the issue is also only so many people are going to be able to get into Harvard. The have an acceptance rate that is about 5% so it is fairly difficult to get in no matter who you are. They are highly selective and probably use multiple criteria's that have to be met before acceptance.

This is another battle for affirmative action.

Damned if you do , Damned if you don't

Still the kid was rejected by 6 schools. I wonder what the rest of the story is?
Damn! Only in the Usurper's America where the education system rejects the best qualified. The Department of Education needs to be abolished.

Could have saved himself time and heartache by learning to be a good basketball player
Damn! Only in the Usurper's America where the education system rejects the best qualified. The Department of Education needs to be abolished.

So Asians and Whites are excluded ,no matter how qualified , to give more Bush Monkies a chance?
Another example of how blacks ruin our country

Affirmative action supposedly helps end racism but all it does it shift racism to non blacks.

If you hire or allow a student in because they are black then all you did was tell others "well you didn't get that spot because you're the wrong skin color".

Personally America would be an awesome country if it were only Asian and whites. And well ok, brown people also but only if they speak fluent English. Blacks can fuck off.

The only way will have "racial equality" in America is if we didn't have any blacks. They are the one and only source of racism in America.
To me, if the kid has the smarts, nothing else should matter. Maybe not even a prison record should stand in their way, unless they were put away for something badly enough.

God bless you and the boy always!!!

Colleges do you dumb fuck. There are a shit ton of smart people applying for colleges, you need activities to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

I guess they did not tell you than while you were learning to drop fries at Wendy's
If this kid has those kind of grades and is interested in a difficult major, he likely doesn’t have time for clubs and shit. But they didn’t tell you that did they you stupid fuck?

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