Ask A Prepper...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
While we’re all aware of the current inconveniences imposed upon us by the Wuhan virus; many of you may be unaware of what to do, to alleviate the stresses caused by this panic.
So if you find yourself in the category of being unprepared, those of us who are prepared may be able to answer some questions you may have. And once this blows over you may be able to use what you have learned from this experience, to avoid these hardships the next time around.
So... Ask a prepper.
LOL. Caitlin Johnstone....

MSM 1960s: *tells a bunch of lies*
MSM 1970s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 1980s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 1990s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 2000s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 2010s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 2020: OMG why aren't they listening to our coronavirus warnings??
So on Tuesday, would all the store shelves in the city are restocked, should I go get a pallet of toilet paper or just wait until Thursday for the next re-stocking?
Hmmm... Depending on your location, stores may have a limit as to how much you can purchase. In times of plenty I would advise one to have a month's worth on hand for the household. Much more than that can become a space hog. Space better utilized by storing food, and water.
Explore the myriad of other methods of wiping your backside. There are hundreds, if not thousands of effective methods of performing this task. This falls back onto a core tenet of a prepared mind. Learn as many different ways as you can, to perform a given task, and achieve a certain goal.
We need to be smart, don't overreact and just lean into the turns. Don't let this shit throw you. It's gonna pass when it passes. Testing? I don't see the big deal of getting tested then infecting 10 more people while you're waiting for your positive test result to arrive in the mail 4 days later.
So on Tuesday, would all the store shelves in the city are restocked, should I go get a pallet of toilet paper or just wait until Thursday for the next re-stocking?
Dollar General gets their stocks in on Tuesday. Just ask your store
Preppers have gotten a bad name, yet everyone is a prepper to one extent or another. Ladies, do you have a condom hidden in your purse? Or something if your Aunt Flo comes calling? Then you are a prepper. You are preparing for an eventuality that may not come, but if it does, you are prepared.

Do you have a First Aid Kit in your house, or car? You’re a prepper. Do you have a fire extinguisher next to your stove? Guess what. You are prepared for the disaster scenario of a fire on your stove, or in the oven.

Now, I live in Hurricane area. So my Prepping is a little more..... Enthusiastic. I have chainsaws, and a Generator, and food, and jugs to store water. I have batteries, a radio, solar powered lights, and a lot of other things. I am prepared for the arrival of a storm. Does any of that seem unreasonable? If so, you should talk to FEMA, because FEMA says I need all of that, and more, if a storm comes heading my way.

Now, I also have firearms. I am prepared for civil unrest. Unlikely sure, but impossible? Nope. In fact, it grows more likely every year. As each generation expects the Government to do more and more, to take care of THEM, the likelihood of civil unrest increases.

Prepping is nothing more than getting a little more than you need this week, and setting it aside for a rainy day, be it a hurricane, or ice storm, or some other event that cuts you off from something you want or need. Start with the basics. Food, water, and hygiene necessities. Move on from there. First aid should be on the top of the list IMO. The ability to bandage a wound, stabilize a broken bone, and that sort of thing. I am not talking about a full surgical suite. But a pressure dressing and materials to stop the bleeding could save a life, perhaps even yours.

Let’s take that Hurricane scenario. Let’s say that the Hurricane sweeps through, and I am injured by broken glass. There are trees down all over, so the Ambulance can’t reach me for hours or days. A helicopter is unlikely, they’ll have to be flown back into the area from where they were evacuated to. I can slap a pressure dressing on the wound, and stop the bleeding. I can throw a few stitches into it with fishing line, if I must. I can staple it together, if I must.

Communications is down, so the ability to dial 911 probably is already lost anyway. I have to deal with this myself. Yes, it hurts. And yes, it can get infected. But it gives me time to get to medical help. It extends the minutes of life I may have left to hours, or days. All from a little pressure dressing right?

Broken bone? Stabilize it with a splint, that reduces the pain you are in. It also reduces the chance of additional damage to the area from bones slicing up the tissue, possibly arteries and killing you. It makes it easier to transport you, if you can get to a Hospital. If you have to wait, it makes you more comfortable. It gives you time.

Preparing for a bad day is something we all do. We stash a little cash in the corner of our wallet. Or we stash something for when we’ll really need it. Pepping is nothing more than realizing it might be more than a visit from Aunt Flo. It might be several days. It might be a couple weeks. So stick some canned food aside, or some rice and beans, or something simple. Your options are limitless, and you don’t have to be rich to do it. You don’t have to spend tens of thousands of dollars. You just have to spend a little and have what you need when you need it.
While we’re all aware of the current inconveniences imposed upon us by the Wuhan virus; many of you may be unaware of what to do, to alleviate the stresses caused by this panic.
So if you find yourself in the category of being unprepared, those of us who are prepared may be able to answer some questions you may have. And once this blows over you may be able to use what you have learned from this experience, to avoid these hardships the next time around.
So... Ask a prepper.
Eventually something will happen where the logistics networks will be so affected that reserves may be needed. Is this that time? It doesn't appear so from China's example...but it is possible.
While we’re all aware of the current inconveniences imposed upon us by the Wuhan virus; many of you may be unaware of what to do, to alleviate the stresses caused by this panic.
So if you find yourself in the category of being unprepared, those of us who are prepared may be able to answer some questions you may have. And once this blows over you may be able to use what you have learned from this experience, to avoid these hardships the next time around.
So... Ask a prepper.

Okay, why are you guys all such sad losers?
So on Tuesday, would all the store shelves in the city are restocked, should I go get a pallet of toilet paper or just wait until Thursday for the next re-stocking?
Dollar General gets their stocks in on Tuesday. Just ask your store

Publix restocks have few days.

The funny thing about all this hoarding is that even though we are almost certainly going to go into a recession, the economy might get a near-term boost because of the panic buying.
Publix restocks have few days.

The funny thing about all this hoarding is that even though we are almost certainly going to go into a recession, the economy might get a near-term boost because of the panic buying.

True, but it just means that when the initial panic settles down, retail will take a hit when no one needs to buy things they have four months supply on.
I'm a prepper, one never knows about the weather or loss of electricity or an emergency. I am good for about 2 months, I stock up when sales are on for whatever I use often. I save money and I'm always prepared.
While we’re all aware of the current inconveniences imposed upon us by the Wuhan virus; many of you may be unaware of what to do, to alleviate the stresses caused by this panic.
So if you find yourself in the category of being unprepared, those of us who are prepared may be able to answer some questions you may have. And once this blows over you may be able to use what you have learned from this experience, to avoid these hardships the next time around.
So... Ask a prepper.

They will steal it before asking for it in a real life situation-----

The stupidity would be just like that one episode of preppers the stupid as trendy leftist liberals " omfg they are idiots" this one thinks offering a loaf of bread will keep the roaming thugs from killing them lmao.
Then the stupid ass tell them where the food is too. YES THEY ARE IDIOTS if you bring one into your camp better tape that dumb sob's mouth shut.
While we’re all aware of the current inconveniences imposed upon us by the Wuhan virus; many of you may be unaware of what to do, to alleviate the stresses caused by this panic.
So if you find yourself in the category of being unprepared, those of us who are prepared may be able to answer some questions you may have. And once this blows over you may be able to use what you have learned from this experience, to avoid these hardships the next time around.
So... Ask a prepper.

They will steal it before asking for it in a real life situation-----

The stupidity would be just like that one episode of preppers the stupid as trendy leftist liberals " omfg they are idiots" this one thinks offering a loaf of bread will keep the roaming thugs from killing them lmao.
Then the stupid ass tell them where the food is too. YES THEY ARE IDIOTS if you bring one into your camp better tape that dumb sob's mouth shut.
I'm not sure where the question was in that post but... You touch on the wisdom of an old adage. Dont put all your eggs in one basket...
While we’re all aware of the current inconveniences imposed upon us by the Wuhan virus; many of you may be unaware of what to do, to alleviate the stresses caused by this panic.
So if you find yourself in the category of being unprepared, those of us who are prepared may be able to answer some questions you may have. And once this blows over you may be able to use what you have learned from this experience, to avoid these hardships the next time around.
So... Ask a prepper.
As a prepper, which brand of toilet paper do you prefer?

Charmin or a generic brand?

Really without it who wants to survive?

Am I right?
LOL. Caitlin Johnstone....

MSM 1960s: *tells a bunch of lies*
MSM 1970s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 1980s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 1990s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 2000s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 2010s: *tells many more lies*
MSM 2020: OMG why aren't they listening to our coronavirus warnings??
The MSM ignored the Coronavirus warnings. To them the #1 national priority was impeaching President Trump for a phone call.
They wrote a few stories on their websites m, but 99.9% of their airtime was devoted to fantasizing about removing President Trump.
While we’re all aware of the current inconveniences imposed upon us by the Wuhan virus; many of you may be unaware of what to do, to alleviate the stresses caused by this panic.
So if you find yourself in the category of being unprepared, those of us who are prepared may be able to answer some questions you may have. And once this blows over you may be able to use what you have learned from this experience, to avoid these hardships the next time around.
So... Ask a prepper.
As a prepper, which brand of toilet paper do you prefer?

Charmin or a generic brand?

Really without it who wants to survive?

Am I right?
In general I stock what I use, and I use what I stock. In the TP department I make a compromise. I buy the generic version of the soft kind. However when sales come along I do tend to buy whatever kind happens to offer the best value. While TP has many uses; most often it is money down the drain. As we can see around us though... TP can be an effective barter item. In which case the kind least to my preference is offered up.
At last "Preppers" might get to eat those old expired MRE's as they hunker down in their bunkers and pat themselves on the back while the rest of us continue to shop at Walmart.

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