Ask G.T. anything re: Diet and Exercise.

when i was young echo...we did two hours a day....lower body one day...upper the next....for light weights with a lot of reps...for bulk...go heavy and hard....little secret i use to box

Oh I would love to take up boxing! anything hits my just kills me...i mean anything....just a minor bump
okay g...mind if i call you my first choice all to hell...i assure you....

this is a messageboard...what does that mean...o their are a bunch of people chatting instead of exercising.....somehow i would try to find the right choir to preach too....i think this may not be the right one...

and skull does have an attitude...we all do....that is what makes us unique.....

o and another thing....did you really use the term...sucking a donkey wanker and then ask me if it was real carpet or how serious do you expect me to take you?

I'm not going to apologize, n'or should I. I'm not uptight, I say things that may seem outlandish if you take them that way. To each his/her own. Don't take me serious at all, do you see me begging you to? Entering this thread was a choice and I didn't force you, I apologize for whatever spite you seem to have for me or whatever, but I wasn't rude to anyone. You asked a comedic question (honey out of carpet?) which has nothing to do with the OP and got a sarcastic answer; no malice intended.
when i was young echo...we did two hours a day....lower body one day...upper the next....for light weights with a lot of reps...for bulk...go heavy and hard....little secret i use to box

I box, now.
Now, for G.T.:

How often/how long do you recommend weight lifting vs. cardio for a woman who likes to be toned and fit?

It depends on if you need to build some muscle to actually be toned first, or if you want to tone what's already there .....
Now, for G.T.:

How often/how long do you recommend weight lifting vs. cardio for a woman who likes to be toned and fit?

It depends on if you need to build some muscle to actually be toned first, or if you want to tone what's already there .....

I've always been pretty athletic, and fit. I want to do both, I don't want to "bulk up"-thus the mixing up of the two cardio/weight lifting. I like the lean, firm look for my body, with muscle tone, but not looking like Starla, Rex Kwon Do's wife..................
I've always been pretty athletic, and fit. I want to do both, I don't want to "bulk up"-thus the mixing up of the two cardio/weight lifting. I like the lean, firm look for my body, with muscle tone, but not looking like Starla, Rex Kwon Do's wife..................

I'd put a heavier focus on cardio, then. If you're pretty fit and don't want to bulk-up, then you don't need muscle building but a combination of muscle maintenance, and fat burning on top of those muscles.

Calisthenics is the best way to go for you. (push-ups in all different variations, pull-ups (with or without assistance, whichever can yield you sets of 10+ reps), crunches/leg-lifts/bicycles for abs, and just a few light-sets per leg-muscle). I'd work-out two days on, one off, starting each workout day with your muscular workouts and ending with your cardio; and when you're at a peak level of energy and feeling great, start to dabble with "cardio only" on some of your days off.

I can get more complex than this, but some people here are trying their best to take the thread's focus away and I'll just say I feel a little less welcome as a result and a little less inspired to help out.
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I've always been pretty athletic, and fit. I want to do both, I don't want to "bulk up"-thus the mixing up of the two cardio/weight lifting. I like the lean, firm look for my body, with muscle tone, but not looking like Starla, Rex Kwon Do's wife..................

I'd put a heavier focus on cardio, then. If you're pretty fit and don't want to bulk-up, then you don't need muscle building but a combination of muscle maintenance, and fat burning on top of those muscles.

Calisthenics is the best way to go for you. (push-ups in all different variations, pull-ups (with or without assistance, whichever can yield you sets of 10+ reps), crunches/leg-lifts/bicycles for abs, and just a few light-sets per leg-muscle). I'd work-out two days on, one off, starting each workout day with your muscular workouts and ending with your cardio; and when you're at a peak level of energy and feeling great, start to dabble with "cardio only" on some of your days off.

I can get more complex than this, but some people here are trying their best to take the thread's focus away and I'll just say I feel a little less welcome as a result and a little less inspired to help out.

Don't worry about them. I like your advice, and thank you.

Gunny, our administrator here, is a real work out/fit kind of guy. I think you and him will enjoy talking about various strategies people use to keep fit.

I like getting different perspectives on how to stay fit too, as a matter of fact I'm heading to the gym shortly!
That's awesome, Zulu.

I'm writing a book on all of this. I box, I've trained and studied muscle building, muscle toning, many different cardio techniques, and many different diets so I like to think I can help some people out when they need a boost. I've got tons of tips if you feel lazy, feel like working out is "too much," what to do when you feel you need to "quit" when you're in the middle of a run; breaking plateaus, shaping yourself exactly how you prefer, etc.

I think you sound motivated. Let me know if you want cardio tips and what types of equipment your gym has. (do they have a heavy-bag?).

G.T. why is my shit sometimes orangish, sometimes brown, sometimes beigish and sometimes bloody?

Can I ask you a question, in return for your answer?

My answer is that you're eating too-many different foods from too-many different cultures; or, you are color-blind and should see an eye-Doctor for prompt attention.

Now you get to answer my question: Are you this cool in real life?
G.T. When I have sex with more than 3 guys, I tend to be sore between the legs for a few days. What should I do?
G.T. When I have sex with more than 3 guys, I tend to be sore between the legs for a few days. What should I do?

Try Asian men, see if their stereotype holds water, and then report back to me for a new way forward if not.
Hi GT,

I moderately workout just about everyday, walking, tai chi, a little bit of stretching via yoga and an elliptical plus some weight work, I eat only foods that have nutritive value and I meditate consistently. I'm not overweight and I feel stress at work but I deal with it. I don't smoke ciggies or drink alcohol. But then again I hear wine can be a good thing.

Is there a point where workouts can be excessive and counterproductive especially as we begin to age? I've been interested in Dr. Oz and his research on how cluster groups of people in certain areas of the world tend to live so long.

I also believe staying happy can help you live longer.

Looking for Longevity with Oprah and Dr. Oz

What do you think about the Blue Zones?

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