Ask not......

The same question could be asked of any Repub, you included?

What have you done for your country?

served in the military, paid taxes for my entire lifetime, stood for the flag, honored those who sacrificed their lives for this country, and obeyed the laws of this great nation. But this is not about me, its about what the dem party has become.

So, give us the name of one democrat of today who would say what Kennedy said, give us one democrat of today who would have ended WW2 like Truman did. Just one name-------------------------------------

I cannot name one person in power that fits that bill, be them Repub or Dem.

There is not a single one.
Disagree. I think Trump is a lot like Truman, a total pragmatist.
A pragmatists is someone who accomplishes as much as he can with the tools he has.

Trump's only goals are accumulating power and popularity
You don't read much news, do you?
And, yer stupid. On iggie you go.
Yesterday's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you. Ask, what you can do for your country"

Today's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you. DEMAND IT !!!!
Yesterday's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you. Ask, what you can do for your country"

Today's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you. DEMAND IT !!!!

Today's Trumpbots: 'Do and think whatever the Hell Donald Trump asks you to do and think...blindly and without question. Why? Because we are ignorant minions who look up to this man with extreme reverence.'

BTW - I am neither Dem nor Rep. I am a proud Indy.

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