Asking Jackson What a Woman Is Was Not a Gotcha Question As the Left Proclaim

You're ridiculous. She graduated at the top of one of the most prestigious law schools in the country, clerked at both the appeals and supreme levels of the federal court system, was a distinguished professor of law, and in fact was a federal judge of the Appeals Circuit before she was appointed to the Supreme Court.

Do you make it a habit of making things up, opening your mouth and letting just anything at all fall out?

She was never a trial attorney which at a minimum should be a pre-requisite. She was a law professor at an elite university, so she never had to use her education or skills in the real world. She's a wealthy white woman who the Federalist Society has been promoting with Dark Money since she was in law school - getting her the "right clerkships" and the right appointments, so limited life experiences.

ACB had been a judge on the federal appeals court for a very short time and written few opinions. This is versus the hundreds of opinions that Ms. Jackson Brown has written. Ms. Jackson Brown was a criminal court judge and has experience at all levels of the judicial system.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Ms. Brown Jackson has been a prosecutor, a defense attorney in private practice, and she's been a judge for more than 8 years, in both lower courts where she sees real people, and on the appellate courts.

ACB relied on white privilege and Dark Money.

Fuck the left…they LOVE gotcha questions.

They pose them all the time.

Interesting to note they know they are full of shit when theny aks them.

Whether or not a SUPREME COURT JUDGE can say what defines a woman is VERY relevant in this time when the lwft wing crazies are intentionally destroying the nation.
This insanity is the ultimate outcome of holding back well qualified candidates while you promote unqualified white people. Amy Coney Barrett was unqualified and hadn't even been a judge.
Go re-read the constitution.

Both are qualified.

This person who bleeds (woman?) is qualified. She is a TERRIBLE choice, but she is qualified.

But never vote Democrat. This bleeder is who they appoint to the bench.
She was never a trial attorney which at a minimum should be a pre-requisite. She was a law professor at an elite university, so she never had to use her education or skills in the real world. She's a wealthy white woman who the Federalist Society has been promoting with Dark Money since she was in law school - getting her the "right clerkships" and the right appointments, so limited life experiences.

ACB had been a judge on the federal appeals court for a very short time and written few opinions. This is versus the hundreds of opinions that Ms. Jackson Brown has written. Ms. Jackson Brown was a criminal court judge and has experience at all levels of the judicial system.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Ms. Brown Jackson has been a prosecutor, a defense attorney in private practice, and she's been a judge for more than 8 years, in both lower courts where she sees real people, and on the appellate courts.

ACB relied on white privilege and Dark Money.

Got it. The underlying judicial philosophy and scholarship of the Anglo-American tradition of natural law and classical liberalism is irrelevant for a federal judge. After all, Barrett's scholastic interests are not the stuff of class warfare, revisionist judicial activism, racial strife and division of the Marist persuasion. That's real law. Barrett's merely steeped in the foundations of liberty.

You're right. Whatever was I thinking? :rolleyes:
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Neither is asking what does 2+2 equal. While people may disagree, science dictates only one answer for each.

Major topics in society today are women being forced to compete against men in sports, forced to be in front of men in showers and bathrooms, women locked in jails with men, etc etc. Also is the major issue of parents being engaged in their child’s education. 8 year olds being exposed to homoerotic teachings in public schools is at the front burner of society.

She knew the question was coming.

Women are being treated like second class citizens. And if you don’t even know what a woman is how can you contribute to the solution?

Americans need a Supreme Court justice who will protect women and our children and will defend parents' constitutional right to decide what is best for their own kids.
More importantly and to the point the SC is and has been something that it was never supposed to be. Like this country was never supposed to be a democracy, the SC wasn't supposed to tow party lines. The job of the SC was simple and yet complicated. They are there to interpret LAW period. UPHOLD the constitution and follow precedent.

This thing being questioned was PICKED solely for TWO REASONS AND THAT SHE IS A BLACK WOMAN.

Meaning, while SHE has the credentials, the main reasons she was picked by the geriatric is because of COSMETICS.

That, after all was bidens promise. Could you just imagine if that geriatric in chief picked a WHITE MALE after he had promised he would pick a BLACK WOMAN?

Then that BLACK WOMAN couldn't and wouldn't answer a simple question. Which means she is nothing more than a political hack towing company lines.

This is where the left will claim the Trump candidates are doing the same thing? I WOULD ASK HOW?

In what ways is believing life begins at conception towing the PARTY LINE when the BIOLOGICAL FACT is that LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION. For some reason that fact along with any and all TRUTH is vilified attacked shunned and mocked.

You see vile lies and attacks by the satanic democrats on Kavanaugh? They didn't ask him about the definition of a man. They had proven false accusers coming out and accusing him falsely and all of that was beyond proven.

We stand idly bye while these wicked people do this. The same exact people that infiltrated our universities and media generations ago.

Instead we all went with our idols like sports, entertainment etc. We are now seeing what a society filled with demonic activity becomes.

The country is already over. Like a person taken off of a feeder waiting to die in assisted living.

The left can all dance and laugh now. I fear for all you. I fear for all of us as well. You have no idea what's coming.
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If you think this is so simple, then try to do it?
It is literally impossible.
I can’t believe the stupidity here…


  1. an adult female human being.
    "a drawing of a young woman" ·
    lady · adult female · female · girl · person · lass · lassie · wife · colleen · Frau · Signora · Señora · maid · maiden · damsel · demoiselle · gentlewoman · bitch
    • a female member of a workforce, team, etc..
      "thousands of women were laid off" ·
    • a female person associated with a particular place, activity, or occupation.
      "a Princeton woman was recently named the Young Lawyer of the Year"
    • female adults in general.
      "woman is intuitive"
    • a disrespectful form of address to a woman.
      "don't be daft, woman!"
    • dated
      a female person who is paid to clean someone's house and carry out other domestic duties.
      "a daily woman"
    • a person's wife, girlfriend, or female lover.
      "he wondered whether Billy had his woman with him"
      girlfriend · girl · partner · significant other · wife · spouse·
    • a person with the qualities traditionally associated with females.
      "I feel more of a woman by empowering myself to do what is right for me"
    • a female individual; one.
      "with that money, a woman could buy a house and put two kids through college"
Neither is asking what does 2+2 equal. While people may disagree, science dictates only one answer for each.

Major topics in society today are women being forced to compete against men in sports, forced to be in front of men in showers and bathrooms, women locked in jails with men, etc etc. Also is the major issue of parents being engaged in their child’s education. 8 year olds being exposed to homoerotic teachings in public schools is at the front burner of society.

She knew the question was coming.

Women are being treated like second class citizens. And if you don’t even know what a woman is how can you contribute to the solution?

Americans need a Supreme Court justice who will protect women and our children and will defend parents' constitutional right to decide what is best for their own kids.

Fuck protecting men and women. I'd be happy for them to be realistic, honest and unbiased. But allowing this bitch in is a step away from that, one of soon to be many if Biden and his administration have their way.

If you can't even at the very least say "men are born with male genitals and women are born with female genitals" and aren't able to simplify it that far then you have no business being on the supreme court. Even a 5 year old can say "boys have peepees"
It is the end of our civilization. Our children and their children and so on will forever perpetuate the madness taught to them in schools, on television and in popular culture by the church of woke. The time to fight back with all we had was fifty years ago.
That's right. Better to accept that you are cucks. 😄
Fuck protecting men and women. I'd be happy for them to be realistic, honest and unbiased. But allowing this bitch in is a step away from that, one of soon to be many if Biden and his administration have their way.

If you can't even at the very least say "men are born with male genitals and women are born with female genitals" and aren't able to simplify it that far then you have no business being on the supreme court. Even a 5 year old can say "boys have peepees"
You are pissing in the wind. There is not one reason to even have debates anymore with the left.

Ok, when we are debating and wondering in a SUPREME COURT HEARING what the definition of a WOMAN IS and that is seen as a RACIST question and when we aren't ALLOWED to define what a WOMAN IS then you know it's over. It's over.

We aren't even in a kindergarten class. Do we really have a clear understanding of the irreversible damage the left have done to swaths of generations? It is incalculable.

The fact that anyone would even engage someone in a debate as ridiculous as this.....

There isn't one leftist that posts here that is close to rational. They are quite literally, and I mean this in the kindest way possible, possessed. It's like communicating with demons. Literal demons. That goes for ALL OF THEM that would argue or debate or ponder what a woman is and the differences between men and woman, along with every other absurdity they bring up.

At this point they aren't to be debated. They are to be shunned, ignored, and pitied. Perhaps having fun by posting their absurdities that they claim, but not debating them.

You would have more luck talking to a snake.
This insanity is the ultimate outcome of holding back well qualified candidates while you promote unqualified white people. Amy Coney Barrett was unqualified and hadn't even been a judge.

So, what you are saying, then, is that because you think the right has appointed a couple of Justices to the Supreme Court, with whom you disagree, that a proper remedy is for the left wrong to appoint someone to the Supreme Court who is completely incompetent, corrupt, and batshit crazy, to the point of being so fucked-up in the head that she doesn't know the difference between men and women?

I'm not the least bit surprised that your side would do that, but it is surprising to find anyone on your side so close to openly admitting it.
This insanity is the ultimate outcome of holding back well qualified candidates while you promote unqualified white people. Amy Coney Barrett was unqualified and hadn't even been a judge.
Here comes the racist card right on cue!

The Left can never defend their position. Everything from math to people who can’t tell what a woman is - RACISM!!!
It is extremely stupid to ask "what is a woman" to a judge.
A judge is supposed to weigh between arguments, not come up with their own.
And a judge is supposed to reference the legislative backdrop, not come up with their own.

But as a person who does have some biological knowledge, I can tell you no one knows what a woman is.
While we frequently use a vagina vs a penis as a reference, what about a hermaphrodite who has both?
We frequently consider the XX chromosomes as opposed to XY, but what about XXY or XYY?
There are also hundreds, if not thousands of other exceptional cases.
It is extremely stupid to ask "what is a woman" to a judge.
A judge is supposed to weigh between arguments, not come up with their own.
And a judge is supposed to reference the legislative backdrop, not come up with their own.

But as a person who does have some biological knowledge, I can tell you no one knows what a woman is.
While we frequently use a vagina vs a penis as a reference, what about a hermaphrodite who has both?
We frequently consider the XX chromosomes as opposed to XY, but what about XXY or XYY?
There are also hundreds, if not thousands of other exceptional cases.
Very likely the next Justice is going to see cases involving men in womens sports. If she doesn’t even know what a man or woman is she’s disqualified.
You do not know what a "woman" is.
No one does.
It is an existential question that the human race will always ask but never be able to answer.
That is because sexes are just an evolutionary accident, and not a product of any physical laws.
They do not have to exist.

Every sane adult very clearly knows what a woman is, and how a woman differs from a man.

That you do not is an indication of a severe defect on your own part.
You are pissing in the wind. There is not one reason to even have debates anymore with the left.

Ok, when we are debating and wondering in a SUPREME COURT HEARING what the definition of a WOMAN IS and that is seen as a RACIST question and when we aren't ALLOWED to define what a WOMAN IS then you know it's over. It's over.

We aren't even in a kindergarten class. Do we really have a clear understanding of the irreversible damage the left have done to swaths of generations? It is incalculable.

The fact that anyone would even engage someone in a debate as ridiculous as this.....

There isn't one leftist that posts here that is close to rational. They are quite literally, and I mean this in the kindest way possible, possessed. It's like communicating with demons. Literal demons. That goes for ALL OF THEM that would argue or debate or ponder what a woman is and the differences between men and woman, along with every other absurdity they bring up.

At this point they aren't to be debated. They are to be shunned, ignored, and pitied. Perhaps having fun by posting their absurdities that they claim, but not debating them.

You would have more luck talking to a snake.

Oh I realize the gravity of the situation.

This is no longer some random internet morons yelling stupid shit. This is a supreme court judge, one of the most prestigious and revered positions in our country that is supposed to be the crest of sanity, good judgement and impartial fairness. Despite that we actually have to ask one of the judges to define what a woman is. The mere fact something so insanely dumb has to be asked is a very scary thing, very scary.

It's as insane as if so many doctors were fucking nutjobs that a hospital had to ask them in a interview "what's 1+1?" Before they would hire them.

This question shouldn't even have to be asked, or even cross anyone's mind. And yet it does.
She was never a trial attorney which at a minimum should be a pre-requisite. She was a law professor at an elite university, so she never had to use her education or skills in the real world. She's a wealthy white woman who the Federalist Society has been promoting with Dark Money since she was in law school - getting her the "right clerkships" and the right appointments, so limited life experiences.

ACB had been a judge on the federal appeals court for a very short time and written few opinions. This is versus the hundreds of opinions that Ms. Jackson Brown has written. Ms. Jackson Brown was a criminal court judge and has experience at all levels of the judicial system.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Ms. Brown Jackson has been a prosecutor, a defense attorney in private practice, and she's been a judge for more than 8 years, in both lower courts where she sees real people, and on the appellate courts.

ACB relied on white privilege and Dark Money.

United States v. Virginia, often known as the VMI case, was a very, very big deal. Women being allowed into VMI.

She claimed to not even know about the case. Hell, I know about the case as does millions of non lawyers.

Justice Ginsburg, who wrote for the majority in the ruling, said that there are physical differences between men and women that are enduring.

So did Ginsburg lie? Are all Title IX or Title VII cases now void?
This insanity is the ultimate outcome of holding back well qualified candidates while you promote unqualified white people. Amy Coney Barrett was unqualified and hadn't even been a judge.

She was perfectly qualified to be a SC justice.

Also, she was on the 7th Circuit appeals court from 2017-2020.

Amy Coney Barrett - Wikipedia

Are you intentionally lying or just stupid?

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