Asking White People in AZ if They're Immigrants

The perfect intellectual accompaniment to the survey...

...another Home "Skooler":eusa_whistle:

You tell 'em, Bat Guano...


Any other implicit White Folks bashing you'd like to try this morning?

Always happy to help bitch-slap a reverse-racism pitch-man on a lazy Sunday morning.

Especially when they're operating under the delusion that they're being clever.

No extra charge.
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If America has been stolen and we have no right to stop anyone from stealing it from us, then surely we would support either a Russian or Chinese invasion. If we have no rights to stop invaders at all, does it matter where the invaders come from?
The Aztecs and Incas slaughtered and enslaved people, thats Latin Americas true heritage. When it happened to them of course they werent to happy about it. You can go back with most countries
and youll find someone has been unfairly displaced. So we have people among us who maybe would
like us to go back to some tribal system where everybody is equal? who knows.
Poor Guano, still hating white Americans who won't roll over and submit to the Progressive Agenda.
The only link to this poster's "Jewish" roots is his? continuing practice of calling us "goyim" and then spouting leftist horseshit. This is the type of trash who seems to want a violent confrontation between progressives and normals yet won't show up when it starts.
Racist troll racist trolling as usual. Batshit will be batshit.

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