Asking White People in AZ if They're Immigrants

That was funny. The white privilege on display there was amusing. Questioning citizenship status does not apply to white people and its an outrageous idea to even suggest they are not legal. :lol:

Assplaster chimes in muttering about "white privilege" one minute and his conquests of "white women" the this fool a walking advertisement not to snort bath salts or what? :lol:

Conquests of white women? What are you talking about and what does that have to do with white privilege? I must have hit a sore spot with somebody. :lol:
[MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION] & her hyperbolic rw rhetoric :blahblah: :eusa_doh: The white devils stole this nation from the native Americans & Mexicans. FACT!!!

We didn't steal it-----we conquered them. They weren't strong enough to keep us from continuing the onslaught.

"us"? What ethnicity are you?

Why bother asking when you can save time and just make a racist ass of yourself whenever the pathology moves you? You know you're going to anyway, headcase.
Conquests of white women? What are you talking about and what does that have to do with white privilege? I must have hit a sore spot with somebody. :lol:

Ah, and again another imaginary Assplaster staple. I know and you know you're not black and have had few if any women so this is where this ends. Not interested in your never-ending baloney, sonny. :eusa_hand:
Conquests of white women? What are you talking about and what does that have to do with white privilege? I must have hit a sore spot with somebody. :lol:

Ah, and again another imaginary Assplaster staple. I know and you know you're not black and have had few if any women so this is where this ends. Not interested in your never-ending baloney, sonny. :eusa_hand:

Its not an imaginary conquest. You in fact brought up me having sex with white women and describing it as a conquest on a thread that has nothing to do with it. You just showed you butthurt over something no one is even talking about. Everybody reading this thread can see your insecurities. Deal with it son but please stay on topic before I report you.
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Conquests of white women? What are you talking about and what does that have to do with white privilege? I must have hit a sore spot with somebody. :lol:

Ah, and again another imaginary Assplaster staple. I know and you know you're not black and have had few if any women so this is where this ends. Not interested in your never-ending baloney, sonny. :eusa_hand:

Its not an imaginary conquest. You in fact brought up me having sex with white women and describing it as a conquest on a thread that has nothing to do with it. You just showed you butthurt over something no one is even talking about. Everybody reading this thread can see your insecurities. Deal with it son but please stay on topic before I report you.

:lol: and now you've added SNITCH to your resume.....good girrrrrl...woof woof
Good idea steph isn't it trailer church time in you park?

Laugh at you later !!

She's probably white also. :evil:

Naw, she's just old, angry, bitter, uneducated and on welfare.

Ask her nice and she might give you a bite if gumt cheese but don't ask her about her Medicare CPUs she said she can't understand it.

Stooopid Stapf personifies everything that's wrong with RWs. Y'all jumped on guno for posting it while studiously ignoring the content. That's your reaction to damn near everything.

And it's why your politicians have lie, cheat and steal to get elected. Face it - you're an endangered species and that's good news for the country.

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and your Politicians dont?.....boy did someone plant a flag in your ass....
Ah, and again another imaginary Assplaster staple. I know and you know you're not black and have had few if any women so this is where this ends. Not interested in your never-ending baloney, sonny. :eusa_hand:

Its not an imaginary conquest. You in fact brought up me having sex with white women and describing it as a conquest on a thread that has nothing to do with it. You just showed you butthurt over something no one is even talking about. Everybody reading this thread can see your insecurities. Deal with it son but please stay on topic before I report you.

:lol: and now you've added SNITCH to your resume.....good girrrrrl...woof woof

I guess its better than you adding butthurt bitch to your resume. Right girrrrrrrrrl? :lol:
It is scary that the "liberal" establishment and MSM are not differentiating between illegal alien and immigrant. The "liberal" establishment are basically saying rape and consensual sex are the exact same thing.

Not really. It was an attempt at a gotcha moment in Maricopa County in 2010. Five people does not a state make. I think that had the guy traveled further south and closer to the border that it would have shown quite a bit more.

It does illustrate how documents are lost over time. That was a primary concern. There are people who have lost birth certificates due to fires and moving and even having their house broken into or purses stolen. Ethnicity be damned. That's just how life goes.

There seems to be this pretense that AZ was 100% white folks and then everyone came running across the border. AZ has 26 tribes and Americans of Mexican descent whose families have lived there long before 1912. To be clear that is what this video adds to. I know that wasn't the point but without meaning to that is what he did.

There are people that would come across the border to visit families and then turn around and go back home. That is impossible now. Hell, in a couple of weeks I am going down and excursions across the border are impossible. I'm not waiting 8-10 hours in a line to come back in simply because I wanted to eat lunch.

In Pima County, much closer to the border, the group of racist bastards was quite small. It does exist-after watching the Tuscon School Board in action and the moronic little Tea Party twits in action there is no denying it. They do not represent of all of Pima County. Nor do they represent all of Arizona. I don't think that I have ever seen a Pima County Sheriff act like an attention whore or cost the county as much money as say.........Maricopa County. Ever.

There are two places that have historically provided employment in Pima County. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the copper mines. Jobs have always been hard to come by. There is a lot of talk (and always is) of the base closing. Arizona is not a place known to have opportunity for employment. It is expensive. We aren't talking about things that score big on quality of life. All of this bullshit has seriously impacted the quality of life that was in existence.
It is scary that the "liberal" establishment and MSM are not differentiating between illegal alien and immigrant. The "liberal" establishment are basically saying rape and consensual sex are the exact same thing.

You'll never hear the msm refer to an illegal as anything other than an immigrant, or undocumented immigrant.
They purposely distort the whole issue, and you'll never hear them discuss the real victims, the people who are going through the legal channels to become a citizen. The illegals have no respect for laws or the people who are ahead of them in line to become a citizen.
The msm are shameful.

Not really. It was an attempt at a gotcha moment in Maricopa County in 2010. Five people does not a state make. I think that had the guy traveled further south and closer to the border that it would have shown quite a bit more.

It does illustrate how documents are lost over time. That was a primary concern. There are people who have lost birth certificates due to fires and moving and even having their house broken into or purses stolen. Ethnicity be damned. That's just how life goes.

There seems to be this pretense that AZ was 100% white folks and then everyone came running across the border. AZ has 26 tribes and Americans of Mexican descent whose families have lived there long before 1912. To be clear that is what this video adds to. I know that wasn't the point but without meaning to that is what he did.

There are people that would come across the border to visit families and then turn around and go back home. That is impossible now. Hell, in a couple of weeks I am going down and excursions across the border are impossible. I'm not waiting 8-10 hours in a line to come back in simply because I wanted to eat lunch.

In Pima County, much closer to the border, the group of racist bastards was quite small. It does exist-after watching the Tuscon School Board in action and the moronic little Tea Party twits in action there is no denying it. They do not represent of all of Pima County. Nor do they represent all of Arizona. I don't think that I have ever seen a Pima County Sheriff act like an attention whore or cost the county as much money as say.........Maricopa County. Ever.

There are two places that have historically provided employment in Pima County. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the copper mines. Jobs have always been hard to come by. There is a lot of talk (and always is) of the base closing. Arizona is not a place known to have opportunity for employment. It is expensive. We aren't talking about things that score big on quality of life. All of this bullshit has seriously impacted the quality of life that was in existence.

Look everybody, this one manages to preface her mindless baby talk with anecdotal irrelevancies.

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Useless. Race-baiting Pimpess.

The issue is the integrity of our national sovereignty and the survival of America's founding ethos.

The only twits around here are the slogan-spouting shrews of cultural Marxism.

Leftists suffer from a psychological form of Tourette's syndrome. They're degenerates to be sure. Strip away that veneer of tolerance and what you have is a self-righteous bore, but not just any ordinary shrew in need of a good bitch slapping. What you have is a vicious, pitchfork-welding Jacobin. Madame Defarge. They are murderers, thugs and thieves. They just can't seem to wrap their heads around the imperatives of the rule of law. You can be sure that anytime someone is actually defending the sanctity of human life, liberty or private property rights, they will start spouting epithets. While normal people discuss the actual issues and the legitimacy of the actual goals/motives of those concerned . . . . well, you see, this sort of thing just sets off an alarm bell somewhere in the shallow, murky black waters of their brains.

Facts? Reason?

The integrity of our national sovereignty?


It's tickfeast time.

Xenophobe! Homophobe! Bigot! Racist! Grubschmackkudum! Boobooshnoo!

Yep, once again, it's an endless stream of duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :cuckoo:

That was funny. The white privilege on display there was amusing. Questioning citizenship status does not apply to white people and its an outrageous idea to even suggest they are not legal. :lol:

Americans are stunningly ignorant about their own heritage.

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So tell us, sunshine, why did so many Mexican nationals join white settlers in the California and Texas wars for independence, respectively, against the Mexican government . . . and then a bit later support the American government in the Mexican-American War and happily become American citizens thereafter?

No. It's ignoramuses like you blathering Marxist nonsense about mythical "white privilege" who don't know the actual history of an historically oppressive and corrupt government that to this day keeps its people in poverty and ruin.

Shut. The. Hell. Up.
That was funny. The white privilege on display there was amusing. Questioning citizenship status does not apply to white people and its an outrageous idea to even suggest they are not legal. :lol:

Americans are stunningly ignorant about their own heritage.

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So tell us, sunshine, why did so many Mexican nationals join white settlers in the California and Texas wars for independence, respectively, against the Mexican government . . . and then a bit later support the American government in the Mexican-American War and happily become American citizens thereafter?

No. It's ignoramuses like you blathering Marxist nonsense about mythical "white privilege" who don't know the actual history of an historically oppressive and corrupt government that to this day keeps its people in poverty and ruin.

Shut. The. Hell. Up.
you don't mean the wonderful Mexican government ,do you?:D
My ancestors came from Ireland during a time of economic boom when labor was needed. They did so legally and were not drug mules. They served in several wars and never burned the U.S. flag.
My ancestors came from Ireland during a time of economic boom when labor was needed. They did so legally and were not drug mules. They served in several wars and never burned the U.S. flag.

Many Irish betrayed the US and fought with Mexico against the United States. They were the St. Patrick Brigade.

However one feels about mexico and claimed rights in the US it doesn't explain how this extends the same rights to El Salvador. El Salvador doesn't even have rights in mexico.
My ancestors came from Ireland during a time of economic boom when labor was needed. They did so legally and were not drug mules. They served in several wars and never burned the U.S. flag.
none of which is relevant. Not all south of the border legal or illegal immigrants are drug mules. Actually few are.
you paint with too broad a brush...
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In two decades let's see what the 'Black community looks like visa vi the hispanics. One thing is sure: Hispanics don't even pretend to want anything to do with blacks. There are NO hispanic 'soccer moms' who will ever vote for ANY black ever. Blacks know it. Hispanics know it.
The black race in America has basically reached it's zenith right now.
A REP President in 2016 who will work with hispanics in Congress and the Senate and the Black race has no where to go but down. Social Darwinism my friends.

I don't even need to watch your useless leftard clip. It will be they are immigrants on Mexican land that was stolen from the Brown people. Therefore they are illegal immigrants and the Hispanic illegal immigrants are really the true owners of the land. Correct. Did I get your douche bag argument correct.

Any way you libtard twist it, it's the US government and YES state government's JOB to protect our borders and have a immigration policy that strengthens our country, deports people who are here illegally and doesn't award people who broke the law!

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