Asking White People in AZ if They're Immigrants

I doubt any are sneaking because they are white but I know several German women personally that were illegally in the US. Lots of white people come in through Canada but no one makes a sound about that. Why do you think that is?

:lol: Sure ya do...if bullshit was music you'd be a brass fucking band, Assplaster.

Your insecurity with white women and Black men is rearing its ugly head again fake marine...I mean trainwreck. You know its even more pronounced amongst the younger white girls? Why does this phenomenon bother you so much?

In two decades let's see what the 'Black community looks like visa vi the hispanics. One thing is sure: Hispanics don't even pretend to want anything to do with blacks. There are NO hispanic 'soccer moms' who will ever vote for ANY black ever. Blacks know it. Hispanics know it.
The black race in America has basically reached it's zenith right now.
A REP President in 2016 who will work with hispanics in Congress and the Senate and the Black race has no where to go but down. Social Darwinism my friends.

Only white people did not break the 50% mark for the POTUS

Obama wins 75% of Latino vote, marks historic Latino influence in presidential election | Latino Decisions

Obama wins 75% of Latino vote, marks historic Latino influence in presidential election


yea they had to vote for that "lessor of 2 evils".....why minorities stick with either of these parties is beyond me....
nah, you're not one bit racist..

seems you're inferring that Hispanics are "better than blacks"
almost but not quite equal to whites....

I wonder why he thinks Hispanics dont like Black people?


So why did Kobe have to rape and sodomize a room service girl up in Colorado, asshole? The public schools have taught white girls they must mess around with blacks....they don't even know what the rap lyrics are saying about them. You enjoy taunting white guys here but the bottom line is most white girls only do black guys to experience what was once forbidden. Few white girls go back for seconds for obvious reasons. :badgrin:

so that saying ...."once you have had black,you wont go back".....aint true?.....:shock:
You ain't black....probably a scrawny little Jew like bat_guano....Kobe (rapist) paid her off to drop the charges....cost him a bundle for the skating rink diamond for the diva who married his black ass. Like I already told ya, Assplaster, you're a waste of surely know blacks DESPISE Jews (pawnbrokers) from back in the day. I'm from ever want to know something about actual NEGROES, I'll think about teaching you.....if you can raise a couple thousand if. :badgrin:

Why did you avoid my question? I really want to know why it seems to threaten you that white women love Black men? Also please tell me what that has to do with Hispanics liking Black people?

Latins aspire to be WHITE.....the porch niggas hate that because dey speaks ebonics, and frighten weak whites just by being within a couple yards of them. Bad hygiene....porch niggas smell like bad fish. Now, decent blacks have always understood that to succeed they have to "think white", drop the southern drawl, and dress and act professional. But still dance for us....we like that. :lol:

Which thousands have done and continue to do. Only the porch niggas hate Latins because the Latins GOTS DEY JOBS, homes...(well, you ain't homes because you're a saltine). So I hope that clears things up for it 4 or 5 or maybe have somebody explain it to ya.

blacks and "latins" wanted to be white maybe sometime mid last century.....i dont think thats the way it is anymore......for the great majority anyway....
so that saying ...."once you have had black,you wont go back".....aint true?.....:shock:

Nah, most black men are selfish, stupid, and not endowed much different than us crackers. Plus they like to hurt women during sex with anal. A young girl might like that on occasion but not every night. And when a woman is nearing 30, getting hurt any night isn't going to continue. Black prowess is totally overrated. I've had women tell me most of them would rather rape a white boy than have sex with a woman...primates :afro:
If they were born here, they aren't immigrants. They did not immigrate. They are natural born citizens. Is it really this common for people to be fuckin' retarded, or does the internet just bring out the best in people?
so that saying ...."once you have had black,you wont go back".....aint true?.....:shock:

Nah, most black men are selfish, stupid, and not endowed much different than us crackers. Plus they like to hurt women during sex with anal. A young girl might like that on occasion but not every night. And when a woman is nearing 30, getting hurt any night isn't going to continue. Black prowess is totally overrated. I've had women tell me most of them would rather rape a white boy than have sex with a woman...primates :afro:

Sounds like you're speaking from experience there, fella.
blacks and "latins" wanted to be white maybe sometime mid last century.....i dont think thats the way it is anymore......for the great majority anyway....

Not for DOORMAT whites who cater to them, no. But the majority of us don't do that and Latins aspire to be like us...industrious, clever, tough, cool rockin daddies. Blacks learned long ago how to keep calling us racists when they don't get what they want....Latins couldn't care less about that crap....they just want acceptance. I have respect for anybody who's bilingual....I got to learn to speak the espanol one sounds good when it ain't coming at ya at 100mph. Who want's to learn ebonics? Nobody.
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so that saying ...."once you have had black,you wont go back".....aint true?.....:shock:

Nah, most black men are selfish, stupid, and not endowed much different than us crackers. Plus they like to hurt women during sex with anal. A young girl might like that on occasion but not every night. And when a woman is nearing 30, getting hurt any night isn't going to continue. Black prowess is totally overrated. I've had women tell me most of them would rather rape a white boy than have sex with a woman...primates :afro:

Sounds like you're speaking from experience there, fella.

You wanna suck my WHAT? :eek:
so that saying ...."once you have had black,you wont go back".....aint true?.....:shock:

Nah, most black men are selfish, stupid, and not endowed much different than us crackers. Plus they like to hurt women during sex with anal. A young girl might like that on occasion but not every night. And when a woman is nearing 30, getting hurt any night isn't going to continue. Black prowess is totally overrated. I've had women tell me most of them would rather rape a white boy than have sex with a woman...primates :afro:

Thats not what white women say. Why does that bother you? :lol:


Not really. It was an attempt at a gotcha moment in Maricopa County in 2010. Five people does not a state make. I think that had the guy traveled further south and closer to the border that it would have shown quite a bit more.

It does illustrate how documents are lost over time. That was a primary concern. There are people who have lost birth certificates due to fires and moving and even having their house broken into or purses stolen. Ethnicity be damned. That's just how life goes.

There seems to be this pretense that AZ was 100% white folks and then everyone came running across the border. AZ has 26 tribes and Americans of Mexican descent whose families have lived there long before 1912. To be clear that is what this video adds to. I know that wasn't the point but without meaning to that is what he did.

There are people that would come across the border to visit families and then turn around and go back home. That is impossible now. Hell, in a couple of weeks I am going down and excursions across the border are impossible. I'm not waiting 8-10 hours in a line to come back in simply because I wanted to eat lunch.

In Pima County, much closer to the border, the group of racist bastards was quite small. It does exist-after watching the Tuscon School Board in action and the moronic little Tea Party twits in action there is no denying it. They do not represent of all of Pima County. Nor do they represent all of Arizona. I don't think that I have ever seen a Pima County Sheriff act like an attention whore or cost the county as much money as say.........Maricopa County. Ever.

There are two places that have historically provided employment in Pima County. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the copper mines. Jobs have always been hard to come by. There is a lot of talk (and always is) of the base closing. Arizona is not a place known to have opportunity for employment. It is expensive. We aren't talking about things that score big on quality of life. All of this bullshit has seriously impacted the quality of life that was in existence.

Look everybody, this one manages to preface her mindless baby talk with anecdotal irrelevancies.

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Useless. Race-baiting Pimpess.

The issue is the integrity of our national sovereignty and the survival of America's founding ethos.

The only twits around here are the slogan-spouting shrews of cultural Marxism.

Leftists suffer from a psychological form of Tourette's syndrome. They're degenerates to be sure. Strip away that veneer of tolerance and what you have is a self-righteous bore, but not just any ordinary shrew in need of a good bitch slapping. What you have is a vicious, pitchfork-welding Jacobin. Madame Defarge. They are murderers, thugs and thieves. They just can't seem to wrap their heads around the imperatives of the rule of law. You can be sure that anytime someone is actually defending the sanctity of human life, liberty or private property rights, they will start spouting epithets. While normal people discuss the actual issues and the legitimacy of the actual goals/motives of those concerned . . . . well, you see, this sort of thing just sets off an alarm bell somewhere in the shallow, murky black waters of their brains.

Facts? Reason?

The integrity of our national sovereignty?


It's tickfeast time.

Xenophobe! Homophobe! Bigot! Racist! Grubschmackkudum! Boobooshnoo!

Yep, once again, it's an endless stream of duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :cuckoo:

Or what?

Integrity is not something that you have. Or have ever had. You aren't really in a position to speak.

Get back to me when you have an argument or fuck off.
The Aztecs and Incas slaughtered and enslaved people, thats Latin Americas true heritage. When it happened to them of course they werent to happy about it. You can go back with most countries
and youll find someone has been unfairly displaced. So we have people among us who maybe would
like us to go back to some tribal system where everybody is equal? who knows.

All the native tribes warred on each other constantly. They took slaves, slaughtered their enemies and did all the bad things that us white Europeans are supposedly notorious for.
If America has been stolen and we have no right to stop anyone from stealing it from us, then surely we would support either a Russian or Chinese invasion. If we have no rights to stop invaders at all, does it matter where the invaders come from?

Give them a break. They just want their country back.

When will the people they stole it from getting it back?
If America has been stolen and we have no right to stop anyone from stealing it from us, then surely we would support either a Russian or Chinese invasion. If we have no rights to stop invaders at all, does it matter where the invaders come from?

Give them a break. They just want their country back.

[MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION] & her hyperbolic rw rhetoric :blahblah: :eusa_doh: The white devils stole this nation from the native Americans & Mexicans. FACT!!!

Who stole it from someone else.


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