Asking White People in AZ if They're Immigrants

Anytime your ready, bitch. Bring an argument or STFU.

SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:

Nice one tough guy. I bet you feel good releasing your frustrations against the opposite sex because they normally laugh at you.

Bet your scrawny ass I'm tough, wigger. AC/AM 1/7...Bull is a pal of mine....we were both at Hue during the Tet. AM and USMC fight the same way...something you've only read about in your Sgt.Rock comic books. You're fucking pitiful and everybody here knows it.....find a job and stop boring us with your piss-poor claims. :eusa_hand:
aspire to be white?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

That's right....ever seen a mehican's face when he first sees a white girl with blonde hair? His mouth falls open and he just STARES at her. :eek:

You leftist pussies hate your own race and's obvious the public schools have nut-cut you into self-hatred and admiration for inferiors. I mean c' you really compare yourself to a dark skinned illiterate who's 4 feet tall and can't even reach an apple on a tree? Stoop labor...they're little more than livestock. You bet the lighter skinned ones who have some Euro-blood and size aspire to be white and fit in. Something you turds have never considered because the only hispanics you're around are day laborers you've decided to protect like PETA. :badgrin:
thanks for proving racist assholes with inferiority complexs are alive and psychotic in the good ole usa!

No charge pussy. :badgrin:
SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:

Nice one tough guy. I bet you feel good releasing your frustrations against the opposite sex because they normally laugh at you.

Bet your scrawny ass I'm tough, wigger. AC/AM 1/7...Bull is a pal of mine....we were both at Hue during the Tet. AM and USMC fight the same way...something you've only read about in your Sgt.Rock comic books. You're fucking pitiful and everybody here knows it.....find a job and stop boring us with your piss-poor claims. :eusa_hand:


You should get new wording. I knew who you were the minute I saw one of your posts. Who do you think you are fooling? :lol:
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That's right....ever seen a mehican's face when he first sees a white girl with blonde hair? His mouth falls open and he just STARES at her. :eek:

You leftist pussies hate your own race and's obvious the public schools have nut-cut you into self-hatred and admiration for inferiors. I mean c' you really compare yourself to a dark skinned illiterate who's 4 feet tall and can't even reach an apple on a tree? Stoop labor...they're little more than livestock. You bet the lighter skinned ones who have some Euro-blood and size aspire to be white and fit in. Something you turds have never considered because the only hispanics you're around are day laborers you've decided to protect like PETA. :badgrin:
thanks for proving racist assholes with inferiority complexs are alive and psychotic in the good ole usa!

No charge pussy. :badgrin:
the only pussy here is you.....
aspire to be white?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

That's right....ever seen a mehican's face when he first sees a white girl with blonde hair? His mouth falls open and he just STARES at her. :eek:

You leftist pussies hate your own race and's obvious the public schools have nut-cut you into self-hatred and admiration for inferiors. I mean c' you really compare yourself to a dark skinned illiterate who's 4 feet tall and can't even reach an apple on a tree? Stoop labor...they're little more than livestock. You bet the lighter skinned ones who have some Euro-blood and size aspire to be white and fit in. Something you turds have never considered because the only hispanics you're around are day laborers you've decided to protect like PETA. :badgrin:

"You leftist pussies hate your own race and gender"

no just the white trash among us :eusa_whistle:
Anytime your ready, bitch. Bring an argument or STFU.

SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:

So can I infer that the demographic shift in America isn't work out to well for you? :uhoh3::uhoh3:

By "demographic" do you mean the 12M illegals you dirtbags have gotten registered to vote RAT because you're losing whites' support? Wait until November when you lose the Senate and 2017 when we have the WH back and fumigated. That's when the WHIP :whip: comes down, goyim.....your kind may well end up deported along with your little brown playtoys. It's gonna be a beautiful sight to see. :eusa_angel:
SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:

So can I infer that the demographic shift in America isn't work out to well for you? :uhoh3::uhoh3:

By "demographic" do you mean the 12M illegals you dirtbags have gotten registered to vote RAT because you're losing whites' support? Wait until November when you lose the Senate and 2017 when we have the WH back and fumigated. That's when the WHIP :whip: comes down, goyim.....your kind may well end up deported along with your little brown playtoys. It's gonna be a beautiful sight to see. :eusa_angel:

Good luck with that pipe dream. There are not enough racist whites left for you to get your wish. I already told you your children and women like Black people too much for that.
Ah okay, you're mentally should move your act out to a traffic island and yell at cars you think are too new....spit at them maybe. Sheriff Joe is waiting for you to move your chickenshit routine into an "action" so you can be put in the cage you belong in, Sybil. :cuckoo:

Anytime your ready, bitch. Bring an argument or STFU.

SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:
Ok, sweetie. I'll put you on ignore. From here on out, you're just fappin' on the net. You are clearly shut up.
Anytime your ready, bitch. Bring an argument or STFU.

SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:

Nice one tough guy. I bet you feel good releasing your frustrations against the opposite sex because they normally laugh at you.

I didn't expect a transgender lesbian to understand my comments. :badgrin:
Anytime your ready, bitch. Bring an argument or STFU.

SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:
Ok, sweetie. I'll put you on ignore. From here on out, you're just fappin' on the net. You are clearly shut up.

Tell him you have a Black or Mexican boyfriend and he will never say anything to you again. It would hurt his heart dearly. :lol:
SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:

So can I infer that the demographic shift in America isn't work out to well for you? :uhoh3::uhoh3:

By "demographic" do you mean the 12M illegals you dirtbags have gotten registered to vote RAT because you're losing whites' support? Wait until November when you lose the Senate and 2017 when we have the WH back and fumigated. That's when the WHIP :whip: comes down, goyim.....your kind may well end up deported along with your little brown playtoys. It's gonna be a beautiful sight to see. :eusa_angel:
wake up Dorothy! wake up!
the only pussy here is you.....

I'd liken him more to a rectum. He cant remember the last time he saw some action from a woman.

What time is it? :badgrin:

So Assplaster......tell us more about these "German women in the US illegally"...did any of them have a dick?

Dont you know the difference between a man and a woman yet? I know you are still a virgin but someone should have explained it to you by now right?
SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:

Nice one tough guy. I bet you feel good releasing your frustrations against the opposite sex because they normally laugh at you.

I didn't expect a transgender lesbian to understand my comments. :badgrin:
that's true as there are no transgendered lesbians .....where I come from we call that makin' shit up.
Not really. It was an attempt at a gotcha moment in Maricopa County in 2010. Five people does not a state make. I think that had the guy traveled further south and closer to the border that it would have shown quite a bit more.

It does illustrate how documents are lost over time. That was a primary concern. There are people who have lost birth certificates due to fires and moving and even having their house broken into or purses stolen. Ethnicity be damned. That's just how life goes.

There seems to be this pretense that AZ was 100% white folks and then everyone came running across the border. AZ has 26 tribes and Americans of Mexican descent whose families have lived there long before 1912. To be clear that is what this video adds to. I know that wasn't the point but without meaning to that is what he did.

There are people that would come across the border to visit families and then turn around and go back home. That is impossible now. Hell, in a couple of weeks I am going down and excursions across the border are impossible. I'm not waiting 8-10 hours in a line to come back in simply because I wanted to eat lunch.

In Pima County, much closer to the border, the group of racist bastards was quite small. It does exist-after watching the Tuscon School Board in action and the moronic little Tea Party twits in action there is no denying it. They do not represent of all of Pima County. Nor do they represent all of Arizona. I don't think that I have ever seen a Pima County Sheriff act like an attention whore or cost the county as much money as say.........Maricopa County. Ever.

There are two places that have historically provided employment in Pima County. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the copper mines. Jobs have always been hard to come by. There is a lot of talk (and always is) of the base closing. Arizona is not a place known to have opportunity for employment. It is expensive. We aren't talking about things that score big on quality of life. All of this bullshit has seriously impacted the quality of life that was in existence.

Look everybody, this one manages to preface her mindless baby talk with anecdotal irrelevancies.

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Useless. Race-baiting Pimpess.

The issue is the integrity of our national sovereignty and the survival of America's founding ethos.

The only twits around here are the slogan-spouting shrews of cultural Marxism.

Leftists suffer from a psychological form of Tourette's syndrome. They're degenerates to be sure. Strip away that veneer of tolerance and what you have is a self-righteous bore, but not just any ordinary shrew in need of a good bitch slapping. What you have is a vicious, pitchfork-welding Jacobin. Madame Defarge. They are murderers, thugs and thieves. They just can't seem to wrap their heads around the imperatives of the rule of law. You can be sure that anytime someone is actually defending the sanctity of human life, liberty or private property rights, they will start spouting epithets. While normal people discuss the actual issues and the legitimacy of the actual goals/motives of those concerned . . . . well, you see, this sort of thing just sets off an alarm bell somewhere in the shallow, murky black waters of their brains.

Facts? Reason?

The integrity of our national sovereignty?


It's tickfeast time.

Xenophobe! Homophobe! Bigot! Racist! Grubschmackkudum! Boobooshnoo!

Yep, once again, it's an endless stream of duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :cuckoo:

O[f] what?

Integrity is not something that you have. Or have ever had. You aren't really in a position to speak.

Get back to me when you have an argument or fuck off.

An endless stream of DUH, you simpleton.

Wipe the cockroach dung from your eyes, you unwashed leftist whore.

Argument? Integrity? :cuckoo: That's the whole point, you race-baiting pimpess, you useless, mealy-mouthed punk. Your entire post amounts to calling decent people racists, calling me a racist, you bitch! The rest is irrelevant, anecdotal doggerel, twit.

I'm not a bigot or a racist, you slobbering hyena.

A racist is a despicable person. Racism is evil, you slut. Maybe your careless abuse of the term has desensitized you, utterly fried your moral sensibilities, such as they are, you filthy, sociopathic bitch; but the term still means what it's supposed to mean to me, ****.

What the hell is wrong with you, you callous bitch? You're calling good people who love this country evil, hateful things. No. You fuck off and know that we are locked and loaded. We will take up arms against you barbarians, for only barbarians with hateful, murderous intent would say such things about decent people.

The difference between you and me. . . . I'm calling you out for what you are. Truth. You're a liar and a hypocrite.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would seek to disarm a free people.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would impose depravity and mediocrity on innocent children, particularly on those of our impoverished, inner-city public schools mostly populated by so-called minorities. By the way, the latter term minorities, is leftist talk, shoving people into categories, labeling them, the language of victimization and oppression. The language of race-baiting and class warfare. The balkanization of America.

Talk about racism! We're the ones fighting to free them; you're the whores fighting tooth and nail to hold them captive.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would embrace Islamist propaganda as they slander America and Israel, as is the wont of you leftist whores at Berkeley and Harvard and Princeton and so on without end. . . .

Only barbarians and sluts with murderous intent would characterize the defense of the fundamental rights of religious freedom, free-association and private property as a war on women.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would seek, as is the wont of you leftist whores, to criminalize thought and speech.

And barbarians with murderous intent do not warrant civility. I've got a loaded gun for mindless sheep like you and the monstrous political operatives who programmed you in the event of the chaos and anarchy intended for this nation by the same.

My concern and that of the classical liberals whom you routinely slander as thoughtlessly as you lick your genitals like the bitch dog that you are goes to the integrity of our national sovereignty, the security and prosperity of our progeny, and the rule of law, the only thing standing between the people and a despotic government short of civil war, you imbecile.

That's an argument. It's not my fault that you're too stupid to grasp the obvious ramifications regarding the survival of our culture and founding sociopolitical ethos against the threat of a porous border overrun by persons who mostly do not grasp the imperatives of liberty and prosperity, you dope.

All of you leftist pigs have had ample time and opportunity to read and consider the actual arguments made by classical liberals for the rule of law on this board.

You leftist pigs don't have the integrity or the courage to allow for the actual concerns of and the actual arguments made by classical liberals that the issues might be discussed in good faith. No. The actual concerns and arguments of classical liberalism expose your venality and sexual depravity, your callous disregard for human life and dignity, your selfishness and self-righteousness . . . your boorish, phony ass talk about tolerance and acceptance . . . inclusiveness, the latter an especially inelegant abuse of language . . . the rot of your craven, nightmarish Utopian fantasies.

Hence, the thought and speech police, the whistles, the shouting down. . . . "La la la la, I can't hear you."

Shut. Up. About. Arguments.

Indeed, the whole point of you leftist pigs calling people names like racist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot and so on is to shut down debate, to end discussion, to avoid argument, to demonize, to marginalize, to silence the opposition. Isn't that right, you rotten pile of trash? All you leftist pigs ever do is slander, threaten, bully, oppress. It doesn't matter what we say, what we actually believe or what our actual motives are.

On this board, the lot of you American-hating, bootlicking statists will get nothing more from me but the sweat off my balls and the back of my hand.
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Look everybody, this one manages to preface her mindless baby talk with anecdotal irrelevancies.

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Useless. Race-baiting Pimpess.

The issue is the integrity of our national sovereignty and the survival of America's founding ethos.

The only twits around here are the slogan-spouting shrews of cultural Marxism.

Leftists suffer from a psychological form of Tourette's syndrome. They're degenerates to be sure. Strip away that veneer of tolerance and what you have is a self-righteous bore, but not just any ordinary shrew in need of a good bitch slapping. What you have is a vicious, pitchfork-welding Jacobin. Madame Defarge. They are murderers, thugs and thieves. They just can't seem to wrap their heads around the imperatives of the rule of law. You can be sure that anytime someone is actually defending the sanctity of human life, liberty or private property rights, they will start spouting epithets. While normal people discuss the actual issues and the legitimacy of the actual goals/motives of those concerned . . . . well, you see, this sort of thing just sets off an alarm bell somewhere in the shallow, murky black waters of their brains.

Facts? Reason?

The integrity of our national sovereignty?


It's tickfeast time.

Xenophobe! Homophobe! Bigot! Racist! Grubschmackkudum! Boobooshnoo!

Yep, once again, it's an endless stream of duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :cuckoo:

O[f] what?

Integrity is not something that you have. Or have ever had. You aren't really in a position to speak.

Get back to me when you have an argument or fuck off.

An endless stream of DUH, you simpleton.

Wipe the cockroach dung from your eyes, you unwashed leftist whore.

Argument? Integrity? :cuckoo: That's the whole point, you race-baiting pimpess, you useless, mealy-mouthed punk. Your entire post amounts to calling decent people racists, calling me a racist, you bitch! The rest is irrelevant, anecdotal doggerel, twit.

I'm not a bigot or a racist, you slobbering hyena.

A racist is a despicable person. Racism is evil, you slut. Maybe your careless abuse of the term has desensitized you, utterly fried your moral sensibilities, such as they are, you filthy, sociopathic bitch; but the term still means what it's supposed to mean to me, ****.

What the hell is wrong with you, you callous bitch? You're calling good people who love this country evil, hateful things. No. You fuck off and know that we are locked and loaded. We will take up arms against you barbarians, for only barbarians with hateful, murderous intent would say such things about decent people.

The difference between you and me. . . . I'm calling you out for what you are. Truth. You're a liar and a hypocrite.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would seek to disarm a free people.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would impose depravity and mediocrity on innocent children, particularly on those of our impoverished, inner-city public schools mostly populated by so-called minorities. By the way, the latter term minorities, is leftist talk, shoving people into categories, labeling them, the language of victimization and oppression. The language of race-baiting and class warfare. The balkanization of America.

Talk about racism! We're the ones fighting to free them; you're the whores fighting tooth and nail to hold them captive.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would embrace Islamist propaganda as they slander America and Israel, as is the wont of you leftist whores at Berkeley and Harvard and Princeton and so on without end. . . .

Only barbarians and sluts with murderous intent would characterize the defense of the fundamental rights of religious freedom, free-association and private property as a war on women.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would seek, as is the wont of you leftist whores, to criminalize thought and speech.

And barbarians with murderous intent do not warrant civility. I've got a loaded gun for mindless sheep like you and the monstrous political operatives who programmed you in the event of the chaos and anarchy intended for this nation by the same.

My concern and that of the classical liberals whom you routinely slander as thoughtlessly as you lick your genitals like the bitch dog that you are goes to the integrity of our national sovereignty, the security and prosperity of our progeny, and the rule of law, the only thing standing between the people and a despotic government short of civil war, you imbecile.

That's an argument. It's not my fault that you're too stupid to grasp the obvious ramifications regarding the survival of our culture and founding sociopolitical ethos against the threat of a porous border overrun by persons who mostly do not grasp the imperatives of liberty and prosperity, you dope.

All of you leftist pigs have had ample time and opportunity to read and consider the actual arguments made by classical liberals for the rule of law on this board.

You leftist pigs don't have the integrity or the courage to allow for the actual concerns of and the actual arguments made by classical liberals that the issues might be discussed in good faith. No. The actual concerns and arguments of classical liberalism expose your venality and sexual depravity, your callous disregard for human life and dignity, your selfishness and self-righteousness . . . your boorish, phony ass talk about tolerance and acceptance . . . inclusiveness, the latter an especially inelegant abuse of language . . . the rot of your craven, nightmarish Utopian fantasies.

Hence, the thought and speech police, the whistles, the shouting down. . . . "La la la la, I can't hear you."

Shut. Up. About. Arguments.

Indeed, the whole point of you leftist pigs calling people names like racist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot and so on is to shut down debate, to end discussion, to avoid argument, to demonize, to marginalize, to silence the opposition. Isn't that right, you rotten pile of trash? All you leftist pigs ever do is slander, threaten, bully, oppress. It doesn't matter what we say, what we actually believe or what our actual motives are.

On this board, the lot of you American-hating, bootlicking statists will get nothing more from me but the sweat off my balls and the back of my hand.


You're a fucking child trying to play an adult game. You don't have any truth. You have a very small penis and a keyboard. That's it. That entire lengthy diatribe is nothing more than you spewing shit. You wouldn't recognize the Constitution if I shoved it so far up your ass that it came out of your nose and landed face up.

The "I'm special. I'm a libertopian. I'm a classical liberal" isn't an argument. It's a joke. You talk about freedom. You don't mean it. Eradicating everything MAS is not freedom. Banning books (and then being forced into unbanning them)? You're a fucking genius. No line formed at the border consisting of brown folk when AZ became a state. Contrary to popular belief it shows a bunch of nitwits with zip educational experience or knowledge. If you had that experience or if you had the statistics then you would have realized that it actually does more to unify then divide. We have hella Chicano writers and history in the US. Pretending that it doesn't exist makes you a special kind of chicken shit. It makes you a fucking racist asshole.

Furthermore, the nail everybody that is brown was a concern for those of us that are looking at people that have been and are legitimate citizens that have lost paperwork over time. Especially those that don't drive and are reliant on someone else to take them to the grocery store or run errands. It's far easier for your single brain cell to put this shit into extremes-to justify you being a fucking racist asshole.

You talk about prosperity. You don't fucking mean it. You would have to make a choice between your "I'm special. I'm a libertopian. I'm a classical liberal" and nailing the corporations and businesses that hire the illegal aliens.

Don't threaten a civil war---bring it or sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
SHUT ME UP **** got nothing but racist hatred of whites...and you're probably white yourself which is par for the course with you lunatics. We're not afraid of you in the least....when the barricades go up, I'll be there but you won't. All you do is talk shit on the're as gutless as it gets. :eusa_whistle:
Ok, sweetie. I'll put you on ignore. From here on out, you're just fappin' on the net. You are clearly shut up.

Tell him you have a Black or Mexican boyfriend and he will never say anything to you again. It would hurt his heart dearly. :lol:

You gotta love a guy that wants to do you harm and then says he is going to get his buddies and hide behind a barricade.

You're a fucking child trying to play an adult game. You don't have any truth. You have a very small penis and a keyboard. That's it. That entire lengthy diatribe is nothing more than you spewing shit. You wouldn't recognize the Constitution if I shoved it so far up your ass that it came out of your nose and landed face up.

The "I'm special. I'm a libertopian. I'm a classical liberal" isn't an argument. It's a joke. You talk about freedom. You don't mean it. Eradicating everything MAS is not freedom. Banning books (and then being forced into unbanning them)? You're a fucking genius. No line formed at the border consisting of brown folk when AZ became a state. Contrary to popular belief it shows a bunch of nitwits with zip educational experience or knowledge. If you had that experience or if you had the statistics then you would have realized that it actually does more to unify then divide. We have hella Chicano writers and history in the US. Pretending that it doesn't exist makes you a special kind of chicken shit. It makes you a fucking racist asshole.

Furthermore, the nail everybody that is brown was a concern for those of us that are looking at people that have been and are legitimate citizens that have lost paperwork over time. Especially those that don't drive and are reliant on someone else to take them to the grocery store or run errands. It's far easier for your single brain cell to put this shit into extremes-to justify you being a fucking racist asshole.

You talk about prosperity. You don't fucking mean it. You would have to make a choice between your "I'm special. I'm a libertopian. I'm a classical liberal" and nailing the corporations and businesses that hire the illegal aliens.

Don't threaten a civil war---bring it or sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

O[f] what?

Integrity is not something that you have. Or have ever had. You aren't really in a position to speak.

Get back to me when you have an argument or fuck off.

An endless stream of DUH, you simpleton.

Wipe the cockroach dung from your eyes, you unwashed leftist whore.

Argument? Integrity? :cuckoo: That's the whole point, you race-baiting pimpess, you useless, mealy-mouthed punk. Your entire post amounts to calling decent people racists, calling me a racist, you bitch! The rest is irrelevant, anecdotal doggerel, twit.

I'm not a bigot or a racist, you slobbering hyena.

A racist is a despicable person. Racism is evil, you slut. Maybe your careless abuse of the term has desensitized you, utterly fried your moral sensibilities, such as they are, you filthy, sociopathic bitch; but the term still means what it's supposed to mean to me, ****.

What the hell is wrong with you, you callous bitch? You're calling good people who love this country evil, hateful things. No. You fuck off and know that we are locked and loaded. We will take up arms against you barbarians, for only barbarians with hateful, murderous intent would say such things about decent people.

The difference between you and me. . . . I'm calling you out for what you are. Truth. You're a liar and a hypocrite.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would seek to disarm a free people.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would impose depravity and mediocrity on innocent children, particularly on those of our impoverished, inner-city public schools mostly populated by so-called minorities. By the way, the latter term minorities, is leftist talk, shoving people into categories, labeling them, the language of victimization and oppression. The language of race-baiting and class warfare. The balkanization of America.

Talk about racism! We're the ones fighting to free them; you're the whores fighting tooth and nail to hold them captive.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would embrace Islamist propaganda as they slander America and Israel, as is the wont of you leftist whores at Berkeley and Harvard and Princeton and so on without end. . . .

Only barbarians and sluts with murderous intent would characterize the defense of the fundamental rights of religious freedom, free-association and private property as a war on women.

Only barbarians with murderous intent would seek, as is the wont of you leftist whores, to criminalize thought and speech.

And barbarians with murderous intent do not warrant civility. I've got a loaded gun for mindless sheep like you and the monstrous political operatives who programmed you in the event of the chaos and anarchy intended for this nation by the same.

My concern and that of the classical liberals whom you routinely slander as thoughtlessly as you lick your genitals like the bitch dog that you are goes to the integrity of our national sovereignty, the security and prosperity of our progeny, and the rule of law, the only thing standing between the people and a despotic government short of civil war, you imbecile.

That's an argument. It's not my fault that you're too stupid to grasp the obvious ramifications regarding the survival of our culture and founding sociopolitical ethos against the threat of a porous border overrun by persons who mostly do not grasp the imperatives of liberty and prosperity, you dope.

All of you leftist pigs have had ample time and opportunity to read and consider the actual arguments made by classical liberals for the rule of law on this board.

You leftist pigs don't have the integrity or the courage to allow for the actual concerns of and the actual arguments made by classical liberals that the issues might be discussed in good faith. No. The actual concerns and arguments of classical liberalism expose your venality and sexual depravity, your callous disregard for human life and dignity, your selfishness and self-righteousness . . . your boorish, phony ass talk about tolerance and acceptance . . . inclusiveness, the latter an especially inelegant abuse of language . . . the rot of your craven, nightmarish Utopian fantasies.

Hence, the thought and speech police, the whistles, the shouting down. . . . "La la la la, I can't hear you."

Shut. Up. About. Arguments.

Indeed, the whole point of you leftist pigs calling people names like racist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot and so on is to shut down debate, to end discussion, to avoid argument, to demonize, to marginalize, to silence the opposition. Isn't that right, you rotten pile of trash? All you leftist pigs ever do is slander, threaten, bully, oppress. It doesn't matter what we say, what we actually believe or what our actual motives are.

On this board, the lot of you American-hating, bootlicking statists will get nothing more from me but the sweat off my balls and the back of my hand.


You're a fucking child trying to play an adult game. You don't have any truth. You have a very small penis and a keyboard. That's it. That entire lengthy diatribe is nothing more than you spewing shit. You wouldn't recognize the Constitution if I shoved it so far up your ass that it came out of your nose and landed face up.

The "I'm special. I'm a libertopian. I'm a classical liberal" isn't an argument. It's a joke. You talk about freedom. You don't mean it. Eradicating everything MAS is not freedom. Banning books (and then being forced into unbanning them)? You're a fucking genius. No line formed at the border consisting of brown folk when AZ became a state. Contrary to popular belief it shows a bunch of nitwits with zip educational experience or knowledge. If you had that experience or if you had the statistics then you would have realized that it actually does more to unify then divide. We have hella Chicano writers and history in the US. Pretending that it doesn't exist makes you a special kind of chicken shit. It makes you a fucking racist asshole.

Furthermore, the nail everybody that is brown was a concern for those of us that are looking at people that have been and are legitimate citizens that have lost paperwork over time. Especially those that don't drive and are reliant on someone else to take them to the grocery store or run errands. It's far easier for your single brain cell to put this shit into extremes-to justify you being a fucking racist asshole.

You talk about prosperity. You don't fucking mean it. You would have to make a choice between your "I'm special. I'm a libertopian. I'm a classical liberal" and nailing the corporations and businesses that hire the illegal aliens.

Don't threaten a civil war---bring it or sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
ahhh she's a she she would by design have a very small penis..:D

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