Asking White People in AZ if They're Immigrants

Good idea steph isn't it trailer church time in you park?

Laugh at you later !!

She's probably white also. :evil:

Naw, she's just old, angry, bitter, uneducated and on welfare.

Ask her nice and she might give you a bite if gumt cheese but don't ask her about her Medicare CPUs she said she can't understand it.

Stooopid Stapf personifies everything that's wrong with RWs. Y'all jumped on guno for posting it while studiously ignoring the content. That's your reaction to damn near everything.

And it's why your politicians have lie, cheat and steal to get elected. Face it - you're an endangered species and that's good news for the country.

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What "content?" We wiped the "content" off of our shoe and then went on our way.

And you believe "your politicians" don't lie, cheat and steal to get elected? It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that.
In two decades let's see what the 'Black community looks like visa vi the hispanics. One thing is sure: Hispanics don't even pretend to want anything to do with blacks. There are NO hispanic 'soccer moms' who will ever vote for ANY black ever. Blacks know it. Hispanics know it.
The black race in America has basically reached it's zenith right now.
A REP President in 2016 who will work with hispanics in Congress and the Senate and the Black race has no where to go but down. Social Darwinism my friends.
nah, you're not one bit racist..

seems you're inferring that Hispanics are "better than blacks"
almost but not quite equal to whites....

You mean he's "implying" that Hispanics are better than whites. He didn't imply anything of the sort. One thing is certain, his English is better than yours.
if you so called patriots want to stop illegal immigration then take their jobs away from them ..mow your own lawn, watch your own kids, staff hotels and motels, janitorial, migrant farm labor,etc.
who's first?

How is that an excuse for not controlling the border?
I wonder why he thinks Hispanics dont like Black people?


So why did Kobe have to rape and sodomize a room service girl up in Colorado, asshole? The public schools have taught white girls they must mess around with blacks....they don't even know what the rap lyrics are saying about them. You enjoy taunting white guys here but the bottom line is most white girls only do black guys to experience what was once forbidden. Few white girls go back for seconds for obvious reasons. :badgrin:

I was unaware Kobe was convicted of rape. I heard the white girl was a skank that had the sperm of 2 other guys besides Kobes on her panties. I dont know about all white women but every white girl I have been with came back multiple times. One even had my first born. But I have to ask 2 questions. Why does it bother you white women love Black men? What does that have to do with you saying Hispanics dont like Blacks?

I have never since such racist filth posted in this forum.

Not really. It was an attempt at a gotcha moment in Maricopa County in 2010. Five people does not a state make. I think that had the guy traveled further south and closer to the border that it would have shown quite a bit more.

It does illustrate how documents are lost over time. That was a primary concern. There are people who have lost birth certificates due to fires and moving and even having their house broken into or purses stolen. Ethnicity be damned. That's just how life goes.

There seems to be this pretense that AZ was 100% white folks and then everyone came running across the border. AZ has 26 tribes and Americans of Mexican descent whose families have lived there long before 1912. To be clear that is what this video adds to. I know that wasn't the point but without meaning to that is what he did.

There are people that would come across the border to visit families and then turn around and go back home. That is impossible now. Hell, in a couple of weeks I am going down and excursions across the border are impossible. I'm not waiting 8-10 hours in a line to come back in simply because I wanted to eat lunch.

In Pima County, much closer to the border, the group of racist bastards was quite small. It does exist-after watching the Tuscon School Board in action and the moronic little Tea Party twits in action there is no denying it. They do not represent of all of Pima County. Nor do they represent all of Arizona. I don't think that I have ever seen a Pima County Sheriff act like an attention whore or cost the county as much money as say.........Maricopa County. Ever.

There are two places that have historically provided employment in Pima County. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the copper mines. Jobs have always been hard to come by. There is a lot of talk (and always is) of the base closing. Arizona is not a place known to have opportunity for employment. It is expensive. We aren't talking about things that score big on quality of life. All of this bullshit has seriously impacted the quality of life that was in existence.

You're so full of shit it's astounding you can work a keyboard. Everything you've said here is crap....not worth reading, not worth responding to. I've lived in Phoenix since late 1974 and have been to the border with the Minutemen. You are the racist here, you are the misogynist here, not anglo Arizonans who've seen our desert BURIED in litter, our women raped, our homes broken into. Every type of service job lost to these burritos, construction jobs lost, city and county jobs no anglo can get anymore. Before you run your mouth further, how about telling Obozo to pay us the $700,000 he owes us for warehousing his illegals? If you live in Arizona how about you GET THE HELL OUT....we don't need your kind here

No, you get the hell out. You have made Arizona an international joke.
Not just nationally---internationally. It figures your dumb ass was imported. Let me guess, you came to Arizona enamored with the UFO aliens and finding out that was shit went after illegal aliens. Alien=alien. What's in a name?

Furthermore, take your ass to the library immediately. Go directly to the nonfiction section. Locate books on Arizona history. You may bullshit your little Teathuglican crowd online but you sure as hell can't bullshit me.

You have no real desire to stop them from coming in. None. What happened to Waterworld? They just shut down. Not a damn thing was done. Went after a low level employee. Heh. That case was down.

The world is made up of choices. The corporations that you allow to write the law are going to do everything within their power not to be held accountable. You can't have both. Make a choice. Senate Bill 1070 was written by the private prison industry. For profit. CCA........look the shit up. ALEC.........look the shit up.

There was no political will to nail the contractors or businesses that hire them. That would be solving problems. Benny- drive down wages.
It would be anathema for you to consider corporations has having any fault whatsoever. Heck no, its easier to target people with the least amount of power. You have a woman that has lived in Arizona for 25 years and was hired to work with children with disabilities. And got off your ass and decided to deal with government that hired her. Fuck no. You don't want to touch the right wing too much there. Much better to go down and see the minute men. Discuss RINO's. Fucking moron.

Even so, AZ illegal alien population has declined since 2000. Heavily.
In the meantime, everyone else has to deal with your pathetic racist fear mongering fallout.

This is such ignorant shit. Why not say you want to see my ID? That is all the AZ law does it states you have to show ID. Not to hard at all.

I went to college in Arizona. One night after drinking in the bars I met a girl and went back to her back. Leaving out the details, I ended up leaving around 2:00 AM and walked home (this was before cell phone days). As I was walking through a dark neighborhood at 2:00 in the morning a cop stopped me and asked me what I was doing and who I was. I told him my name and I was just going home, although I didn't know exactly where I was.

Then he violated my civil rights (sarcasm) and asked me for identification. He checked my ID, brought it to his cruiser and I assume ran a quick check on me. After he came back he said down the road is a Circle K and I could call a cab from there.

See the asshole in this clip was trying to say that white people should be under the same scrutiny as Hispanics. Yet it is NOT illegal Europeans or Canadians that are swarping the Southern Border. It's Hispanics. Believe it or not illegal immigration is not a positive, it is only a negative. The who will big our fruit argument is bullshit. Only 3% of illegals work in the agriculture industry.

Get a clue fucko, in the end your faux liberalism compassion will bite you in the ass!

That was funny. The white privilege on display there was amusing. Questioning citizenship status does not apply to white people and its an outrageous idea to even suggest they are not legal. :lol:

Canadians get deported all the time, shit-for-brains.

Europeans do also! See many Europeans actually come here on work VISA from European company. These companies sponsor them and they are here LEGALLY. Many have kids here and many of those kids don't speak their native tongue very well. If that company downsizes or just fires the worker, then the sponsorship goes and it's very very hard to get another job. Many of these people end up being deported or leave on their own, since they are the wrong skin color!

Also if a Canadian or European is here illegally. Whether they over-stay their VISA or just come here illegally, they shouldn't be treated any different then Hispanic illegals. They should be deported all the same!
So why did Kobe have to rape and sodomize a room service girl up in Colorado, asshole? The public schools have taught white girls they must mess around with blacks....they don't even know what the rap lyrics are saying about them. You enjoy taunting white guys here but the bottom line is most white girls only do black guys to experience what was once forbidden. Few white girls go back for seconds for obvious reasons. :badgrin:

I was unaware Kobe was convicted of rape. I heard the white girl was a skank that had the sperm of 2 other guys besides Kobes on her panties. I dont know about all white women but every white girl I have been with came back multiple times. One even had my first born. But I have to ask 2 questions. Why does it bother you white women love Black men? What does that have to do with you saying Hispanics dont like Blacks?

I have never since such racist filth posted in this forum.

That must have enraged you. Are you ok? I cant even make out what you are saying and why you used the word racist or filth in a description of the facts.
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And got off your ass and decided to deal with government that hired her. Fuck no. You don't want to touch the right wing too much there. Much better to go down and see the minute men. Discuss RINO's. Fucking moron.

Even so, AZ illegal alien population has declined since 2000. Heavily.
In the meantime, everyone else has to deal with your pathetic racist fear mongering fallout.

Ah okay, you're mentally should move your act out to a traffic island and yell at cars you think are too new....spit at them maybe. Sheriff Joe is waiting for you to move your chickenshit routine into an "action" so you can be put in the cage you belong in, Sybil. :cuckoo:
See the asshole in this clip was trying to say that white people should be under the same scrutiny as Hispanics. Yet it is NOT illegal Europeans or Canadians that are swarping the Southern Border. It's Hispanics. Believe it or not illegal immigration is not a positive, it is only a negative. The who will big our fruit argument is bullshit. Only 3% of illegals work in the agriculture industry.

Get a clue fucko, in the end your faux liberalism compassion will bite you in the ass!

YouTube clip a chintzy RIPOFF of the James O'Keffe ambush interviews these leftist cowards supposedly despise. Poorly done which is par for the course..."progressives" haven't had an original idea since 1933, which makes them the most retarded reactionaries in history. :badgrin:
nah, you're not one bit racist..

seems you're inferring that Hispanics are "better than blacks"
almost but not quite equal to whites....

I wonder why he thinks Hispanics dont like Black people?


So why did Kobe have to rape and sodomize a room service girl up in Colorado, asshole? The public schools have taught white girls they must mess around with blacks....they don't even know what the rap lyrics are saying about them. You enjoy taunting white guys here but the bottom line is most white girls only do black guys to experience what was once forbidden. Few white girls go back for seconds for obvious reasons. :badgrin:
false comparison...
And got off your ass and decided to deal with government that hired her. Fuck no. You don't want to touch the right wing too much there. Much better to go down and see the minute men. Discuss RINO's. Fucking moron.

Even so, AZ illegal alien population has declined since 2000. Heavily.
In the meantime, everyone else has to deal with your pathetic racist fear mongering fallout.

Ah okay, you're mentally should move your act out to a traffic island and yell at cars you think are too new....spit at them maybe. Sheriff Joe is waiting for you to move your chickenshit routine into an "action" so you can be put in the cage you belong in, Sybil. :cuckoo:

Anytime your ready, bitch. Bring an argument or STFU.
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And got off your ass and decided to deal with government that hired her. Fuck no. You don't want to touch the right wing too much there. Much better to go down and see the minute men. Discuss RINO's. Fucking moron.

Even so, AZ illegal alien population has declined since 2000. Heavily.
In the meantime, everyone else has to deal with your pathetic racist fear mongering fallout.

Ah okay, you're mentally should move your act out to a traffic island and yell at cars you think are too new....spit at them maybe. Sheriff Joe is waiting for you to move your chickenshit routine into an "action" so you can be put in the cage you belong in, Sybil. :cuckoo:

Anytime your ready, bitch.

Fake marine.....I mean trainwreck has mental issues.
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You ain't black....probably a scrawny little Jew like bat_guano....Kobe (rapist) paid her off to drop the charges....cost him a bundle for the skating rink diamond for the diva who married his black ass. Like I already told ya, Assplaster, you're a waste of surely know blacks DESPISE Jews (pawnbrokers) from back in the day. I'm from ever want to know something about actual NEGROES, I'll think about teaching you.....if you can raise a couple thousand if. :badgrin:

Why did you avoid my question? I really want to know why it seems to threaten you that white women love Black men? Also please tell me what that has to do with Hispanics liking Black people?

Latins aspire to be WHITE.....the porch niggas hate that because dey speaks ebonics, and frighten weak whites just by being within a couple yards of them. Bad hygiene....porch niggas smell like bad fish. Now, decent blacks have always understood that to succeed they have to "think white", drop the southern drawl, and dress and act professional. But still dance for us....we like that. :lol:

Which thousands have done and continue to do. Only the porch niggas hate Latins because the Latins GOTS DEY JOBS, homes...(well, you ain't homes because you're a saltine). So I hope that clears things up for it 4 or 5 or maybe have somebody explain it to ya.
aspire to be white?:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Ah okay, you're mentally should move your act out to a traffic island and yell at cars you think are too new....spit at them maybe. Sheriff Joe is waiting for you to move your chickenshit routine into an "action" so you can be put in the cage you belong in, Sybil. :cuckoo:

Anytime your ready, bitch.

If you get banned from this site do they allow you to post under a new username?

I would think not. The flip side is there are multiple recognizable IDs on this site. So, I have no idea.

Why did you avoid my question? I really want to know why it seems to threaten you that white women love Black men? Also please tell me what that has to do with Hispanics liking Black people?

Latins aspire to be WHITE.....the porch niggas hate that because dey speaks ebonics, and frighten weak whites just by being within a couple yards of them. Bad hygiene....porch niggas smell like bad fish. Now, decent blacks have always understood that to succeed they have to "think white", drop the southern drawl, and dress and act professional. But still dance for us....we like that. :lol:

Which thousands have done and continue to do. Only the porch niggas hate Latins because the Latins GOTS DEY JOBS, homes...(well, you ain't homes because you're a saltine). So I hope that clears things up for it 4 or 5 or maybe have somebody explain it to ya.
aspire to be white?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

That one made my day as well. :lol:
I was unaware Kobe was convicted of rape. I heard the white girl was a skank that had the sperm of 2 other guys besides Kobes on her panties. I dont know about all white women but every white girl I have been with came back multiple times. One even had my first born. But I have to ask 2 questions. Why does it bother you white women love Black men? What does that have to do with you saying Hispanics dont like Blacks?

You ain't black....probably a scrawny little Jew like bat_guano....Kobe (rapist) paid her off to drop the charges....cost him a bundle for the skating rink diamond for the diva who married his black ass. Like I already told ya, Assplaster, you're a waste of surely know blacks DESPISE Jews (pawnbrokers) from back in the day. I'm from ever want to know something about actual NEGROES, I'll think about teaching you.....if you can raise a couple thousand if. :badgrin:

Why did you avoid my question? I really want to know why it seems to threaten you that white women love Black men? Also please tell me what that has to do with Hispanics liking Black people?

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