Assad is worse than Hitler, and Trump is battling the evil demon

And now he is the President and doing the right thing, and you can not handle it..

Except what is the right thing here. We have a five-way civil war in Syria and frankly, none of the sides are worth supporting. Not that anything Trump did pissing away $100MM in munitions will change the trajectory of the civil war.

The Russians and Iranians have decided they have a vested interest in Assad winning. They are willing to commit blood and treasure to that. What about us?
And now he is the President and doing the right thing, and you can not handle it..

Except what is the right thing here. We have a five-way civil war in Syria and frankly, none of the sides are worth supporting. Not that anything Trump did pissing away $100MM in munitions will change the trajectory of the civil war.

The Russians and Iranians have decided they have a vested interest in Assad winning. They are willing to commit blood and treasure to that. What about us?

the Iranian, Russian, Assad AXIS is a disaster for the USA -----I know it----Trump knows it-------and YOU SUPPORT IT
Did you convey that to Obama and Hillary?
This is not the face of a man, but of the devil as a man. He must be hunted like a worm to be used for bait

America's Pre-Obamacare health care system killed more Americans than Assad ever could. Why should any American care about who rules Syria? Pffffft. What a joke.
Of course he's worse than Hitler; Hitler is a moderate compared to Islamic rulers. They're all worse than Hitler; if they weren't they wouldn't have so many avid fans among Democrats and assorted faux 'progressives', after all.

He is not an Islamic ruler, the Sunnis do not like him and want him out. He is an Alawite.
Alawites - Wikipedia

They do not force religion on others, they are like Christians, and mainly they are secular, they believe in reincarnation. They are a minority along with the Shiite in Syria, the maj are the Sunnis who want to overthrow him=== ISIS and several other groups.

They want Sharia Law, Assad does not.
This is not the face of a man, but of the devil as a man. He must be hunted like a worm to be used for bait

America's Pre-Obamacare health care system killed more Americans than Assad ever could. Why should any American care about who rules Syria? Pffffft. What a joke.

Before Obamacare the USA had the best healthcare on the planet and people came here for our doctors. Now they laugh at us
This is not the face of a man, but of the devil as a man. He must be hunted like a worm to be used for bait

America's Pre-Obamacare health care system killed more Americans than Assad ever could. Why should any American care about who rules Syria? Pffffft. What a joke.

Before Obamacare the USA had the best healthcare on the planet and people came here for our doctors. Now they laugh at us

Yes, they do laugh at you. You got one thing correct tonight.
This is not the face of a man, but of the devil as a man. He must be hunted like a worm to be used for bait

America's Pre-Obamacare health care system killed more Americans than Assad ever could. Why should any American care about who rules Syria? Pffffft. What a joke.

Before Obamacare the USA had the best healthcare on the planet and people came here for our doctors. Now they laugh at us

Yes, they do laugh at you. You got one thing correct tonight.

Wow that was clever, I am seriously impressed
This is not the face of a man, but of the devil as a man. He must be hunted like a worm to be used for bait

America's Pre-Obamacare health care system killed more Americans than Assad ever could. Why should any American care about who rules Syria? Pffffft. What a joke.

Before Obamacare the USA had the best healthcare on the planet and people came here for our doctors. Now they laugh at us

They laugh at us for not making health care a right, backed up with taxpayer dollars. It should not be a matter of the private sector at all. If our health care system was so great, then why aren't the voters of the UK and Canada, to name two countries, voting out the politicians who support their current systems, and replacing them with politicians who want to impose American style healthcare?
This is not the face of a man, but of the devil as a man. He must be hunted like a worm to be used for bait

America's Pre-Obamacare health care system killed more Americans than Assad ever could. Why should any American care about who rules Syria? Pffffft. What a joke.

Before Obamacare the USA had the best healthcare on the planet and people came here for our doctors. Now they laugh at us

They laugh at us for not making health care a right, backed up with taxpayer dollars. It should not be a matter of the private sector at all. If our health care system was so great, then why aren't the voters of the UK and Canada, to name two countries, voting out the politicians who support their current systems, and replacing them with politicians who want to impose American style healthcare?

Nobody goes to the UK for healthcare, they come here moron. What cave have you been in?

PS Canada has no healthcare, people just die waiting
Of course he's worse than Hitler; Hitler is a moderate compared to Islamic rulers. They're all worse than Hitler; if they weren't they wouldn't have so many avid fans among Democrats and assorted faux 'progressives', after all.

He is not an Islamic ruler, the Sunnis do not like him and want him out. He is an Alawite.
Alawites - Wikipedia

They do not force religion on others, they are like Christians, and mainly they are secular, they believe in reincarnation. They are a minority along with the Shiite in Syria, the maj are the Sunnis who want to overthrow him=== ISIS and several other groups.

They want Sharia Law, Assad does not.

he is a Baathist-----which is the arab/muslim form of Nazism. Many of the
most notorious baby murdering terrorists since world war I have been----Baathists. Baathists ABSOLUTELY do support shariah law------especially in its FASCIST details. An interesting detail of the history of BAATHISM----is that since world war I-----after which the entire world rejected the use of the german invention, Mustard gas-----the ONLY people to use the mustard gases have been
BAATHISTS. In fact the "recipe" was gifted to Baathist leaders by ADOLF himself as a token of friendship and common ideology-------. For more information talk to people who have survived the filth
of Baathist regimes-----COPTS, Chaldeans and Syrian Christians of various flavors. We got lots in the USA. Baathists are famous for the TOKEN CHRISTIAN--------a kind of uncle tom role for Christians living in arab lands to
"prove" that arab muslims "can" be egalitarian. It is a Kafkaesque
perversity. In the USA-----real health care workers know all about the horrors
of mustard gas-------lately
Of course he's worse than Hitler; Hitler is a moderate compared to Islamic rulers. They're all worse than Hitler; if they weren't they wouldn't have so many avid fans among Democrats and assorted faux 'progressives', after all.

He is not an Islamic ruler, the Sunnis do not like him and want him out. He is an Alawite.
Alawites - Wikipedia

They do not force religion on others, they are like Christians, and mainly they are secular, they believe in reincarnation. They are a minority along with the Shiite in Syria, the maj are the Sunnis who want to overthrow him=== ISIS and several other groups.

They want Sharia Law, Assad does not.

he is a Baathist-----which is the arab/muslim form of Nazism. Many of the
most notorious baby murdering terrorists since world war I have been----Baathists. Baathists ABSOLUTELY do support shariah law------especially in its FASCIST details. An interesting detail of the history of BAATHISM----is that since world war I-----after which the entire world rejected the use of the german invention, Mustard gas-----the ONLY people to use the mustard gases have been
BAATHISTS. In fact the "recipe" was gifted to Baathist leaders by ADOLF himself as a token of friendship and common ideology-------. For more information talk to people who have survived the filth
of Baathist regimes-----COPTS, Chaldeans and Syrian Christians of various flavors. We got lots in the USA. Baathists are famous for the TOKEN CHRISTIAN--------a kind of uncle tom role for Christians living in arab lands to
"prove" that arab muslims "can" be egalitarian. It is a Kafkaesque
perversity. In the USA-----real health care workers know all about the horrors
of mustard gas-------lately

^Yes, this.
‘Assad is worse than Hitler’

Yawn, so much for Trump being Hitler..............Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has used some chemical weapons against his own people and will likely use more as his grip on power becomes increasingly tenuous.

That’s the assessment of retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who also warned of a growing humanitarian crisis among the rebels and explained why he doesn’t fear radicals rising to power if Assad falls.

Vallely told WND Assad is using the threat of chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction as a last resort, but he said there is compelling evidence some of those weapons have already been deployed.

“He’s already used chlorine gas to an extent, and phosphate,” he said. “We have videotape of children being hit with the phosphate chemicals and the severe burns.”

Vallely said Assad has many more horrific weapons at his disposal.

“We know that he has sarin gas. We know he has [weapons of mass destruction]. Much of it was transferred from Iraq in 2003 to several sites in Syria,” Vallely said. “He’s already used helicopters to spray chlorine gas. That has come from the validation from the Free Syrian Army commanders on the ground whom I met with just six weeks ago.”

Government tactics, the use of catastrophic weapons and the onset of winter are combining to create a quickly growing humanitarian crisis among the Syrian rebels.

“Assad is trying to starve the people now in all those areas like Aleppo and Homs,” said Vallely, who noted that supply lines have been cut off, leaving the people without food. He said Turkey has sent flour to some of the hardest hit areas, but it’s hard to cook anything with it because all available wood is being burned to provide warmth.

But while the conditions seem bleak for the rebels, Vallely believes they will prevail sooner rather than later.

“No, I think it’s maybe shorter than we think. The Free Syrian Army and others have attacked four of the airports, so you have international flights being canceled. The Russians are rethinking their strategy, so they’re looking at how to remove themselves,” said Vallely, who also noted that Iran is still actively supplying the Assad regime.

One of the greatest concerns about the rebels are the elements with rather clear ties to al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Vallely said he understands the fears that backing the rebels could lead to another Egypt, but he’s confident that wouldn’t happen in this case. He said the U.S. can play a major role without putting any troops on the ground. Vallely contends supplying them through Turkey would not only achieve a desired result but allow us to identify a legitimate successor to the Assad regime. His choice for that role is the leadership of the Free Syrian Army.

But even beyond what might come next in Syria, Vallely said it is imperative that Assad be removed from power.

“Assad is worse than Hitler in many ways, and they did nothing about Hitler until it was too late and millions were killed,” said Vallely. “It’s the same thing with Assad. Over 60,000 killed now in Syria.”

Ultimately, Vallely sees the civil war in Syria ending much like another uprising in the region, and that would be bad news for Assad..

“His time is numbered,” said Vallely, “just like [former Libyan leader] Gadhafi.”

Read more at ‘Assad is worse than Hitler’

Libya is now run by terrorists. Good job holier than thou assholes.

Egypt who we took out temporarily was run by Mubarak and Bam Bam put his Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in charge and the first thing the MB did was to try to wipe out all the Coptic Christians in the land and all Shia.

Assad protects all Christians, Jews, Shia, moderate Sunnis, Kurds and athiests in Syria. You give these intelligent and gentle souls in Syria the Muslim Brotherhood I'm telling you straight up that these countrymen and women in Syria will wreak vengeance on the west.

And I won't blame them.
I'd like a straight up answer to why our leaders feel we have the right to take out other leaders based on our morals?

I kicked it off on many boards when this started to go down asking the question WHY DID NO ONE BOMB THE WHITE HOUSE OVER WACO?

Clinton burned people and their babies alive in Waco. After systematically torturing them for days on end.

No one screamed for regime change and no one called for Clintons death.
Isn't it interesting that the people who will not themselves have to spend a nickel's worth of blood or treasure are always the most vocal in their desire to get us into another war.

Yoi have no room to talk unless you spent time in the military. The Coast Guard is marginal.

Yawn, so much for Trump being Hitler..............Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has used some chemical weapons against his own people and will likely use more as his grip on power becomes increasingly tenuous.

That’s the assessment of retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who also warned of a growing humanitarian crisis among the rebels and explained why he doesn’t fear radicals rising to power if Assad falls.

Vallely told WND Assad is using the threat of chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction as a last resort, but he said there is compelling evidence some of those weapons have already been deployed.

“He’s already used chlorine gas to an extent, and phosphate,” he said. “We have videotape of children being hit with the phosphate chemicals and the severe burns.”

Vallely said Assad has many more horrific weapons at his disposal.

“We know that he has sarin gas. We know he has [weapons of mass destruction]. Much of it was transferred from Iraq in 2003 to several sites in Syria,” Vallely said. “He’s already used helicopters to spray chlorine gas. That has come from the validation from the Free Syrian Army commanders on the ground whom I met with just six weeks ago.”

Government tactics, the use of catastrophic weapons and the onset of winter are combining to create a quickly growing humanitarian crisis among the Syrian rebels.

“Assad is trying to starve the people now in all those areas like Aleppo and Homs,” said Vallely, who noted that supply lines have been cut off, leaving the people without food. He said Turkey has sent flour to some of the hardest hit areas, but it’s hard to cook anything with it because all available wood is being burned to provide warmth.

But while the conditions seem bleak for the rebels, Vallely believes they will prevail sooner rather than later.

“No, I think it’s maybe shorter than we think. The Free Syrian Army and others have attacked four of the airports, so you have international flights being canceled. The Russians are rethinking their strategy, so they’re looking at how to remove themselves,” said Vallely, who also noted that Iran is still actively supplying the Assad regime.

One of the greatest concerns about the rebels are the elements with rather clear ties to al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Vallely said he understands the fears that backing the rebels could lead to another Egypt, but he’s confident that wouldn’t happen in this case. He said the U.S. can play a major role without putting any troops on the ground. Vallely contends supplying them through Turkey would not only achieve a desired result but allow us to identify a legitimate successor to the Assad regime. His choice for that role is the leadership of the Free Syrian Army.

But even beyond what might come next in Syria, Vallely said it is imperative that Assad be removed from power.

“Assad is worse than Hitler in many ways, and they did nothing about Hitler until it was too late and millions were killed,” said Vallely. “It’s the same thing with Assad. Over 60,000 killed now in Syria.”

Ultimately, Vallely sees the civil war in Syria ending much like another uprising in the region, and that would be bad news for Assad..

“His time is numbered,” said Vallely, “just like [former Libyan leader] Gadhafi.”

Read more at ‘Assad is worse than Hitler’


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