Assad's Forces are blatantly ignoring the Syria cease-fire.


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
All fighting should cease when a truce is declared by warring parties.

Assad's Forces are blatantly ignoring the Syria cease-fire.
BY FAYSAL ITANI ON 3/14/16 AT 12:03 PM

Recovering a body from the rubble of damaged buildings after an air strike on the rebel held al-Saliheen district in Aleppo, Syria. The violations of the ceasefire show the West’s inability to enforce it or impose meaningful penalties on the regime and its allies.ABDALRHMAN ISMAIL/REUTERS

This article first appeared on the Atlantic Council site.

It has been two weeks since a U.S.-Russia brokered cessation of hostilities in Syria came into effect. Many analysts, including these authors, were skeptical about its prospects, due to the agreement’s terms and the regime’s perceived interests.

Skeptics expected the regime and its allies to exploit a clause allowing attacks on the Al-Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front, using it as cover for continuing the air campaign on non-jihadist opposition groups. There is substantial evidence, however, that something rather different is happening.

Even as overall violence is greatly reduced, regime forces are openly bombing and in some cases launching ground operations to capture key rebel territory without making any pretense of attacking the Nusra Front. This behavior offers some insight into long-term regime plans, and highlights how little leverage outside powers including the United States will have in shaping the new status quo in Syria.

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Cease-fire in Syria? What cease-fire? Assad's forces are blatantly ignoring the truce.

Do you Jew's ever get tired of supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists? What do you want from Americans this time? Strengthen ISIS so then can kill Alawites and Christians and Palestinians? Assad and Hezbollah are protecting those minorities. You Israeli's are supporting terrorists. All of you should be reported to homeland security for sympathizing with ISIS and advancing their agenda.
Maybe Obama can give Assad another red line not to cross. That'll get him in line tout suite.
Maybe Obama can give Assad another red line not to cross. That'll get him in line tout suite.

Redline for what? For preventing ISIS and Al Qaeda from taking over his country and doing Israel's bidding? :cuckoo:

Do you geniuses know what's going in Syria? It's an insurgency funded, prepared and sustained thanks to and by Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The US shouldn't help them in that regard. Israel's defense minister went out and said he prefers ISIS to Assad. That he means he prefers druze, shias , Christians and Palestinians all killed rather than them surviving.

OP is an ISIS supporting Jewish supremacist that should be watched by the FBI. She's so hateful to anyone that opposes Jewish power structure that she endorses an ISIS insurgency to punish secular Syrians of all backgrounds for that. These vile people shouldn't get away with that anymore. Report people like her to local authorities if you meet or know the likes of them in person.
I'm all for Assad killing everyone off and calling it a day simply because he is the lesser of two evils right now. But Obama wanted his Arab Spring and he doesn't care who dies in the process. Governments topples, alliances shifted, cease fires ended, whatever it takes for his place in the history books.

He just didn't take into account that the people toppling governments might be worse than the tyrants in charge.
I'm all for Assad killing everyone off and calling it a day simply because he is the lesser of two evils right now. But Obama wanted his Arab Spring and he doesn't care who dies in the process. Governments topples, alliances shifted, cease fires ended, whatever it takes for his place in the history books.

He just didn't take into account that the people toppling governments might be worse than the tyrants in charge.

Assad isn't killing people off. These reports are exaggerated. The secular Syrians are fighting off an dangerous insurgency. Which Israel, Jordan , turkey and Saudi Arabia sparked and continue to sponsor. If these four nations didn't arm ISIS, open their borders so more militants can join, fund ISIS and give them intelligence, we wouldn't have this problem. But , thanks to the Israeli firster neocons in our government, we enable this to happen and support this 'opposition' as well. Obama is just a puppet, he controls nothing. It's the establishment which forces us into fighting Israel's wars even if it means supporting ISIS.
Russian Defense Ministry: 29 breaches of “cessation of hostilities” by terrorists during the past 24 hours

13 March، 2016

"Moscow, SANA- The Russian Coordination Center in Hmeimem airport announced on Sunday that 29 breaches of “cessation of hostilities” by terrorist organizations were observed during the past 24 hours, including 18 breaches in Lattakia, 5 in Damascus, two in Idleb and one in Hama.

The center said in a statement published on the website page of the Russian Defense Ministry that 10 civilians were killed and 30 others were injured due to continued shelling by Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists with artillery and mortars on areas in Damascus and Idleb countryside.

It added “unknown armed groups shelled with mortars and heavy machine-guns sites for the Syrian Army in Lattakia countryside while the so-called Ahrar al-Sham fired with shells two towns in eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside.

The Center confirmed that the Syrian and Russian warplanes didn’t carry out any sorties on the armed groups’ positions that announced joining “the cessation of hostilities” agreement.

Meanwhile, the center clarified that the Syrian warplane that fell down on Saturday was conducting reconnaissance in Hama province and was downed through shoulder-fired missiles."

Russian Defense Ministry: 29 breaches of “cessation of hostilities” by terrorists during the past 24 hours – Syrian Arab News Agency

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