Assange: 'A 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta' emails


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
"We published several ... emails which show Podesta responding to a phishing email," Assange said during the first part of the interview, which aired on "Hannity" Tuesday night. "Podesta gave out that his password was the word ‘password’. His own staff said this email that you’ve received, this is totally legitimate. So, this is something ... a 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta that way."

Assange also claimed that Clinton herself made "almost no attempt" to keep her private emails safe from potentially hostile states during her tenure as secretary of state.

WikiLeaks' Assange: 'A 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta' emails
Obama administration claims it was almost certainly a Russian 14 year old.
Further proof the political elite are dumb fucks. Yet many Americans want them to rule us. CRAZY.
It's amazing how incompetent and corrupt the Hildabeast in the DNC were/are... the Hildabeast should be sitting in jail
There is no limit to the lies that RWNJs will accept. Assange lies so much, till you can't believe him if he said he went to sleep last night.
It's unreal that they could leave themselves so open. And yet these are the dumb fucks that the libs wanted to entrust with the security of the US?

Sweet Lord! The question should not be who hacked these people but who the hell was in charge of cyber security on the DNC and Podesta computers.

Because those are the ones that should get on a plane and fly out of the country.
There is no limit to the lies that RWNJs will accept. Assange lies so much, till you can't believe him if he said he went to sleep last night. believe everything Big Ears and Cankles says.
amazing how you trumpsters lap up the bull crud your new god spits out to you!

you are saying that just because I leave my door unlocked in my home, when we are both home, that gives thieves, crooks, murders the right to come in and rob me or kill me, inside my home. :cuckoo:

you all are completely INSANE, a CULT, nothing less than a cult, or occult....

how would the child or 400lb basement dweller know how to reach Assange and get Assange to release the emails they stole, on a timely basis to help Trump the most?

This theft and dump, was no was planned down to the minute of releases.
There is no limit to the lies that RWNJs will accept. Assange lies so much, till you can't believe him if he said he went to sleep last night.

Lamo. Absolutely lame. We know who the liars are and its not Wikileaks.

The 14yo would not have had to hack anything. Hillary's MAID could have given them Hillary's password.

I'm skeptical of anything Assange says but if the way Podesta was hacked is true it's shocking that was something even the most novice computer user should have been wary of.
The people on the ground gathering intelligence are non-partisan, you clueless c*nt.
Which is why their bosses falsely claiming something they have no evidence to support is such a dis-service to those men and women on the ground!
amazing how you trumpsters lap up the bull crud your new god spits out to you!

you are saying that just because I leave my door unlocked in my home, when we are both home, that gives thieves, crooks, murders the right to come in and rob me or kill me, inside my home. :cuckoo:

you all are completely INSANE, a CULT, nothing less than a cult, or occult....

how would the child or 400lb basement dweller know how to reach Assange and get Assange to release the emails they stole, on a timely basis to help Trump the most?

This theft and dump, was no was planned down to the minute of releases.

You really don't get that the emails did jack shit to persuade any conservative that they should vote for Trump and not for Hillary.


All they did was validate what scumbuckets the DNC/Hillary & campaign staff/and the media were to sabotage Bernie and that they were in bed together.

NOTHING new in that. Nothing new at all.
Again, the INTEL Chief not only said they have no evidence to support the false claim that 'Russia Hacked The Election' there is no proof to support the accusation that Russia did anything to help Trump - 'lack of 'Intent'.

Snowflakes are holding tight to this Conspiracy theory and not letting go. It is less painful than excepting the fact that not only did Hillary Clinton lose, but Liberals lost seats / positions 'all across the board'. (I guess the Russians hacked all those elections, too. :p)
amazing how you trumpsters lap up the bull crud your new god spits out to you!

you are saying that just because I leave my door unlocked in my home, when we are both home, that gives thieves, crooks, murders the right to come in and rob me or kill me, inside my home. :cuckoo:

you all are completely INSANE, a CULT, nothing less than a cult, or occult....

how would the child or 400lb basement dweller know how to reach Assange and get Assange to release the emails they stole, on a timely basis to help Trump the most?

This theft and dump, was no was planned down to the minute of releases.
No one made those arguments. You must be shell shocked. Hard to be a lib these days I guess.

Whoever had them dumped them and Assange released them when he wanted to, partly because they needed to be read. My money is on the poor DNC bastard that got whacked. Julian went on a mission right about then.

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