Assange: 'A 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta' emails

As opposed to the many Americans want a certain halfish of them them to rule us.

More specifically, they want 80,000 voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and PA to matter more than 3 million voters elsewhere.
We can't have crazy Cali running this country... they are absolutely out of a touch with reality. Fact

How is Cali running the country under a one-person/one-vote system? Explain that one. I'll wait. And while I wait, try and remember that Texas and Florida have a combined 50 million people.
The fact remains, more people in more states voted for Trump, and conservative voters outnumbered progressive voters.
The EC worked exactly how it was designed. We can't have urban areas running roughshod over rural areas.
A popular vote only is nothing but mob rule… Fact

An approach in which no area could run roughshod over another being utterly off the table of course.
This is a republic for your information or lease supposed to be, everyone that has half a brain knew the rules going into the election. This country was designed for presidential elections not to be up to mob rule of a popular vote.
Live with it. Bed wetter
As opposed to the many Americans want a certain halfish of them them to rule us.

More specifically, they want 80,000 voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and PA to matter more than 3 million voters elsewhere.

LOL, same old narrative, always and forever, lolololol!

NOBODY was running for the popular vote, wake up, not even Hildy.

You just got to love the field goal kicker who pulls it wide left, then runs down and tries to cut down the goal posts and mves them, lololol!

This doesn't make any sense whatsoever, and you know it.

So Trump wasn't vying for any votes in CA, NY, FL or TX? Please explain, shithead.

You're not seriously asking him to make sense, are you?

Not sure why I bang my head against these bricks.

Having a hard head has its advantages, one of them is convincing yourself you won a contest by changing the rules after the contest is over, lol!
Further proof the political elite are dumb fucks. Yet many Americans want them to rule us. CRAZY.

As opposed to the many Americans want a certain halfish of them them to rule us.

More specifically, they want 80,000 voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and PA to matter more than 3 million voters elsewhere.

LOL, same old narrative, always and forever, lolololol!

NOBODY was running for the popular vote, wake up, not even Hildy.

You just got to love the field goal kicker who pulls it wide left, then runs down and tries to cut down the goal posts and mves them, lololol!

This doesn't make any sense whatsoever, and you know it.

So Trump wasn't vying for any votes in CA, NY, FL or TX? Please explain, shithead.

Simple...both Hillary and Trump understood how an election is conducted under the American Federalist System...Hillary lost...Trump won. No one was taken by surprise that one needed 270 Electoral Votes cast by representatives of the Several States to win the Presidency.

Hillary was SUPPOSED to win in a landslide, remember? 400 Electoral votes!

If you can't convince the citizens of a majority of STATES that you deserve to be don't get to be President. Each STATE gets a voice in the decision, and each citizen of that state gets a vote on which candidate gets the electoral votes of the state.

Don't like this system that we've been using for 229 years? Stage a revolution, fight a war of independence, win, write your own governing documents and have your own elections any way you want.
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Here you go...the American System of Government for Dummies in one simple declaritive statement.

"The United States has a federalist system: a central government that has certain powers, with the state as the basic unit of political power.
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"We published several ... emails which show Podesta responding to a phishing email," Assange said during the first part of the interview, which aired on "Hannity" Tuesday night. "Podesta gave out that his password was the word ‘password’. His own staff said this email that you’ve received, this is totally legitimate. So, this is something ... a 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta that way."

Assange also claimed that Clinton herself made "almost no attempt" to keep her private emails safe from potentially hostile states during her tenure as secretary of state.

WikiLeaks' Assange: 'A 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta' emails
Obama administration claims it was almost certainly a Russian 14 year old.

Cannot come soon enough for me. I'm not sure Trump, or anyone else can repair the damage done to the country by this community organizer!
"We published several ... emails which show Podesta responding to a phishing email," Assange said during the first part of the interview, which aired on "Hannity" Tuesday night. "Podesta gave out that his password was the word ‘password’. His own staff said this email that you’ve received, this is totally legitimate. So, this is something ... a 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta that way."

Assange also claimed that Clinton herself made "almost no attempt" to keep her private emails safe from potentially hostile states during her tenure as secretary of state.

WikiLeaks' Assange: 'A 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta' emails
Obama administration claims it was almost certainly a Russian 14 year old.
Podesta thought he was waterproof...then Vlad pissed on him.....lmbbffao!
How many people have they said it could've been so far? The list includes everyone except Russia.

How are they exonerating Russia but implicating a 14 year old imaginary person?

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