Assange to CNN: You have 48hrs until Wikileaks destroys you with bombshell leak

CNN is about as anti American as it gets. Part of the reason why Trump got elected was as a backlash towards CNN's disgusting biased reporting. They deserve to go down in flames. It will serve as a good example to the rest of the leftist media hacks.
Wikileaks needs to be arrested and executed by firing squad. Tired of these traitors attacking my country.
Wikileaks needs to be arrested and executed by firing squad. Tired of these traitors attacking my country.
Wiki leaks isn't a US based organization nor is it run by an American citizen, so they can't be "traitors". They're basically spilling the beans aka the truth about the level of corruption by politicians and the media. How is that a bad thing.
I did not follow the Opening Post meaning in the second paragraph but I take responsibility for that as I do not know what an MSM is. I also wondered if by puppet master, Vladimir Putin was meant.

In the first paragraph, however, the poster erred in his claim that Wikileaks "single handedly dismantled the Clinton campaign". This failed to take into account all the Glavnoje Razvedyvatel'noje Upravlenije computer hackers who provided the stolen data through a third party to Wikileaks. The Republican head of the FBI also lent a helping hand by politicizing what has heretofore been a non-party crime-fighting organization. Let's give credit where it is due.
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Wikileaks needs to be arrested and executed by firing squad. Tired of these traitors attacking my country.
Gee were you on that "shoot the rancher" gang too? What is it with you dirtbags that desire to murder other US citizens that don't go along with your shit? Hell if that is what they taught you in college and you stick with that your whole life will be nothing but misery.
Maybe once WikiLeaks exposes the corruption running rampant in the news media these days, Americans will agree that it's time to repeal the Freedom of the Press clause in the 1st amendment.

They don't deserve Constitutional protections anymore since they betrayed the public trust.
Maybe once WikiLeaks exposes the corruption running rampant in the news media these days, Americans will agree that it's time to repeal the Freedom of the Press clause in the 1st amendment.

They don't deserve Constitutional protections anymore since they betrayed the public trust.
Is that sarcasm or are you serious?
Well, this thread was started on Friday, and 48 hours have already gone by, but still no leak from Wiki about CNN. Maybe Wikileaks is on Trump time, meaning they announce something is gonna happen on a certain day, but then it gets delayed anywhere from 4 days to whenever.
CNN is about as anti American as it gets. Part of the reason why Trump got elected was as a backlash towards CNN's disgusting biased reporting. They deserve to go down in flames. It will serve as a good example to the rest of the leftist media hacks.
Sure, Comrade.
If someone tells you they watch CNN you can bet the farm they are a clueless leftist sheeple
If someone tells you they watch CNN you can bet the farm they are a clueless leftist sheeple

I watch CNN, but only when Amanda Carpenter, Glenn Beck, Lanhee Chen, SE Cupp Tara Wall, Buck Sexton, Ana Navarro, Corey Lewandowski, Ari Fliescher, Ben Ferguson, Jeff Lord, Mary K. Ham, Margaret Hoover, Scott Hughes, Matt Lewis, Kevin Madden, Kayleigh McEnany, Katrina Pierson, or Dana Loesch are on.
If someone tells you they watch CNN you can bet the farm they are a clueless leftist sheeple

I watch CNN, but only when Amanda Carpenter, Glenn Beck, Lanhee Chen, SE Cupp Tara Wall, Buck Sexton, Ana Navarro, Corey Lewandowski, Ari Fliescher, Ben Ferguson, Jeff Lord, Mary K. Ham, Margaret Hoover, Scott Hughes, Matt Lewis, Kevin Madden, Kayleigh McEnany, Katrina Pierson, or Dana Loesch are on.

I should give a shit what you do for what reason? Now cease bothering me.

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