Assange to CNN: You have 48hrs until Wikileaks destroys you with bombshell leak

Comrade best applies to leftist Commie Democraps. They even had a commie named Sanders that ran for the presidency, that almost beat crooked Hillary. Doesn't get any more obvious.

Lol, Sanders int a commie.

He advocates "Nordic Model Socialism" which isnt really even socialism so I question those credentials also.
I still harbour the belief that Nutty Old Uncle Bernie could have defeated Trump. America showed over the previous 7.5 years that it was ready for Communism. But not quite ready for treasonous thievery. Perhaps if the election had been just one year later......
America will never be ready for commuism.

But the job market is inevitably going to start shrinking as Strong AI combines with the Robotics industry to produce androids that will be able to do any unskilled labor job, almost any skilled labor jobs and a great many degreed jobs as well. We will likely see around 85% unemployment U6 by 2030 to 2040 time frame.

Since we cannot just let people starve, we will have to adopt some form of Nordic Model Socialism and Universal Basic Income or our nation risks imploding into stupid violence that could be well avoided.
Maybe once WikiLeaks exposes the corruption running rampant in the news media these days, Americans will agree that it's time to repeal the Freedom of the Press clause in the 1st amendment.

They don't deserve Constitutional protections anymore since they betrayed the public trust.
Is that sarcasm or are you serious?
Totally serious. What good is a freePress lying and covering up for one political ideology rather than doing the job our Founders intended? Time to pull the plug on these ingrates.
Really how much will it matter? Nobody watches CNN.........their evening ratings are hovering in the cable news ratings industry considers "almost off the air". So......what?? This Assange leak takes their viewership from 179 people/night to 160/night?:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Curious. It seems like @WikileaksTL posted bullshit to discredit Wikileaks and Anonymous is raping them hahaha (Gotta watch messing with Mendax, he's got a hella hacker following)
48 hours has come and gone..........well?
If you read the link you would see that they threatened to sue CNN in 48 hours if an apology wasn't issued. I have no idea if said apology was given or if suit was filed. I don't even see how this was a big deal to begin with.

If wikileaks is gaining their info via illegal activities they need to be stopped. If it is inside leakers supplying the info then there's not much to be done about it.
Maybe once WikiLeaks exposes the corruption running rampant in the news media these days, Americans will agree that it's time to repeal the Freedom of the Press clause in the 1st amendment.

They don't deserve Constitutional protections anymore since they betrayed the public trust.
Is that sarcasm or are you serious?
Totally serious. What good is a freePress lying and covering up for one political ideology rather than doing the job our Founders intended? Time to pull the plug on these ingrates.
It needs to be the people that do it by way of ignoring them, boycotting, complain to their advertisers. Not simply via legislation which seems to screw up more than they fix when they give whoever has the best money, lobbyist and lawyers to spend on whatever they are considering. Sorry just too many idiots in positions where they do not and should have never been to give a free pass to put in more crappy legislation that is used to abuse the poor or those unable to defend themselves against raiders.
Assange To CNN: You Have 48 Hours Until WikiLeaks Destroys You With Bombshell Leak - Conservative Daily Post
2017 is going to be a big year for Conservatives and those tired of Democrats ruining this great Nation. WikiLeaks single handedly dismantled the Clinton campaign and exposed more corruption than we ever imaged.

Oh please do it, it's time to blow these traitors out of the water bump them down to a pay check that barely makes it month to month.
Why because these MSM liars have sold their souls to the puppet master preaching the false news all the sheep believe is true when it is anything but that. They still can't figure out how they issue apologies when they've been caught which admits via themselves they lied.
I, for one, would believe him, and do some damage control NOW!!!! Assuming, of course, that this story is legitimate, which I question... But that is another matter.

Wtf are you babbling about? You say you would believe him, then you say the story is not legitimate...

leftwads really are mentally ill. Try to speak sense. Just try it.
Ok..... I'll put it in very simple terms.
Step by step:
1) Find out if this story is correct from several credible sources. Assange would be best.
2) If it is correct, do damage control right away.

Is that simple enough for you? Or is this concept simply beyond your level of intellect?
Wikileaks needs to be arrested and executed by firing squad. Tired of these traitors attacking my country.
Your tired of a free press huh? Well, move to a country that doesn't have one. I hear Iran is wonderfully warm this time of year.
Assange To CNN: You Have 48 Hours Until WikiLeaks Destroys You With Bombshell Leak - Conservative Daily Post
2017 is going to be a big year for Conservatives and those tired of Democrats ruining this great Nation. WikiLeaks single handedly dismantled the Clinton campaign and exposed more corruption than we ever imaged.

Oh please do it, it's time to blow these traitors out of the water bump them down to a pay check that barely makes it month to month.
Why because these MSM liars have sold their souls to the puppet master preaching the false news all the sheep believe is true when it is anything but that. They still can't figure out how they issue apologies when they've been caught which admits via themselves they lied.
I, for one, would believe him, and do some damage control NOW!!!! Assuming, of course, that this story is legitimate, which I question... But that is another matter.

Wtf are you babbling about? You say you would believe him, then you say the story is not legitimate...

leftwads really are mentally ill. Try to speak sense. Just try it.
Ok..... I'll put it in very simple terms.
Step by step:
1) Find out if this story is correct from several credible sources. Assange would be best.
2) If it is correct, do damage control right away.

Is that simple enough for you? Or is this concept simply beyond your level of intellect?

Never mind, you follow fake news.
Assange To CNN: You Have 48 Hours Until WikiLeaks Destroys You With Bombshell Leak - Conservative Daily Post
2017 is going to be a big year for Conservatives and those tired of Democrats ruining this great Nation. WikiLeaks single handedly dismantled the Clinton campaign and exposed more corruption than we ever imaged.

Oh please do it, it's time to blow these traitors out of the water bump them down to a pay check that barely makes it month to month.
Why because these MSM liars have sold their souls to the puppet master preaching the false news all the sheep believe is true when it is anything but that. They still can't figure out how they issue apologies when they've been caught which admits via themselves they lied.
I, for one, would believe him, and do some damage control NOW!!!! Assuming, of course, that this story is legitimate, which I question... But that is another matter.

Wtf are you babbling about? You say you would believe him, then you say the story is not legitimate...

leftwads really are mentally ill. Try to speak sense. Just try it.
Ok..... I'll put it in very simple terms.
Step by step:
1) Find out if this story is correct from several credible sources. Assange would be best.
2) If it is correct, do damage control right away.

Is that simple enough for you? Or is this concept simply beyond your level of intellect?

Never mind, you follow fake news.
WTF? Do you even understand what you just said. How does it even relate to what I said? I was explaining what I meant so you could follow. It's really pretty simple logic. If you can't follow it, just say nothing and walk away.
I believe it was Lincoln that said, "Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

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