Assault rifle used in shooting in Port Arthur Australia...the happened now, not in the 90s....

TARDLOGIC™: Gee, someone was murdered. Therefore, laws outlawing murder are useless.

Gun homicide rate in Australia: 0.16 per 100,000

Gun homicide rate in US: 3.43.

21 times higher than Australia!


Population of Australia is???????

Number of third world illegal aliens in Australia that bring their violent culture with them is?????

Here's an interesting fact. If you take the violence committed by blacks and Hispanics (90% of whom are in gangs) out of the equation here in the USA our violent crime rate, and murder rate is equal to, or less than Australia and all of Europe.
Did the Aussies really turn in their firearms? I know they were supposed to but I've heard it was mostly a publicity stunt and never enforced. :dunno:
It happened to some extent but there are now more guns in Oz than there were before the buyback so we can expect these incidents to increase.

Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on.

And of course....we prove you wrong....more guns in America....owned and carried by normal, law abiding people.......and our gun mirdered rate and our violent crime rate went down.....that is a fact.......the entire founding principal of the anti gun movement is proven to be wrong.....and a lie.....
In Australia the number of guns and gun crime are going up. Please explain.
Did the Aussies really turn in their firearms? I know they were supposed to but I've heard it was mostly a publicity stunt and never enforced. :dunno:
It happened to some extent but there are now more guns in Oz than there were before the buyback so we can expect these incidents to increase.

Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on. can't own guns in Australia.........the guns are illegal guns....

.extreme gun control and confiscation...the wet dreams of anti gunners in this country...are failing in Australia.........

Nice of you to admit it though......
Nope. Actually you can own guns in Australia.

Some guns. And it is very difficult. Bolt actions are available to farmers, handguns are extremely difficult to obtain. Unless you're a criminal of course....they get them quite easy.
TARDLOGIC™: Gee, someone was murdered. Therefore, laws outlawing murder are useless.

Gun homicide rate in Australia: 0.16 per 100,000

Gun homicide rate in US: 3.43.

21 times higher than Australia!


Population of Australia is???????

Number of third world illegal aliens in Australia that bring their violent culture with them is?????

Here's an interesting fact. If you take the violence committed by blacks and Hispanics (90% of whom are in gangs) out of the equation here in the USA our violent crime rate, and murder rate is equal to, or less than Australia and all of Europe.

Thanks Westwall...that fact is important and the anti gunners can't deny it...they can lie about it...but they can't deny it...
Did the Aussies really turn in their firearms? I know they were supposed to but I've heard it was mostly a publicity stunt and never enforced. :dunno:
It happened to some extent but there are now more guns in Oz than there were before the buyback so we can expect these incidents to increase.

Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on.

And of course....we prove you wrong....more guns in America....owned and carried by normal, law abiding people.......and our gun mirdered rate and our violent crime rate went down.....that is a fact.......the entire founding principal of the anti gun movement is proven to be wrong.....and a lie.....
In Australia the number of guns and gun crime are going up. Please explain.

Probably has something to do with the fact that making guns illegal for the regular civilians doesn't reduce crime. But that's merely a guess.
It happened to some extent but there are now more guns in Oz than there were before the buyback so we can expect these incidents to increase.

Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on. can't own guns in Australia.........the guns are illegal guns....

.extreme gun control and confiscation...the wet dreams of anti gunners in this country...are failing in Australia.........

Nice of you to admit it though......
Nope. Actually you can own guns in Australia.

Some guns. And it is very difficult. Bolt actions are available to farmers, handguns are extremely difficult to obtain. Unless you're a criminal of course....they get them quite easy.
Apparently not. Thus the low gun crime rate.
It happened to some extent but there are now more guns in Oz than there were before the buyback so we can expect these incidents to increase.

Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on.

And of course....we prove you wrong....more guns in America....owned and carried by normal, law abiding people.......and our gun mirdered rate and our violent crime rate went down.....that is a fact.......the entire founding principal of the anti gun movement is proven to be wrong.....and a lie.....
In Australia the number of guns and gun crime are going up. Please explain.

Probably has something to do with the fact that making guns illegal for the regular civilians doesn't reduce crime. But that's merely a guess.
Except in countries where it has. Just a guess.
TARDLOGIC™: Gee, someone was murdered. Therefore, laws outlawing murder are useless.

Gun homicide rate in Australia: 0.16 per 100,000

Gun homicide rate in US: 3.43.

21 times higher than Australia!


Oh. So you thought a straw man fallacy would just blow me away, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

It's a fact developed nations which have strict gun control have lower homicide rates. can deny this reality, or you can look like a jackass.

Your call.

But I suggest that if you don't want to destroy your integrity and therefore not be taken seriously by ANYONE, you go the reality route and try a different tack to convince people why we should not have strict gun control.

When you tards try to make a RARE shooting in Australia look like the Aussies are gunning each other down at the same rate as the US, you aren't achieving what you think you are achieving. You are coming across as full blown retards, and you are PROVING the liberals' point for them.

Except Russia and Mexico......higher gun murder rates........

And what is it with you anti gunner still don't understand that the only reason Europe and Australia have had lower gun murder rates is that their criminals don't commit murder at the rate ours do.......Britain confiscated guns...and their gun murder rate stayed the same......

WE have increased our gun ownership and more Americans actually carry guns now and our gun murder rate has gone down......

As you nutters always say when we state that concealed carry lowers the crime rate.....correlation is not causation.....the countries you point out.....have always had lower gun murder rates than us......even when they still allowed normal people to own guns.

And when the criminals in those countries need to kill...they get guns......

I have never said they murder at the same rate we twits say that to cover for the failure of their gun control laws....

I have pointed out that their gun crime rates are increasing...after they banned and confiscated their guns.

You guys are making essentially this would tell us that the Amish have a low gun mirder rate compared to Chicago gang members only because they don't have guns....and completely ignore the values instilled in each community and the social ills in the gang banger could put a gun in every Amish home....and their gun murder rate would stay the same

So your point about the murder rate is stupid......countries that have been homogenous and have a shared culture of respect for authority and the rule of law...which you find in all of those why their gun murder rate has been low...not access to guns...since their criminals get guns I post about all the time.....

Now that Europe and Australia have imported violent people from war zones......thy are seeing more gun immigrant drug gangs...
Inside every liberal or leftard is a communist just dying to come out. Let's take a look at few things as it pertains to our current situation.

#1 We have an open border and a drug war with cartels armed with weapons "da gubermint" gave them no less.

#2 The FBI has said that there are alleged "sleeper cell" terrorist groups in every state.

#3 In spite if the alleged terrorist threat, this "gubermint" is flying in muslim refugees by the plane loads overtly and covertly with no vetting whatsoever.

#4 DHS has purchased over 1.7 BILLION rounds of ammunition with orders for more and over 2,200 semi-automatic Who are they getting ready to fight? Most of these fat fucks in the DHS wouldn't last a day in the middle east so it's not like they are about to be deployed in order to "mix it up" with ISIS....sure looks like they are preparing for something.

#5 (And this one is the most worrisome) The corporate "gubermint" is no longer bound by the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and can now legally use propaganda on the American people. This was done with the latest version of the NDA act. They can legally stage events and tell you that they happened and even if you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they lied, you have no legal recourse. These recent staged shootings like Aurora, Sandy Hook, Charleston shooting, the highly publicized Virginia TV reporter shooting, the Oregon shooting were all "made for tv" events staged by the DHS. They follow the same script every fucking time with the last one part being the Barrypuppet doing a press conference scolding those that will not go along with more gun control restrictions...not much talk about the alleged victims (of which their bodies are not even allegedly cold yet) but he goes on and on about gun control. The 2nd biggest factor is that these alleged shootings happened randomly to put fear into people making them think that they could be gunned down any time or any place and "da gubermint" must intervene. Let me tell ya somethin', this corporate de-facto "gubermint" is a 100% fraud and they must have something planned for us that is going to make us want to have a gun or they wouldn't be trying so fucking hard to take them away.
Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on. can't own guns in Australia.........the guns are illegal guns....

.extreme gun control and confiscation...the wet dreams of anti gunners in this country...are failing in Australia.........

Nice of you to admit it though......
Nope. Actually you can own guns in Australia.

Some guns. And it is very difficult. Bolt actions are available to farmers, handguns are extremely difficult to obtain. Unless you're a criminal of course....they get them quite easy.
Apparently not. Thus the low gun crime rate.

And increasing all the time....

"Australians may be more at risk from gun crime than ever before with the country’s underground market for firearms ballooning in the past decade.

Previously unseen police statistics show that the number of pistol-related offences doubled in Victoria and rose by 300 per cent in New South Wales. At least two other states also saw a massive jump in firearms-related offences during the same period."

An investigation by The New Daily unearthed previously unpublished data for firearms offences collected from police and crime statistics agencies in four states – Victoria, NSW, South Australia and Tasmania.

The statistics detail the types of firearms offences police have pursued in the courts in the past decade and show some concerning findings, including a massive 83 per cent increase in firearms offences in NSW between 2005/06 and 2014/15, and an even bigger jump in Victoria over the same period.


Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily
Did the Aussies really turn in their firearms? I know they were supposed to but I've heard it was mostly a publicity stunt and never enforced. :dunno:
It happened to some extent but there are now more guns in Oz than there were before the buyback so we can expect these incidents to increase.

Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on.

And of course....we prove you wrong....more guns in America....owned and carried by normal, law abiding people.......and our gun mirdered rate and our violent crime rate went down.....that is a fact.......the entire founding principal of the anti gun movement is proven to be wrong.....and a lie.....
In Australia the number of guns and gun crime are going up. Please explain.

THat is easy.....the criminals in Australia are importing more use for drug gangs....

You do realize that they confiscated their guns...right? And for the remaining guns they have the most extreme gun control laws...all the laws you ones you haven't thought normal, law abiding Australians aren't getting these guns....and they aren't using them for crime.....since the guns are illegal to own.....

You guys always want us to think that simply having a guy turns a normal, law abiding person into a violent criminal and research supports this.....

People who shoot other people have long criminal Felony records........
Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on. can't own guns in Australia.........the guns are illegal guns....

.extreme gun control and confiscation...the wet dreams of anti gunners in this country...are failing in Australia.........

Nice of you to admit it though......
Nope. Actually you can own guns in Australia.

Some guns. And it is very difficult. Bolt actions are available to farmers, handguns are extremely difficult to obtain. Unless you're a criminal of course....they get them quite easy.
Apparently not. Thus the low gun crime rate.
Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on.

And of course....we prove you wrong....more guns in America....owned and carried by normal, law abiding people.......and our gun mirdered rate and our violent crime rate went down.....that is a fact.......the entire founding principal of the anti gun movement is proven to be wrong.....and a lie.....
In Australia the number of guns and gun crime are going up. Please explain.

Probably has something to do with the fact that making guns illegal for the regular civilians doesn't reduce crime. But that's merely a guess.
Except in countries where it has. Just a guess.

What countries are those? The facts are the countries that enjoy low gun crime rates have cultures that are non violent for the most part. They are 99% white in population. Our crime rate is so high because of black and Hispanic gang bangers who commit over 80% of the violent crime in this country. No other First World country in the world has that problem
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on. can't own guns in Australia.........the guns are illegal guns....

.extreme gun control and confiscation...the wet dreams of anti gunners in this country...are failing in Australia.........

Nice of you to admit it though......
Nope. Actually you can own guns in Australia.

Some guns. And it is very difficult. Bolt actions are available to farmers, handguns are extremely difficult to obtain. Unless you're a criminal of course....they get them quite easy.
Apparently not. Thus the low gun crime rate.

And increasing all the time....

"Australians may be more at risk from gun crime than ever before with the country’s underground market for firearms ballooning in the past decade.

Previously unseen police statistics show that the number of pistol-related offences doubled in Victoria and rose by 300 per cent in New South Wales. At least two other states also saw a massive jump in firearms-related offences during the same period."

An investigation by The New Daily unearthed previously unpublished data for firearms offences collected from police and crime statistics agencies in four states – Victoria, NSW, South Australia and Tasmania.

The statistics detail the types of firearms offences police have pursued in the courts in the past decade and show some concerning findings, including a massive 83 per cent increase in firearms offences in NSW between 2005/06 and 2014/15, and an even bigger jump in Victoria over the same period.


Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily

allow me to act as the anti gunner here.....and this is what the anti gunners are now doing to respond to your facts.... are saying they have more gun crime than America........
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on. can't own guns in Australia.........the guns are illegal guns....

.extreme gun control and confiscation...the wet dreams of anti gunners in this country...are failing in Australia.........

Nice of you to admit it though......
Nope. Actually you can own guns in Australia.

Some guns. And it is very difficult. Bolt actions are available to farmers, handguns are extremely difficult to obtain. Unless you're a criminal of course....they get them quite easy.
Apparently not. Thus the low gun crime rate.

And increasing all the time....

"Australians may be more at risk from gun crime than ever before with the country’s underground market for firearms ballooning in the past decade.

Previously unseen police statistics show that the number of pistol-related offences doubled in Victoria and rose by 300 per cent in New South Wales. At least two other states also saw a massive jump in firearms-related offences during the same period."

An investigation by The New Daily unearthed previously unpublished data for firearms offences collected from police and crime statistics agencies in four states – Victoria, NSW, South Australia and Tasmania.

The statistics detail the types of firearms offences police have pursued in the courts in the past decade and show some concerning findings, including a massive 83 per cent increase in firearms offences in NSW between 2005/06 and 2014/15, and an even bigger jump in Victoria over the same period.


Spike in handgun crimes reveals nation’s secret problem | The New Daily
Not surprising considering gun purchases spiked in that same time period.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on. can't own guns in Australia.........the guns are illegal guns....

.extreme gun control and confiscation...the wet dreams of anti gunners in this country...are failing in Australia.........

Nice of you to admit it though......
Nope. Actually you can own guns in Australia.

Some guns. And it is very difficult. Bolt actions are available to farmers, handguns are extremely difficult to obtain. Unless you're a criminal of course....they get them quite easy.
Apparently not. Thus the low gun crime rate.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on.

And of course....we prove you wrong....more guns in America....owned and carried by normal, law abiding people.......and our gun mirdered rate and our violent crime rate went down.....that is a fact.......the entire founding principal of the anti gun movement is proven to be wrong.....and a lie.....
In Australia the number of guns and gun crime are going up. Please explain.

Probably has something to do with the fact that making guns illegal for the regular civilians doesn't reduce crime. But that's merely a guess.
Except in countries where it has. Just a guess.

What countries are those? The facts are the countries that enjoy low gun crime rates have cultures that are non violent for the most part. They are 99% white in population. Our crime rate is so high because of black and Hispanic gang bangers who commit over 80% of the violent crime in this country. No other First World country in the world has that problem
Countries with the capability to control guns have the lowest gun crime rates.

Look at Russia. Barely any of your evil blacks and browns there, and triple the U.S.'s gun crime rate. Because the government can't enforce anyhing. They had to freaking pay off the Mafia to keep the peace at the Olympics.
It happened to some extent but there are now more guns in Oz than there were before the buyback so we can expect these incidents to increase.

Nope...nice try though...the peopl doing the shooting are not la abiding Australians....these are criminals shooting at people...and Muslim terrorists...who got their guns illegally...remember....guns were confiscated and there is extreme gun control in place.......but criminals don't obey gun control

Nice realize that as gun violence have to find a way to protect the concept of gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws....

See....Australia has everything you anti-gun nuts want here.....confiscation and punitive, extreme gun control against normal people.....and it isn't working........

Gun crime in Britain went up 4%...and thy are now arming more know...the famous unarmed Bobbies....are now packing heat..... now using terms like. "Increasing gun violence"....and thy don't get to do that...they confiscated their guns and because of that...gun crime doesn't go up...according to your failed belief system.
Nope nice try though. More guns = more guns for criminals to get their hands on.

And of course....we prove you wrong....more guns in America....owned and carried by normal, law abiding people.......and our gun mirdered rate and our violent crime rate went down.....that is a fact.......the entire founding principal of the anti gun movement is proven to be wrong.....and a lie.....
In Australia the number of guns and gun crime are going up. Please explain.

THat is easy.....the criminals in Australia are importing more use for drug gangs....

You do realize that they confiscated their guns...right? And for the remaining guns they have the most extreme gun control laws...all the laws you ones you haven't thought normal, law abiding Australians aren't getting these guns....and they aren't using them for crime.....since the guns are illegal to own.....

You guys always want us to think that simply having a guy turns a normal, law abiding person into a violent criminal and research supports this.....

People who shoot other people have long criminal Felony records........
They BOUGHT BACK (not confiscated) their guns a long time ago. Now gun ownership is higher than ever. And of course, (I mean DUH!), more guns = more gun crime.
Yep.....apparently, they have a little problem with guns in the land where they confiscated guns.

I bring these stories up because the dipstick, anti gunner here in the U.S. portray Australia as a gun control paradise.....they fail to mention that they actually do have gun crime in Australia...and it is going up.....

Man found shot in Port Arthur

Port Arthur Police are investigating a shooting at Dewalt and W. 14th Street. Police got the call at about 10:45 p.m. Thursday. When they arrived on the scene they found a 29-year-old man laying outside a car that was riddled with bullets. The man had a gunshot wound to the leg and was taken to Christus Southeast Texas St. Elizabeth in Beaumont. His injuries are not life-threatening.

Police say they believe the gun used was some sort of an assault rifle. There is no word on any suspects at this time.

Okay.....soooo....please explain how any of the gun confiscation in Australia...or any of their extreme gun control laws kept this shooter from entering a movie theater or their equivalent of an elementary school...and shooting a whole bunch of people...

After all...we were told they can't have mass shootings...though of course they have had several since they confiscated their guns.....
Another ridiculous, ignorant thread that fails as a fallacy.
Yep.....apparently, they have a little problem with guns in the land where they confiscated guns.

I bring these stories up because the dipstick, anti gunner here in the U.S. portray Australia as a gun control paradise.....they fail to mention that they actually do have gun crime in Australia...and it is going up.....

Man found shot in Port Arthur

Port Arthur Police are investigating a shooting at Dewalt and W. 14th Street. Police got the call at about 10:45 p.m. Thursday. When they arrived on the scene they found a 29-year-old man laying outside a car that was riddled with bullets. The man had a gunshot wound to the leg and was taken to Christus Southeast Texas St. Elizabeth in Beaumont. His injuries are not life-threatening.

Police say they believe the gun used was some sort of an assault rifle. There is no word on any suspects at this time.

Okay.....soooo....please explain how any of the gun confiscation in Australia...or any of their extreme gun control laws kept this shooter from entering a movie theater or their equivalent of an elementary school...and shooting a whole bunch of people...

After all...we were told they can't have mass shootings...though of course they have had several since they confiscated their guns.....

The first step of asserting a bad government is confiscating the weapons that could prevent it.

A government "buy back" is just confiscation "light". If you are ignorant to sell your only defense from a home invasion for a few dollars then you deserve your fate when it happens to you and your family.
Yep.....apparently, they have a little problem with guns in the land where they confiscated guns.

I bring these stories up because the dipstick, anti gunner here in the U.S. portray Australia as a gun control paradise.....they fail to mention that they actually do have gun crime in Australia...and it is going up.....

Man found shot in Port Arthur

Port Arthur Police are investigating a shooting at Dewalt and W. 14th Street. Police got the call at about 10:45 p.m. Thursday. When they arrived on the scene they found a 29-year-old man laying outside a car that was riddled with bullets. The man had a gunshot wound to the leg and was taken to Christus Southeast Texas St. Elizabeth in Beaumont. His injuries are not life-threatening.

Police say they believe the gun used was some sort of an assault rifle. There is no word on any suspects at this time.

Okay.....soooo....please explain how any of the gun confiscation in Australia...or any of their extreme gun control laws kept this shooter from entering a movie theater or their equivalent of an elementary school...and shooting a whole bunch of people...

After all...we were told they can't have mass shootings...though of course they have had several since they confiscated their guns.....

The first step of asserting a bad government is confiscating the weapons that could prevent it.

A government "buy back" is just confiscation "light". If you are ignorant to sell your only defense from a home invasion for a few dollars then you deserve your fate when it happens to you and your family.
What the idiot OP fails to realize is that no one in the United States is advocating for ‘gun confiscation,’ hence the thread failing as a fallacy.

Moreover, ‘gun confiscation’ is legally and Constitutionally impossible in the United States – a fact of law the idiot OP is likewise ignorant of.

But he’ll continue with his moronic demagoguery nonetheless.
Has anyone else noticed the C_Clayton_Jones can never argue or debate a point or offer any kind of rebuttal with an intelligent reply? It's always a purse-swinging post to show his displeasure that you are not a "leftard" like him. I would put his I.Q at about 85 or so.

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