Asshole attacks Chick-Fil-A server

So? Just because she works in customer service doesn't make what the guy did A-Ok.

She is not a whipping boy for liberal bigots. None of us are.

You morons pull that sort of bullying on the wrong person, you'll get your noses broken.

To liberals EVERYONE is a whipping for liberal bigots. Just the fact that liberals defend Smith tells you that. The girl had it coming. If libs can browbeat all employees of companies whose leadership they don't like they are happy.

If Adam Smith had not been so proud of what he did that he posted it on You Tube he would never have gotten fired.
They guy also donated millions to anti-gay groups and uses terminology that is divisive and unamerican.

Has he called any diseased ass-pirate a "fag"? If not, what are you complaining about?

Same-sex marriage is unameican.
They guy also donated millions to anti-gay groups and uses terminology that is divisive and unamerican.

Has he called any diseased ass-pirate a "fag"? If not, what are you complaining about?

Same-sex marriage is unameican.

The word "marriage" is divisve, it's the same as the N word. Donating to anti gay groups should be illegal and anyone who does so punished by laws yet to be determined.

That's the liberal thought process.
And use of the word "traditional" or "God" is good cause for discrimination of the vilest sort.
Cathy expressed his opinion about marriage to a reporter for a large Christian publication that directly asked him for it.

Smith drove up to a drive through window and blamed the random girl that was working in it for the opinion of the owner of the company with the intent to publicly humiliate her, even though she is constrained by company policy form expressing her opinion.

The only wan you can possibly think that Cathy is the bigger asshole here is if your morals are so fucked up you think it is a good thing to attack people who can't fight back. This is the same thinking that leads you to blame the victims of rape because they dressed in the wrong clothes, or were drunk, or maybe were hanging out with the wrong people. Before you know it you will be thinking children actually enjoy sex with adults because they are all a lot more mature than they let on.

Keep up the good work.
They guy also donated millions to anti-gay groups and uses terminology that is divisive and unamerican.

Your fantasies about children are extremely sick and have nothing to do with this thread. Seek help.

So let me think about what you are saying here. Because he donated money to groups that you disapprove of (yet millions of other americans do approve of) and he uses terminology that you do not approve of, he is divisive and unamerican? Thank you, that settles the discussion in regards to whether or not President Obama is the most divisive and unAmerican President in history.

Oh wait, is it only your opinion that counts as to whether or not Cathy is divisive and unamerican?

Obama is advocating to deny a civil right to someone because they happen to be in a different group than he is? Link?
When you see so many Chick a Fila threads, you know that the President is doing a great job. The Conservatives have to find subjects to whine about.
They guy also donated millions to anti-gay groups and uses terminology that is divisive and unamerican.

Your fantasies about children are extremely sick and have nothing to do with this thread. Seek help.

So let me think about what you are saying here. Because he donated money to groups that you disapprove of (yet millions of other americans do approve of) and he uses terminology that you do not approve of, he is divisive and unamerican? Thank you, that settles the discussion in regards to whether or not President Obama is the most divisive and unAmerican President in history.

Oh wait, is it only your opinion that counts as to whether or not Cathy is divisive and unamerican?

Obama is advocating to deny a civil right to someone because they happen to be in a different group than he is? Link?

Doesn't matter, my opinion is as valid as yours. And same sex marriage is not a civil right, so your condemnation of Mr. Casey is based upon your own fallacy.

You condemn based only on your opinion. Yet, you deny others the right to have opinions that are different from you.

It is a shame that liberals believe only they have the right to be intolerant of other people's beliefs. What a fantasy world liberals live in... they get to have their cake and eat it too. 'Tis okay for them to be intolerant of others, but all others must tolerate them.

Bah, if it weren't for their abject intolerance of other people's beliefs and hatred against those who do not agree with them, liberals would be kind hearted people.

And use of the word "traditional" or "God" is good cause for discrimination of the vilest sort.

Yeah, I'm getting kind of sick of that one. My own niece posted a picture of Jesus giving the finger on facebook. I got all over her for it and now she claims it never happened. I wish she lived closer so I could go have a good long talk with her. At least she's straightened up as far as that goes and knows that it was wrong. Another person "shared" the picture and I defriended her. Funny how they don't have the guts to post a picture of Muhammad giving the finger.

Just because you don't believe in my faith doesn't give you the right to insult my faith or me. I sure as heck don't go around insulting you. I have relatives and friends who are gay. I think the so called "gay lifestyle" is wrong. We usually just steer clear of the subject. I've come to the conclusion though that we should let gays marry, on condition that they never again have a "gay pride" parade, and we go back to arresting people in black leather with chains and dog collars. (Yes, I saw that myself)

People who've been with someone for 20 years really should get the same benefits as a spouse when their partner dies.
from facebook

When you see so many Chick a Fila threads, you know that the President is doing a great job. The Conservatives have to find subjects to whine about.

NO, we know the LEFT has been caught in the open showing thier intolerance and bigotry which includes Obama. The people rose up and stated plainly that they've had enough of the left's hatred.:eusa_hand:
When you see so many Chick a Fila threads, you know that the President is doing a great job. The Conservatives have to find subjects to whine about.

Are you this misinformed? It isn't the conservatives that made this an issue.

I'll never forget when my wife and I went to a local comedy club here in Atlanta for open mic night and comedian after so-called comedian got on stage and made abortion, dead baby, molestation jokes and the majority of them ridiculed and insulted Chik-fil-a. This was four years ago.

The left loathes Chik-Fil-a for being Christian PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

To truly understand that the gay community is not attacking Dan Cathy for his stance on homosexual marriage, but rather his religion, ask yourself why they did not act this way towards Obama when he claimed he had the same position in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.

I mean we all knew Obama was lying, but that is a given.
And use of the word "traditional" or "God" is good cause for discrimination of the vilest sort.

Yeah, I'm getting kind of sick of that one. My own niece posted a picture of Jesus giving the finger on facebook. I got all over her for it and now she claims it never happened. I wish she lived closer so I could go have a good long talk with her. At least she's straightened up as far as that goes and knows that it was wrong. Another person "shared" the picture and I defriended her. Funny how they don't have the guts to post a picture of Muhammad giving the finger.

Just because you don't believe in my faith doesn't give you the right to insult my faith or me. I sure as heck don't go around insulting you. I have relatives and friends who are gay. I think the so called "gay lifestyle" is wrong. We usually just steer clear of the subject. I've come to the conclusion though that we should let gays marry, on condition that they never again have a "gay pride" parade, and we go back to arresting people in black leather with chains and dog collars. (Yes, I saw that myself)

People who've been with someone for 20 years really should get the same benefits as a spouse when their partner dies.

And they certainly can. They can arrange the legal documents to give them these things, just not social security benefits because they are primarily given to help support children, ect.

Marriage is an institution whose primary purpose is to protect the interests of children and put legally binding responsibilities on those that have children. What the homosexual community is doing, and what the left has been doing for decades is to deteriorate and attack the idea of family.

That is why those raised in single parent families are ten times more likely to vote Democrat, and substantially more likely to wind up in prison, do drugs, drop out of high school, ect, ect, ect.
When you see so many Chick a Fila threads, you know that the President is doing a great job. The Conservatives have to find subjects to whine about.

NO, we know the LEFT has been caught in the open showing thier intolerance and bigotry which includes Obama. The people rose up and stated plainly that they've had enough of the left's hatred.:eusa_hand:

Are we supposed to listen to people stupid enough to eat the unhealthy food that a chain such as this sells?
When you see so many Chick a Fila threads, you know that the President is doing a great job. The Conservatives have to find subjects to whine about.

NO, we know the LEFT has been caught in the open showing thier intolerance and bigotry which includes Obama. The people rose up and stated plainly that they've had enough of the left's hatred.:eusa_hand:

Are we supposed to listen to people stupid enough to eat the unhealthy food that a chain such as this sells?

Liberty, personal choice/responsibility aren't even on your radar, are they?

When you see so many Chick a Fila threads, you know that the President is doing a great job. The Conservatives have to find subjects to whine about.

NO, we know the LEFT has been caught in the open showing thier intolerance and bigotry which includes Obama. The people rose up and stated plainly that they've had enough of the left's hatred.:eusa_hand:

Are we supposed to listen to people stupid enough to eat the unhealthy food that a chain such as this sells?

Beats listening to some tofu-eating drag queen...
Dude, I worked in customer service once upon a time. If you can't handle cranks, you lose your job. The young woman handled herself just fine and I'd be surprised to hear that she was crying over what was said to her.

She is not working customer service, she is working the drive through window at a fast food joint, and probably making minimum wage. The fact that she handled it does not make that guy right, and the fact that you are defending the male CFO of a large corporation instead of standing up for a young woman without a college degree proves that your principles are for sale to the highest bidder.

Serving customers is customer service, dummy. How do you know she doesn't have a college degree? And why do you think women need special protection, sexist?

Aren't you one of the people that wanted to get Rush off the air because he called Fluke a nasty word?

I don't think women need special protection, I would hold the same opinion of this jerk if he attacked a man working for Amazon at a new drive through pick up they have because he didn't like the fact that Bezos donated money to a same sex marriage proposition on the Washington ballot. Unlike you, I actually have principles that are not conditional on the opinions of the people who are doing things.
It doesn't. He's as much of an asshole as Cathy. Well, maybe not. At least he believes in the American ideal of equality.

Cathy expressed his opinion about marriage to a reporter for a large Christian publication that directly asked him for it.

Smith drove up to a drive through window and blamed the random girl that was working in it for the opinion of the owner of the company with the intent to publicly humiliate her, even though she is constrained by company policy form expressing her opinion.

The only wan you can possibly think that Cathy is the bigger asshole here is if your morals are so fucked up you think it is a good thing to attack people who can't fight back. This is the same thinking that leads you to blame the victims of rape because they dressed in the wrong clothes, or were drunk, or maybe were hanging out with the wrong people. Before you know it you will be thinking children actually enjoy sex with adults because they are all a lot more mature than they let on.

Keep up the good work.
They guy also donated millions to anti-gay groups and uses terminology that is divisive and unamerican.

Your fantasies about children are extremely sick and have nothing to do with this thread. Seek help.

I do not fracking care what Cathy did, it is completely irrelevant to the conversation because Rachel did not do any of that, and deserves to be treated with respect.

By the way, what is next on your agenda to stamp out un American language and opinions?

[ame=""]Hollywood 'Red' Probe, HUAC Hearings Begin 1947/10/20 - YouTube[/ame]
Dude, I worked in customer service once upon a time. If you can't handle cranks, you lose your job. The young woman handled herself just fine and I'd be surprised to hear that she was crying over what was said to her.

She is not working customer service, she is working the drive through window at a fast food joint, and probably making minimum wage. The fact that she handled it does not make that guy right, and the fact that you are defending the male CFO of a large corporation instead of standing up for a young woman without a college degree proves that your principles are for sale to the highest bidder.

A couple of things that I disagree with in this post:

1) She is working customer service. Essentially that is what the job she was performing is: customer service and she seemed to be doing a very good job at it.

2) In this day and age (partially attributible to the attitude our current leadership), how do you know sh does not have a college degree? You can't know that! Times are hard and people with college degrees are being forced into customer service jobs like hers these days.


  1. Her job is described as food service, and all the training people like her get is in how to prepare food. I have worked customer service, and was trained to expect people to get upset with me because something someone else did caused them a problem. Rachel wasn't.
  2. Why shouldn't I assume that a young girl in Tucson does not have a college degree? Although the unemployment rate there has been climbing this year it is still below the national average, and was a full two points below it at the beginning of the year.
When you see so many Chick a Fila threads, you know that the President is doing a great job. The Conservatives have to find subjects to whine about.

NO, we know the LEFT has been caught in the open showing thier intolerance and bigotry which includes Obama. The people rose up and stated plainly that they've had enough of the left's hatred.:eusa_hand:

Are we supposed to listen to people stupid enough to eat the unhealthy food that a chain such as this sells?

Where do you eat?

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