Asshole attacks Chick-Fil-A server

The young woman was working for the company. His problem was with the head of the company, not the young woman.

Actually, what he told the girl was that she should be ashamed to work for a company with such hateful values. That would seem to be an issue specific for the young woman.

Ok, then:

A. I will tell you that you should be ashamed to be such an abysmal idiot.

B. This would seem to be an issue specific for you.

Please react in a rational manner.
You have all missed the point. This guy probably acts like an asshole to everyone he thinks doesn't have the right opinion. But, this time he was enjoying humiliating his captive audience so much, and he was so proud of himself that he videotaped his accomplishment and put it on You Tube. He wanted everyone to see what a great guy he was so he made sure he put his own face on film. He could have driven through 20 drive throughs to berate whoever was at the window and it wouldn't have mattered. He actively sought his 15 minutes of fame so he could show the film off to all his liberal friends. That's why he got fired and he should have been fired for using such poor judgment. It's called hubris. It's the reason for vanity being one of the seven deadly sins. He was so very proud of berating a teen ager trying to make a buck, that he never thought that his company and all of its customers could see that video, know who he was and take action of their own.

Oh, I got the point, I just didn't mention it.. :D
there's nothing unamerican about expressing an opinion
No, but the opinion itself is unAmerican.


And it seems to be unAmerican to express any kind of opinion in support of what the COO of Chik-fil-a said. It seems to be perfectly acceptable to the left to exercise their right to free speech and to berate the guy for what he said, but turn that around and support him and suddenly you are unAmerican and have no right to speak out.

Is this still America?

Socialists/Progressives should definitely ban Chick-Fil-A, and then ban Happy Meals too. Oh wait, they already did the latter. Authoritarian Buffoons.
Going through the crowded drive-through just to get water, even if there were no bulling of an employee, is the act of an asshole.

This guy must be a fag. Why else would he make an asshole of himself for the benefit of asshole-f*ckers?

I hate that when people go through the drive thru at my store just to get a free water. You want to tell them to get out of the damned car and walk in and ask for it, instead of holding everyone up.
The customer is always right! :)

Which was perfectly exemplified by the fact that the young woman in the video did not take that ice water and dump it in the lap of the asshole who was berating her.

By the way, nice to see how you stand up for the young girl who is being attacked by a man here.

Dude, I worked in customer service once upon a time. If you can't handle cranks, you lose your job. The young woman handled herself just fine and I'd be surprised to hear that she was crying over what was said to her.

She is not working customer service, she is working the drive through window at a fast food joint, and probably making minimum wage. The fact that she handled it does not make that guy right, and the fact that you are defending the male CFO of a large corporation instead of standing up for a young woman without a college degree proves that your principles are for sale to the highest bidder.
Dude, I worked in customer service once upon a time. If you can't handle cranks, you lose your job. The young woman handled herself just fine and I'd be surprised to hear that she was crying over what was said to her.

How does that justify the asshole being an asshole?
It doesn't. He's as much of an asshole as Cathy. Well, maybe not. At least he believes in the American ideal of equality.

Cathy expressed his opinion about marriage to a reporter for a large Christian publication that directly asked him for it.

Smith drove up to a drive through window and blamed the random girl that was working in it for the opinion of the owner of the company with the intent to publicly humiliate her, even though she is constrained by company policy form expressing her opinion.

The only wan you can possibly think that Cathy is the bigger asshole here is if your morals are so fucked up you think it is a good thing to attack people who can't fight back. This is the same thinking that leads you to blame the victims of rape because they dressed in the wrong clothes, or were drunk, or maybe were hanging out with the wrong people. Before you know it you will be thinking children actually enjoy sex with adults because they are all a lot more mature than they let on.

Keep up the good work.
Dude, I worked in customer service once upon a time. If you can't handle cranks, you lose your job. The young woman handled herself just fine and I'd be surprised to hear that she was crying over what was said to her.

How does that justify the asshole being an asshole?

You know, I didn't see anyplace where Ravi claimed the guy was justified. QW asked why she wasn't being supportive of the young lady in the video, and Ravi pointed out that she obviously is very capable on her own and in no particular need of support from us. I'm inclined to agree. The manager seems to have don a good enough job prepping his people for possibilities like this, and the young lady did a very good job of not only maintaining her composure, but also being kindly assertive about the way he was making her feel. It's hard to be sure, but she looks pretty young, and IMO she appeared more capable than I would expect most at her age.

You know, how the girl reacted is completely irrelevant. Ravi has actually said that he was less of an asshole than Cathy simply because she actually disagrees with Cathy and likes what Smith believes. That makes Ravi just as bad as Smith, who probably thinks it is a great idea to rape people who work for Chick-fil-A simply because they need to learn about what it is like to be hated.

Please, defend her again.
He was very polite in telling her that she should be ashamed of herself. And really, she should be, imo. I wouldn't want to work for a company that was so unAmerican.
No, he was rude and and a was a fuckstain... There was nothing polite in telling someone they should be ashamed of their job...

Apparently libs like you need a lesson in manners...

Your assessment of what is unAmerican is laughable, though....

You're creating rather an absurd dilemma for yourself. This guy expresses his opinion and he's an asshole. Cathy expresses his opinion, but he's not an asshole. Was it "rude" of Cathy to channel Pat Robertson in expressing his opinion about gay rights bringing the judgement of God on us?

Tell me, do you think an abortion doctor should be ashamed of his job?

Gee, let me see, what is the difference? Could it be that Cathy was asked a specific question, and answered it honestly, and in an appropriate manor, and Smith took his dislike of Cathy's opinion out on a girl that had nothing to do with it, and couldn't fight back?

I bet you like torturing kittens.
Adam Smith, former Vante CFO, is an asshole. The piece of shit deserved to get fired. But I would hardly say he "bullied" this girl. He tried to bully her is more like it. But she displayed a ton of class and didn't lower herself to his level. Good for her.
The young woman was working for the company. His problem was with the head of the company, not the young woman.

Actually, what he told the girl was that she should be ashamed to work for a company with such hateful values. That would seem to be an issue specific for the young woman.

He takes advantage of the fact that THIS restaurant gives out free water to anyone who asks for it and uses that as a platform to attack a working woman in her workplace. Then he takes his free water and goes. What about that doesn't scream A-hole to you?
I think you misunderstand my point. I'm not defending the guy. He's an asshole. House has argued himself into a corner (again) and created a dilemma that cannot be maintained.

Why does he have an issue with the young woman?

That's right, he doesn't, he thinks he has an issue with the company she works for because he heard something someone else said about his opinion. He likes to beat up young girls, you think he has a right to do so because you agree with him. You are pathetic.
Adam Smith, former Vante CFO, is an asshole. The piece of shit deserved to get fired. But I would hardly say he "bullied" this girl. He tried to bully her is more like it. But she displayed a ton of class and didn't lower herself to his level. Good for her.

Excuse me, but the fact that she reacted well does not change the fact that he bullied her.
Which was perfectly exemplified by the fact that the young woman in the video did not take that ice water and dump it in the lap of the asshole who was berating her.

By the way, nice to see how you stand up for the young girl who is being attacked by a man here.

Dude, I worked in customer service once upon a time. If you can't handle cranks, you lose your job. The young woman handled herself just fine and I'd be surprised to hear that she was crying over what was said to her.

She is not working customer service, she is working the drive through window at a fast food joint, and probably making minimum wage. The fact that she handled it does not make that guy right, and the fact that you are defending the male CFO of a large corporation instead of standing up for a young woman without a college degree proves that your principles are for sale to the highest bidder.

Serving customers is customer service, dummy. How do you know she doesn't have a college degree? And why do you think women need special protection, sexist?
How does that justify the asshole being an asshole?
It doesn't. He's as much of an asshole as Cathy. Well, maybe not. At least he believes in the American ideal of equality.

Cathy expressed his opinion about marriage to a reporter for a large Christian publication that directly asked him for it.

Smith drove up to a drive through window and blamed the random girl that was working in it for the opinion of the owner of the company with the intent to publicly humiliate her, even though she is constrained by company policy form expressing her opinion.

The only wan you can possibly think that Cathy is the bigger asshole here is if your morals are so fucked up you think it is a good thing to attack people who can't fight back. This is the same thinking that leads you to blame the victims of rape because they dressed in the wrong clothes, or were drunk, or maybe were hanging out with the wrong people. Before you know it you will be thinking children actually enjoy sex with adults because they are all a lot more mature than they let on.

Keep up the good work.
They guy also donated millions to anti-gay groups and uses terminology that is divisive and unamerican.

Your fantasies about children are extremely sick and have nothing to do with this thread. Seek help.
How does that justify the asshole being an asshole?

You know, I didn't see anyplace where Ravi claimed the guy was justified. QW asked why she wasn't being supportive of the young lady in the video, and Ravi pointed out that she obviously is very capable on her own and in no particular need of support from us. I'm inclined to agree. The manager seems to have don a good enough job prepping his people for possibilities like this, and the young lady did a very good job of not only maintaining her composure, but also being kindly assertive about the way he was making her feel. It's hard to be sure, but she looks pretty young, and IMO she appeared more capable than I would expect most at her age.
You know, how the girl reacted is completely irrelevant. Ravi has actually said that he was less of an asshole than Cathy simply because she actually disagrees with Cathy and likes what Smith believes. That makes Ravi just as bad as Smith, who probably thinks it is a great idea to rape people who work for Chick-fil-A simply because they need to learn about what it is like to be hated.

Please, defend her again.

For someone with Aspergers you're very emotional. :eusa_eh:
Which was perfectly exemplified by the fact that the young woman in the video did not take that ice water and dump it in the lap of the asshole who was berating her.

By the way, nice to see how you stand up for the young girl who is being attacked by a man here.

Dude, I worked in customer service once upon a time. If you can't handle cranks, you lose your job. The young woman handled herself just fine and I'd be surprised to hear that she was crying over what was said to her.

She is not working customer service, she is working the drive through window at a fast food joint, and probably making minimum wage. The fact that she handled it does not make that guy right, and the fact that you are defending the male CFO of a large corporation instead of standing up for a young woman without a college degree proves that your principles are for sale to the highest bidder.

A couple of things that I disagree with in this post:

1) She is working customer service. Essentially that is what the job she was performing is: customer service and she seemed to be doing a very good job at it.

2) In this day and age (partially attributible to the attitude our current leadership), how do you know sh does not have a college degree? You can't know that! Times are hard and people with college degrees are being forced into customer service jobs like hers these days.

It doesn't. He's as much of an asshole as Cathy. Well, maybe not. At least he believes in the American ideal of equality.

Cathy expressed his opinion about marriage to a reporter for a large Christian publication that directly asked him for it.

Smith drove up to a drive through window and blamed the random girl that was working in it for the opinion of the owner of the company with the intent to publicly humiliate her, even though she is constrained by company policy form expressing her opinion.

The only wan you can possibly think that Cathy is the bigger asshole here is if your morals are so fucked up you think it is a good thing to attack people who can't fight back. This is the same thinking that leads you to blame the victims of rape because they dressed in the wrong clothes, or were drunk, or maybe were hanging out with the wrong people. Before you know it you will be thinking children actually enjoy sex with adults because they are all a lot more mature than they let on.

Keep up the good work.
They guy also donated millions to anti-gay groups and uses terminology that is divisive and unamerican.

Your fantasies about children are extremely sick and have nothing to do with this thread. Seek help.

So let me think about what you are saying here. Because he donated money to groups that you disapprove of (yet millions of other americans do approve of) and he uses terminology that you do not approve of, he is divisive and unamerican? Thank you, that settles the discussion in regards to whether or not President Obama is the most divisive and unAmerican President in history.

Oh wait, is it only your opinion that counts as to whether or not Cathy is divisive and unamerican?

So? Just because she works in customer service doesn't make what the guy did A-Ok.

She is not a whipping boy for liberal bigots. None of us are.

You morons pull that sort of bullying on the wrong person, you'll get your noses broken.
So? Just because she works in customer service doesn't make what the guy did A-Ok.

She is not a whipping boy for liberal bigots. None of us are.

You morons pull that sort of bullying on the wrong person, you'll get your noses broken.

Funny how the left doesn't give a fuck about the 99%, they don't give a fuck about an employee being treated poorly by a customer, no they are all scrambling to justify a 1%er's actions because it suits this particular agenda.

A bunch of hypocrites and hate filled people. To hell with principles and standing up for what is right, just push a selfish agenda.

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