Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

And where, pray tell, are the youtube videos that show that the Malheur NWR's buildings are filtthy and rat infested?

Because its snowing in Oregon. And the videos you've produced are in the summer time.
The walk through of the rat infested buildings are on facebook.

Not that it matters. That video that I put there shows the fires around private property, houses and animals that the feds set in JULY. That is why the locals hate them.

Why did the feds set those fires?
to accuse someone else of doing it. It is what was stated right?
No where does it say that they only work in the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. You made that up.

Even logically, your claims are gibberish. With 18 full time employees, why would ALL of them leave the office at the exact same time? Especially when they also had many volunteers. Remember, the entire reserve s only 292 square miles. With it breaking down to 16 square miles per full time employee. Or roughly 4 by 4 miles each.

Why would that mandate they visit the office only 'a few weeks a year'? That makes no sense. Nor have you presented anything that backs your fairy tale.

Try again. This time without you making shit up.

They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd. Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?
What is your interest here? Who are you to question why people have an interest in various topics?

What's yours, loser?
Just the one did any actual intimidating. The other just stood there and was a registered poll watcher. The Bush administration dropped charges on everyone but the one guy.

And exactly as I predicted.....white male militia thugs try to intimidate cops and their families by following them, and not a peep.

But a black panther at a polling station in Phili in 2008? And conservatives are still shitting their pants about it.
Not a peep because it didn't happen. The cops are the ones following the locals around. Including kids.

Says you. Citing you. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Meanwhile, the local Sheriff lives there and most definitely *does* know what's happening. So you ignore him, and cling to whatever fantasy you make up.

Just like Ammon.

The local sheriff is a dumbfuck and has worked for the BLM himself. The locals are fed up with him for siding with the feds. He's also cordoned off his office building, which has HIGHLY pissed off the locals.
Cool story, Allie.
According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.
Here is what witnesses said:

The Many Hypocrisies of the Oregon Standoff

The 2001 fire, a jury found, was set to conceal the illegal slaughter of deer on Bureau of Land Management property. Here is the government account of this incident:
Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out ‘Strike Anywhere’ matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to ‘light up the whole country on fire.’ One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”
funny, can't find that fire anywhere on the internet
Have you ever bothered to research anything you're talking about, ever?

{Today the refuge is more than 187,700 acres of wildlife habitat, including 120,000 acres of wetlands that provide a crucial stop for waterfowl along the Pacific Flyway. Colonial waterbirds, sandhill cranes, redband trout are represented. Staffed by 18 federal employees and many volunteers, Malheur has an active friends group, which has expressed concern about how respectful the occupiers are being of the property.}

18 staff across 187.000 acres, including the lake? Yeah, they aren't spending much time in the office.

No where does it say that they only work in the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. You made that up.

Even logically, your claims are gibberish. With 18 full time employees, why would ALL of them leave the office at the exact same time? Especially when they also had many volunteers. Remember, the entire reserve s only 292 square miles. With it breaking down to 16 square miles per full time employee. Or roughly 4 by 4 miles each.

Why would that mandate they visit the office only 'a few weeks a year'? That makes no sense. Nor have you presented anything that backs your fairy tale.

Try again. This time without you making shit up.

They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd.

Or....and this is just a thought: you have no idea what you're talking about. And are just waking up from your nap.

Visitor Center

The Visitor Center includes The Friends of Malheur Nature Shop, an information desk, views of wildlife using Marshall Pond and an expansive view of Malheur Lake. It is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 4:00 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00.

Plan Your Visit - Malheur - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

So the Visitor Center has a gift shop open Monday through Friday, but no one is there save for a few weeks a year?

Laughing.......try again.

Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?

Just correcting the disinfo batshit and pseudo-legal gibberish you're making up.

But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
First try the local government officials, and then move on to the ranchers that do not support the occupation of the Refuge, label them 'enemies of the people', and try them for treason, with your fake judge. Then what? LOL.

At some point, the locals are all going to get very fed up with this, and give the miscreants an order to get out. And if the locos hurt or shoot one of the locals, they will find out how truly tough the people in that area are. Should they shoot the sheriff, then they better pray that the Feds get there in time save their asses from a rope.
According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.
Here is what witnesses said:

The Many Hypocrisies of the Oregon Standoff

The 2001 fire, a jury found, was set to conceal the illegal slaughter of deer on Bureau of Land Management property. Here is the government account of this incident:
Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out ‘Strike Anywhere’ matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to ‘light up the whole country on fire.’ One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”

Quartz Gulch Fire
on BLM Land
A lightning strike ignited the
Quartz Fire on August 9, 2001.
The fire started in thick
man=anita interspersed with
saplings. just below Lick Ridge in
the Quartz Gulch drainage. The
Oregon Department ofFarestlY
announced containment of the
6.160 acre blaze on August 21,
andfull control on August 31,
2001. The Quartz Fire burned on
private land, state land. Rogue
River National Forest, and Bureau
ofLand Management (BLM)administered
No where does it say that they only work in the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. You made that up.

Even logically, your claims are gibberish. With 18 full time employees, why would ALL of them leave the office at the exact same time? Especially when they also had many volunteers. Remember, the entire reserve s only 292 square miles. With it breaking down to 16 square miles per full time employee. Or roughly 4 by 4 miles each.

Why would that mandate they visit the office only 'a few weeks a year'? That makes no sense. Nor have you presented anything that backs your fairy tale.

Try again. This time without you making shit up.

They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd.

Or....and this is just a thought: you have no idea what you're talking about. And are just waking up from your nap.

Visitor Center

The Visitor Center includes The Friends of Malheur Nature Shop, an information desk, views of wildlife using Marshall Pond and an expansive view of Malheur Lake. It is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 4:00 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00.

Plan Your Visit - Malheur - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

So the Visitor Center has a gift shop open Monday through Friday, but no one is there save for a few weeks a year?

Laughing.......try again.

Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?

Just correcting the disinfo batshit and pseudo-legal gibberish you're making up.

But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?
But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
it was 48 hours, I was wrong, and I stated so.
They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd.

Or....and this is just a thought: you have no idea what you're talking about. And are just waking up from your nap.

Visitor Center

The Visitor Center includes The Friends of Malheur Nature Shop, an information desk, views of wildlife using Marshall Pond and an expansive view of Malheur Lake. It is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 4:00 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00.

Plan Your Visit - Malheur - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

So the Visitor Center has a gift shop open Monday through Friday, but no one is there save for a few weeks a year?

Laughing.......try again.

Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?

Just correcting the disinfo batshit and pseudo-legal gibberish you're making up.

But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?
Just correcting the disinfo batshit and pseudo-legal gibberish you're making up.

But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
No where does it say that they only work in the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. You made that up.

Even logically, your claims are gibberish. With 18 full time employees, why would ALL of them leave the office at the exact same time? Especially when they also had many volunteers. Remember, the entire reserve s only 292 square miles. With it breaking down to 16 square miles per full time employee. Or roughly 4 by 4 miles each.

Why would that mandate they visit the office only 'a few weeks a year'? That makes no sense. Nor have you presented anything that backs your fairy tale.

Try again. This time without you making shit up.

They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd. Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?
What is your interest here? Who are you to question why people have an interest in various topics?
I'm guessing he's needing attention...I wonder what happens if he doesn't get it.
No where does it say that they only work in the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. You made that up.

Even logically, your claims are gibberish. With 18 full time employees, why would ALL of them leave the office at the exact same time? Especially when they also had many volunteers. Remember, the entire reserve s only 292 square miles. With it breaking down to 16 square miles per full time employee. Or roughly 4 by 4 miles each.

Why would that mandate they visit the office only 'a few weeks a year'? That makes no sense. Nor have you presented anything that backs your fairy tale.

Try again. This time without you making shit up.

They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd.

Or....and this is just a thought: you have no idea what you're talking about. And are just waking up from your nap.

Visitor Center

The Visitor Center includes The Friends of Malheur Nature Shop, an information desk, views of wildlife using Marshall Pond and an expansive view of Malheur Lake. It is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 4:00 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00.

Plan Your Visit - Malheur - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

So the Visitor Center has a gift shop open Monday through Friday, but no one is there save for a few weeks a year?

Laughing.......try again.

Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?

Just correcting the disinfo batshit and pseudo-legal gibberish you're making up.

But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
You're just someone with no place to go, bored in your basement trying to create something and failing miserably.
But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
it was 48 hours, I was wrong, and I stated so. its 48 hours, huh?

Says who? There's you, making this pseudo-legal batshit up as you go along....and who?
I posted it whack a mole. Maybe you could learn to read. oh and use that there search tool provided herein
They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd.

Or....and this is just a thought: you have no idea what you're talking about. And are just waking up from your nap.

Visitor Center

The Visitor Center includes The Friends of Malheur Nature Shop, an information desk, views of wildlife using Marshall Pond and an expansive view of Malheur Lake. It is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 4:00 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00.

Plan Your Visit - Malheur - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

So the Visitor Center has a gift shop open Monday through Friday, but no one is there save for a few weeks a year?

Laughing.......try again.

Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?

Just correcting the disinfo batshit and pseudo-legal gibberish you're making up.

But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
You're just someone with no place to go, bored in your basement trying to create something and failing miserably.

I'm someone who is informed. And that puts me head and shoulders ahead of you. As you have no idea what you're talking about. Nor can back up any of your pseudo-legal batshit.
They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd. Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?
What is your interest here? Who are you to question why people have an interest in various topics?
I'm guessing he's needing attention...I wonder what happens if he doesn't get it.
naw I like to go after dirtbag libturds who think their condescending styles are important. which of course everyone here knows they aren't.
She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

LMAO! 'Soros' has a 'narrative' about the Malheur Natural Wildlife Preserve gift shop and a visitor's center opened 4 days a week from 9 to 4?

Care to back that up with anything more than the wasteland of your own insanity? As you've presented absolutely nothing that even suggests that the headquarters is only manned a few weeks a year. Nothing you've posted ever says this.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're clueless.

Nor does your narrative make the slightest sense. You can't explain why ALL 18 employees would leave the headquarters, gift shop and visitor's center all at the same time. Let alone so often that they only man the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. Especially when they have many volunteers.

Try again. This time without citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd.

Or....and this is just a thought: you have no idea what you're talking about. And are just waking up from your nap.

Visitor Center

The Visitor Center includes The Friends of Malheur Nature Shop, an information desk, views of wildlife using Marshall Pond and an expansive view of Malheur Lake. It is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 4:00 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00.

Plan Your Visit - Malheur - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

So the Visitor Center has a gift shop open Monday through Friday, but no one is there save for a few weeks a year?

Laughing.......try again.

Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?

Just correcting the disinfo batshit and pseudo-legal gibberish you're making up.

But tell us again about how if the buildings aren't occupied for 24 hours they're 'abandoned' ....and thus can't have records. I could always use another giggle.
You're just someone with no place to go, bored in your basement trying to create something and failing miserably.

I'm someone who is informed. And that puts me head and shoulders ahead of you. As you have no idea what you're talking about. Nor can back up any of your pseudo-legal batshit.
sure you are, you merely think you are, it is something every libturd goes through

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