Assholes making trouble in Oregon

jc, you are a fool. Everything you have posted here demonstrates that. But keep on posting. Between you and Kosher, you are accurately portraying the type of mentality that supports this idiocy.
I care why? you are but a libturd that backs a lady responsible for four american deaths. Yeah, you have a lot of classelessness.

I understand your desperation but what is the 4 dead Americans has anything to do with these occupiers?
Its an irrelevant non-sequitur mobius strip of an argument ...twisted .........
Bundy's and the outsiders who came to protest and occupy the Malheur Wildlife Refuge have been repeatedly asked to leave by elected officials and by voice vote at several town meetings. While some support has been given to their cause, that has not included support for them to stay in the county for more than a few days. The local population has overwhelmingly asked and demanded that they leave.
The Bundy's and crew of outsiders have now become invaders. They are now the uninvited guest that are trespassing on federal property and causing problems for the residents of the county.

Bundy's and the outsiders who came to protest and occupy the Malheur Wildlife Refuge have been repeatedly asked to leave by elected officials and by voice vote at several town meetings. While some support has been given to their cause, that has not included support for them to stay in the county for more than a few days. The local population has overwhelmingly asked and demanded that they leave.
The Bundy's and crew of outsiders have now become invaders. They are now the uninvited guest that are trespassing on federal property and causing problems for the residents of the county.

Ben Franklin had it right...."Guests, like fish, begin to stink after 3 days."
So I was right, it is the feds who are harassing the locals (this is what the locals have told me as well):


Assemblywoman Fiore of Nevada just sent me this message:

This is Assemblywoman Michele Fiore of Nevada & COWS (Coalition of Western States

I just got off the phone with the Fire Chief of Burns Chris Briels myself, he was the Burns Fire Chief from 1984 to 2006 when he retired in 2006 the county asked him to stay on as the Fire Marshall.

According to the conversation I had with Chief Briels today at 12:26pm Pacific time, he informed me the Sheriff's office and Judge Grasty has been telling the community the militia has been following people and harassing people.

Chief Briels saw what he thought was Militia poking around the Armory and following people so he took it upon himself to pull them over. These men posing as Militia were the FBI.

Chief Briels was so upset he just resigned as the county Fire Marshall. He is going public with this information."

KrisAnne Hall - Timeline Photos | Facebook
Bundy's and the outsiders who came to protest and occupy the Malheur Wildlife Refuge have been repeatedly asked to leave by elected officials and by voice vote at several town meetings. While some support has been given to their cause, that has not included support for them to stay in the county for more than a few days. The local population has overwhelmingly asked and demanded that they leave.
The Bundy's and crew of outsiders have now become invaders. They are now the uninvited guest that are trespassing on federal property and causing problems for the residents of the county.

Nope. The locals are supporting them. They're giving them money and supplies.

The feds and the outside progressive moonbats are harassing the locals, and posing as locals in order to further a false narrative.
So I was right, it is the feds who are harassing the locals (this is what the locals have told me as well):


Assemblywoman Fiore of Nevada just sent me this message:

This is Assemblywoman Michele Fiore of Nevada & COWS (Coalition of Western States

I just got off the phone with the Fire Chief of Burns Chris Briels myself, he was the Burns Fire Chief from 1984 to 2006 when he retired in 2006 the county asked him to stay on as the Fire Marshall.

According to the conversation I had with Chief Briels today at 12:26pm Pacific time, he informed me the Sheriff's office and Judge Grasty has been telling the community the militia has been following people and harassing people.

Chief Briels saw what he thought was Militia poking around the Armory and following people so he took it upon himself to pull them over. These men posing as Militia were the FBI.

Chief Briels was so upset he just resigned as the county Fire Marshall. He is going public with this information."

KrisAnne Hall - Timeline Photos | Facebook
Nevada.......isn't it interesting how "politicians" from other states seem to want to get involved. And if she knows that these guys were FBI, where is the evidence? There's a reason hearsay isn't admissible in a court of law, Allie.
So I was right, it is the feds who are harassing the locals (this is what the locals have told me as well):


Assemblywoman Fiore of Nevada just sent me this message:

This is Assemblywoman Michele Fiore of Nevada & COWS (Coalition of Western States

I just got off the phone with the Fire Chief of Burns Chris Briels myself, he was the Burns Fire Chief from 1984 to 2006 when he retired in 2006 the county asked him to stay on as the Fire Marshall.

According to the conversation I had with Chief Briels today at 12:26pm Pacific time, he informed me the Sheriff's office and Judge Grasty has been telling the community the militia has been following people and harassing people.

Chief Briels saw what he thought was Militia poking around the Armory and following people so he took it upon himself to pull them over. These men posing as Militia were the FBI.

Chief Briels was so upset he just resigned as the county Fire Marshall. He is going public with this information."

KrisAnne Hall - Timeline Photos | Facebook
Nevada.......isn't it interesting how "politicians" from other states seem to want to get involved. And if she knows that these guys were FBI, where is the evidence? There's a reason hearsay isn't admissible in a court of law, Allie.

The Fire Marshall retired because he busted feds impersonating militia in order to intimidate the locals.

That's why the Bundys are welcome there.
well your narrative is just old bullshit from a libturd. Not sure your mission, why don't you post it up here so we know the real reason you have such a big interest in here?
What is your interest here? Who are you to question why people have an interest in various topics?

What's yours, loser?
Oh, I have been visiting National Wildlife Refuges, Parks, Forest, Monuments and BLM lands for my whole life. I have a great interest in preserving our scenic wonders and natural resources. I questioned the poster because he questioned another poster. I think the poster was being rude so I was rude to him.
good for you. you need a medal or a chest to pin one on. and, BTW, we're happy for you.
Koshergirl asked me a question and I answered her in a friendly polite and honest manner. What is it of your concern? Why are you butting in with your rude blather? Just a natural born crude jerk aren't you.

So you think you're more qualified to speak than jc because you have gone to parks.

Bundy's and the outsiders who came to protest and occupy the Malheur Wildlife Refuge have been repeatedly asked to leave by elected officials and by voice vote at several town meetings. While some support has been given to their cause, that has not included support for them to stay in the county for more than a few days. The local population has overwhelmingly asked and demanded that they leave.
The Bundy's and crew of outsiders have now become invaders. They are now the uninvited guest that are trespassing on federal property and causing problems for the residents of the county.

Nope. The locals are supporting them. They're giving them money and supplies.

The feds and the outside progressive moonbats are harassing the locals, and posing as locals in order to further a false narrative.
What nonsense and misinformation. Ther FBI has been staging at the BLM facility at the Burns Airport since the weekend when they vacated the school when officials decided to reopen it. They actually began operating there about six days ago.
The FBI has the authority to be in Burns. A Federal property has been allocated by armed men making ridiculous unlawful demands, including the demand that federal prisoners be released. They have a right to be there and to assist the local sheriff in numerous legal ways. That includes riding around undercover, surveilling unknown outsiders in the town, providing security to the federal workers who claim they are being harassed, etc.

Militia has announced they will conduct a town hall meeting on Friday but have not announced where it would be held. Probably a good idea to keep eyes on that Armory. It is a National Guard facility and the militia may see it as a good candidate for the next government facility to invade and man with armed rebels.
What is your interest here? Who are you to question why people have an interest in various topics?

What's yours, loser?
Oh, I have been visiting National Wildlife Refuges, Parks, Forest, Monuments and BLM lands for my whole life. I have a great interest in preserving our scenic wonders and natural resources. I questioned the poster because he questioned another poster. I think the poster was being rude so I was rude to him.
good for you. you need a medal or a chest to pin one on. and, BTW, we're happy for you.
Koshergirl asked me a question and I answered her in a friendly polite and honest manner. What is it of your concern? Why are you butting in with your rude blather? Just a natural born crude jerk aren't you.

So you think you're more qualified to speak than jc because you have gone to parks.

Not at all. You asked what my interest in this topic was and I told you. I did not insinuate I am more qualified than anyone to speak on the topic. I only brought up my experience when you asked for it. You, on the other hand, are constantly telling us how you are better qualified than others to speak on the subject because you are getting information from "locals".
Rancher: 'I didn't know anything' about Bundy entering property, destroying fence

Here is the article.

Statement from rancher Tim Puckett
"As owner of the ranch that borders the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters, I would like to make it clear that I DO NOT condone nor did I ask for the protesters at the refuge to cut fences to allow my cows access to the refuge. The protesters are quoting a representative who did not have the authority to speak on my behalf.
"I have no grievances with the refuge or the BLM. I have BLM grazing permits that I use each year, and I am a good steward of the land. I am a hay farmer, I DO NOT DEPEND ON THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO RAISE MY CATTLE. I have been in Harney County for four years, in no way do I feel that I am entitled to the refuge for grazing. I was informed of the fence last fall prior to its construction, and it has not nor will it affect my cattle operation."
Tim Puckett, Golden Rule Farms​
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, serif]Oregon Cattlemen's Association and Oregon Wild Speak Out Against Malheur Armed Takeover |[/FONT]

Burns, the Hammonds and Oregon Cattlemen's Association
SALEM,Ore., (01/04/2016) -- Today, January 4, 2016 Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond have left their homes to report to a federal prison. Both ranchers are faithful, long term Oregon Cattlemen's Association members. Many have asked where the association stands on the Hammond's predicament.
The Oregon Cattlemen's Association has declared that they do not support illegal activity taken against the government but has, and will continue, to support the Hammonds via avenues that are in accordance with the law.
John O'Keeffe, current president of the OCA, said the ranchers in Burns strive to work together with surrounding agencies. "The community of Burns and the ranchers there have been very resourceful in working together with agencies on many wildlife issues," he said. "Furthermore, OCA does not support illegal activity taken against the government. This includes militia takeover of government property, such as the Malheur Wildlife Refuge."
Not much support for the loonies there.
[FONT=custom-font, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Letter: Wrong move against Malheur National Wildlife Refuge[/FONT]

Writer says radical militant group should not have seized Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

To the Editor:
What an outrageous situation in Harney County with the seizing of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by a radical militia group. The people who are declaring Malheur Headquarters as their new militia base made a grave error in their selection.
In recent times, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has become a model of true coordination management involving a large cross-section of stakeholders. This alone is headline news given the historical conflicts regarding cattle grazing on a national wildlife refuge. If the criminal occupiers of the headquarters set down their weapons long enough to pick up a copy of the “Malheur National Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan” (that I know is within sight around the offices there), they might discover their huge mistake in seizing the refuge. They ought to realize they are attempting to destroy what local ranchers, hunters, federal agencies, environmental interests and citizens of the area and beyond worked so hard to pull together and all signed onto in the 2013 plan.
The militants say that they are there to protect the rights of people to use the refuge freely. However, a reporter who drove to the headquarters to interview them was told to leave. They had weapons; he did not. He left. Apparently you cannot enter the refuge unless you are one of them.
The occupiers have called upon armed supporters from across the nation to come and make the national wildlife refuge their headquarters. Wait a moment. Does this mean I can’t enter OUR refuge to photograph wildlife? Others can’t go there during the rut to see large mule deer bucks? Thousands of birders will not be able to access the visitor’s center grounds, museum or trails and roads because the refuge will be occupied by armed militant terrorists who say they are protecting people from “federal tyranny?” We don’t need radicals protecting our rights. The true cooperative Americans with a vested interest in Malheur Refuge are already in place successfully coordinating with the USFWS. I hope those from Harney County hang tight with the refuge management plan and get rid of these self-declared “patriots” post haste.
Kay Steele

From the Blue Mountain Eagle.
Supreme Court turned down arson case at center of Oregon standoff

The ranchers whose criminal case sparked the armed standoff in Oregon were denied a chance to make their case to the U.S. Supreme Court, the National Law Journal reported.

In U.S. v. Hammond, father and son Dwight and Steven Hammond were prosecuted for arson on federal land. The Hammonds, whose cattle ranch abuts federal land where they have grazing rights, had set a fire in 2001 that prosecutors argued was intended to cover up evidence of poaching. Steven Hammond was also convicted of setting fires in 2006 to control wildfires created by lightning.

The Hammonds became a cause celebre among anti-government activists in part because of mandatory minimum sentencing. Originally, a federal district judge had given Dwight Hammond three months in prison and Steven Hammond one year and one day, saying the mandatory minimum of five years was “grossly disproportionate” and would violate the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
However, the Justice Department successfully appealed those sentences to the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2014, a panel of the court found the mandatory minimum was not disproportionate, given the seriousness of arson. It said the Supreme Court has upheld longer sentences for comparable or less serious crimes.

The Hammonds appealed that ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, which denied certiorari without comment in March. Their attorney, Kendra Matthews of Portland’s Ransom Blackman, argued that this was a clear instance of mandatory minimum sentences violating the Eighth Amendment.
Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, opposing the petition, wrote that the Hammonds endangered firefighters and nearby campers and had gone to great lengths to cover up their actions.

After the case was turned down, a federal district judge resentenced both Hammonds to the five-year mandatory minimum. The Hammonds reported to prison Monday as required.
Hey found one, wow, that was a tough hunt. here is what I found:

FindLaw's United States Ninth Circuit case and opinions.


"The government appeals the sentences of Steven and Dwight Hammond, whom a jury convicted of maliciously damaging the real property of the United States by fire, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 844(f)(1). The convictions carried minimum sentences of five years of imprisonment, but citing Eighth Amendment concerns, the district court sentenced Steven to only twelve months and one day of imprisonment and Dwight to only three months of imprisonment. Because the sentences were illegal and the government did not waive its right to appeal them, we vacate the sentences and remand for resentencing. - See more at: FindLaw's United States Ninth Circuit case and opinions."

Maybe this is what the protesters are there for.
Maybe this is what the protesters are there for.

The re sentencing to the five years minimum mandatory was upheld when the Supreme Court refused a writ of certiorari...that is the final step went from what you posted to an appeal by the prosecutors to an eventual victory by the Prosecutors and the perpetrators are currently in the custody of the Federal prison system............

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