Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Been away from this thread for a bit, heard about this and now finally watched this video. I know she was called a 'prostitute' a term that I find very harsh and undeserving.

However, upon watching this, I have to ask. What is it she keeps looking up at on the far wall? She has to look up there several times before she gets her eyes down to the crowd, and then at the finish, she has to look back up again. What is it?
This thread really has nothing to do with the Hammond's anymore. It is about the illegal armed occupation of the Federal Property. It is about the Bundy's illegal trespass on the private property of Tim Puckett. They illegally tore down a fence between his property and that of the Refuge, a fence he has since rebuilt. And warned that he would not tolerate another such trespass. It is about a situation that could easily spiral out of control. Time for the law to take the appropriate action, and arrest the miscreants.
This thread really has nothing to do with the Hammond's anymore. It is about the illegal armed occupation of the Federal Property. It is about the Bundy's illegal trespass on the private property of Tim Puckett. They illegally tore down a fence between his property and that of the Refuge, a fence he has since rebuilt. And warned that he would not tolerate another such trespass. It is about a situation that could easily spiral out of control. Time for the law to take the appropriate action, and arrest the miscreants.

It ceased being about the Hammonds the minute they disavowed the action at the refuge. It is and really always was about the further adventures of the criminal Bundys.
For the third time.....and do pay attention this time, please.......the computers, the evacuator and the files.

And again please. Where and how far away from that location have they taken those items. And you need to know how to spell e x c a v a t o r.
Mr. Teddy, why don't you just try to go into your local police garage, get in a cruiser, drive it around the garage for a while, and then tell the police you cannot be arrested because you did not leave the garage. You are just as wrong as jc. This is a clear case of criminal trespass, of sedition, and unlawful use of government property. As well as trespass on private property. The involved in the armed occupation of the Refuge are criminals, and should be treated as such.
<snip> that are checkerboarded within BLM land.

Unfortunately, this is not quite true. Many 'ranch' lands in the west are heavily checker boarded with alternating sections, but I looked at the Harney County GIS and the checker boarding there is not as heavy as many other places.
Nice meltdown! :banana:

I don't blame her since folks like you refuse to look at the "other" links and videos provided.

None of those links either excuse the actions taken or reflect reality. There have been twice as many links provided showing just the opposite. If you actually read the thread, you would see her position is not credible absent a conspiracy involving everyone who does not support the action taken.
Here is what witnesses said:

The Many Hypocrisies of the Oregon Standoff

The 2001 fire, a jury found, was set to conceal the illegal slaughter of deer on Bureau of Land Management property. Here is the government account of this incident:
Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out ‘Strike Anywhere’ matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to ‘light up the whole country on fire.’ One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”
All of the above is a bald faced lie! Do you know the difference between an Indictment and a conviction? No, didn't think so. The Judge threw out that testimony and it was NOT proven at trial that any fire was to cover up any poaching.
Eyewitnesses with an agenda similar to yours. There were hundreds of firefighters on the scene fighting that fire for days. The region was given evacuation warnings. Those ranchers said their cattle were burned out on the range. Why were they out there at all with wildfires in the area? The ranchers should have rounded them up sooner. Firefighters do their best to save property but aren't always successful. To say that any firefighter deliberately destroyed property is not only dishonest but straight up crazy.

koshergirl provided a video as proof of her point about the BLM setting the fires. What proof can you provide to make your point?
Kosher is a lying little bitch. Sheriff West's wife has had the tires on her car slashed. There have been threats against the life of Sheriff West.

So please tell me who Sheriff West is? Never heard of him in this event. Now who's the lying little bitch? Why don't you just trot on down to your local Portland pot shop, buy another bag, spleef another reef and get the fuck out of this.
Mr. Teddy, why don't you just try to go into your local police garage, get in a cruiser, drive it around the garage for a while, and then tell the police you cannot be arrested because you did not leave the garage. You are just as wrong as jc. This is a clear case of criminal trespass, of sedition, and unlawful use of government property. As well as trespass on private property. The involved in the armed occupation of the Refuge are criminals, and should be treated as such.

Mr Rocks, I'll tell you why. Because it is not the local police that are the underlying cause of the frustration(s) being expressed here. Simple as that.

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