Assholes making trouble in Oregon

<snip>If you actually read the thread, you would see her position is not credible absent a conspiracy involving everyone who does not support the action taken.

Mr Starskey, I have read the whole thread, and do see that there is a slight amount of things posted by kosher that are somewhat 'conspiracy' related. If you would ACTUALLY read the the thread yourself before posting such, you would see in posts # 2409 and 2410 (yours that I have quoted here being #2415, so they are just above yours) I refuted and corrected them.

Read more, post less. I try to live by this, do you?
And where are the videos, Kosher?

Already posted in this thread that you and others have conveniently ignored. Why not read more and post less?
The video in question was one koshergirl claimed showed the interior of the buildings being filthy and rat infested.. She was unable to provide a link to the video, and instead posted an unrelated one. Some folks continued to ask for links to the video of the filthy rat infested interiors. She never found or was able to provide the video. I found a youtube video of the interior while being occupied by the Bundy crew and it showed an immaculately clean and well-kept facility.
So from what I am taking away from this thread, the whole intent of threads on USMB is not to actually debate and research both sides of any issue at all, is this true cereal_killer ?

It seems as though it is just a slug fest. Most here just want to read and believe as total and complete truth every thing the main stream media has related about the Hammonds as well as the occupation of the refuge. There have been numerous video (and other) links posted in this thread that shows a different side from that which the MSM has hand fed the dogs. But who cares? Apparently no one but maybe four of us.

The rest just ignore the other side of the story and promulgate the media lies or at best, half truths.

If anyone REALLY wants to continue to debate this event, PLEASE at least watch the video of the congressman from that part of Oregon; his speech to the House in Washington, D.C.

There are two sides, and though there are some pretty extreme things being said by both, if you do not actually research and try to find some of the truth that is in there, than you are nothing but a shill.
The video in question was one koshergirl claimed showed the interior of the buildings being filthy and rat infested.. She was unable to provide a link to the video, and instead posted an unrelated one. Some folks continued to ask for links to the video of the filthy rat infested interiors. She never found or was able to provide the video. I found a youtube video of the interior while being occupied by the Bundy crew and it showed an immaculately clean and well-kept facility.

I'm sorry, I guess I hitchhiked into the middle of that part of the debate. I missed the part about rat infested and wouldn't have believed it either. you can walk into any government building or land and walk away with anything you want?

What have they walked away with? Exactly where and how far have they taken ANYTHING from that property?
They took a truck pulling a trailer with a tracked CAT front end loader, probably a combined total value of over $50,000 to a ranch with media in tow to commit an act of vandalism by cutting down a fence and using the CAT to remove the fence post. That little trip was a felony.
So from what I am taking away from this thread, the whole intent of threads on USMB is not to actually debate and research both sides of any issue at all, is this true cereal_killer ?

It seems as though it is just a slug fest. Most here just want to read and believe as total and complete truth every thing the main stream media has related about the Hammonds as well as the occupation of the refuge. There have been numerous video (and other) links posted in this thread that shows a different side from that which the MSM has hand fed the dogs. But who cares? Apparently no one but maybe four of us.

The rest just ignore the other side of the story and promulgate the media lies or at best, half truths.

If anyone REALLY wants to continue to debate this event, PLEASE at least watch the video of the congressman from that part of Oregon; his speech to the House in Washington, D.C.

There are two sides, and though there are some pretty extreme things being said by both, if you do not actually research and try to find some of the truth that is in there, than you are nothing but a shill.
What you are missing is that much of the defensive debate is viewed by rational people as diversions, deflections and sideshows to the prime point, and the only one that needs immediate attention. That point being that armed men have taken over a federal facility the way rebels do in third world countries. They are demanding prisoners be released from prison. That is what middle eastern terrorist do.
I have repeatedly asked what makes these guys, or ranchers for that matter, special and privileged to the point that they do not have to follow the laws everyone else does? Who elected them to determine how our public lands are managed and used?

The video of the Congressman you want people to watch shows a Congressman trying to put lipstick on a pig, but even he makes it clear he does not support the way Bundy and crew have gone about making their points.
The Bundy's now call themselves Citizens for Constitutional Freedom. Think about that name for a moment. What does it mean? How would Freud view that phrase? Is it an epic Freudian slip? The Bundy actions suggest they want the freedom to interpret the Constitution the way they want. They certainly are not following the Constitution the way the Constitution prescribes that it be interpreted.
Eyewitnesses with an agenda similar to yours. There were hundreds of firefighters on the scene fighting that fire for days. The region was given evacuation warnings. Those ranchers said their cattle were burned out on the range. Why were they out there at all with wildfires in the area? The ranchers should have rounded them up sooner. Firefighters do their best to save property but aren't always successful. To say that any firefighter deliberately destroyed property is not only dishonest but straight up crazy.

koshergirl provided a video as proof of her point about the BLM setting the fires. What proof can you provide to make your point?

It's in the thread fool. Actually, the link was in the very post you quoted but somehow left out. You're either an idiot or a fool. Maybe both.
<snip>If you actually read the thread, you would see her position is not credible absent a conspiracy involving everyone who does not support the action taken.

Mr Starskey, I have read the whole thread, and do see that there is a slight amount of things posted by kosher that are somewhat 'conspiracy' related. If you would ACTUALLY read the the thread yourself before posting such, you would see in posts # 2409 and 2410 (yours that I have quoted here being #2415, so they are just above yours) I refuted and corrected them.

Read more, post less. I try to live by this, do you?

No you haven't read the thread and you are stupidly supporting her position.
She has refuted, as conspiracy, evidence from the town council, the sheriff, the community, fellow ranchers, county officials, the Oregon cattlemen's association, the governor, the BLM, the FBI, and the supreme court.
Still want to argue on her behalf?
The video in question was one koshergirl claimed showed the interior of the buildings being filthy and rat infested.. She was unable to provide a link to the video, and instead posted an unrelated one. Some folks continued to ask for links to the video of the filthy rat infested interiors. She never found or was able to provide the video. I found a youtube video of the interior while being occupied by the Bundy crew and it showed an immaculately clean and well-kept facility.

I'm sorry, I guess I hitchhiked into the middle of that part of the debate. I missed the part about rat infested and wouldn't have believed it either.

Then you didn't read the thread or have no comprehension skills because that point went on for pages. I read it days ago and remember quite well.
QUOTE="Old Rocks, post: 13249959, member: 13758"]Kosher is a lying little bitch. Sheriff West's wife has had the tires on her car slashed. There have been threats against the life of Sheriff West.

So please tell me who Sheriff West is? Never heard of him in this event. Now who's the lying little bitch? Why don't you just trot on down to your local Portland pot shop, buy another bag, spleef another reef and get the fuck out of this.[/QUOTE]
Dear llittle corksmoker Teddy. Never have used pot, never will. You seem to know all about it, and, given that one of the evidences of usage is stupidity, you apparently are a heavy user.

Sheriff Ward, make you happy? There is no excuse for what the Bundy's are doing. And they are completely alienating the local people, sans a few brainless fruitloops.
Has The Sovereign Citizen Movement Hijacked The Oregon Standoff?

The refuge has been visited by a self-proclaimed judge collecting “evidence” against the federal government for a citizen grand jury, Idaho lawmakers on a ‘fact-finding mission,’ uninvited militiamen from the Patriot movement who wanted to form a perimeter at the compound and individuals from Veterans on Patrol whose stated mission was to remove an occupier they deemed dangerous.
Has The Sovereign Citizen Movement Hijacked The Oregon Standoff?

The refuge has been visited by a self-proclaimed judge collecting “evidence” against the federal government for a citizen grand jury, Idaho lawmakers on a ‘fact-finding mission,’ uninvited militiamen from the Patriot movement who wanted to form a perimeter at the compound and individuals from Veterans on Patrol whose stated mission was to remove an occupier they deemed dangerous.
I just knew you were an idiot, thanks for confirming it.
Ok, ok, I never said I actually agreed with what Bundy is doing, but anyways on this I know I am right:

Who ever says that this is ruining the economy of Burns and Harney county is dead wrong. I bet the hotels are full as are the restaurants. Burns will miss them when their gone, lol.
Mr. Teddy, why don't you just try to go into your local police garage, get in a cruiser, drive it around the garage for a while, and then tell the police you cannot be arrested because you did not leave the garage. You are just as wrong as jc. This is a clear case of criminal trespass, of sedition, and unlawful use of government property. As well as trespass on private property. The involved in the armed occupation of the Refuge are criminals, and should be treated as such.
no charges right? It isn't illegal until someone puts up a charge.

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