Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Well, because that was Vietnam (the war; not a video game-you might have heard of it) I was probably used to being insulted long before you were born. So take your best shot. I never have understood why POS civilians think insults make them cute and witty.

POS civilians? lol

Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Service? What service? John Kerry is too busy is too busy serving himself to serve anyone else. Always has been; always will be.

Why are you disrespecting a service man with 2 purple hearts, a bronze and a silver star?

Stolen Valor?
Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?

Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient.
no it was the way John Kerry treated his own comrades, is why he got treated the way he did. he threw his medals.
Comrades like Jim Rassman, whose life Kerry saved?

How many lives did Bush save while serving in the TANG?
So you didn't watch the video? If that is your idea of what happened you didn't watch it very well. There was a lot of ordinance in the air all the while, the man was shot the first time before he dropped hi hands the truck was taking heavy fire and they deployed at least three grenades I didn't see anybody get run over, one dumbass started to go that way, and jumped back in front of the unit there. Now the feds want regular cops to wear body cams but of course Not them, easy to see why. These people were exercising a constitutional right. no body got killed till the feds showed up just like always. Governments kill thousands more people in the world than all of the private murders in all of the countries of the world combined. this one is NO exception.
^^^ see what I mean? ^^^

yeah, he was spot on.
It's cute how you delusional righties give each other a reach-around.
"Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient"

That would be because some people think people should be treated according to their actual actions (or lack thereof) instead of propaganda about them.
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"Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient"

That would be because some people deserve should be treated according to their actual actions (or lack thereof) instead of propaganda about them.

I'm just going by your actions on this forum, you deserve no respect.
"Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient"

That would be because some people deserve should be treated according to their actual actions (or lack thereof) instead of propaganda about them.

And by 'propaganda' you mean his actual, official military service record?

Laughing...why would any rational person ignore that and instead believe whatever hapeless batshit you've imagined?
Well, because that was Vietnam (the war; not a video game-you might have heard of it) I was probably used to being insulted long before you were born. So take your best shot. I never have understood why POS civilians think insults make them cute and witty.

POS civilians? lol

Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?
I am of the Left and I served. Respect that? Many RWrs here do not.
Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?

Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient.

Notice how you didn't address how the Left used faked documents to lie about Bush being AWOL?

At least the crticism of Kerry was coming from veterans who wtnessed Kerry's conduct. You people didn't even have
You mean criticism by fellow veterans like Larry Thurlow, who got caught red handed lying about Kerry's service.

Or how about triple amputee, Max Cleland? I recall the right making fun of him for losing 3 limbs for his service.

G'head, tell me again how the right respects veterens' service. I always enjoy a good laugh.
Well, because that was Vietnam (the war; not a video game-you might have heard of it) I was probably used to being insulted long before you were born. So take your best shot. I never have understood why POS civilians think insults make them cute and witty.

POS civilians? lol

Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Service? What service? John Kerry is-and was- too busy is too busy serving himself to serve anyone else. Always has been; always will be.
That you don't know Kerry served reveals your ignorance on the matter.
New testimony is that the federal agents were screaming at LaVoy to remove his weapon when his hands were up seconds after he got out of his truck. When he complied and attempted to remove it the agent from behind shot him.
Right...because authorities ALWAYS tell people to remove their weapons.....:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving you are from the shallow end of the gene pool.....once again.
Nope. That's new trstimony from citizens who were there. LaVoy was baited so he could be executed.
"Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient"

That would be because some people deserve should be treated according to their actual actions (or lack thereof) instead of propaganda about them.
Just as you're being treated.
POS civilians? lol

Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?

Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient.

They escalated a peaceful protest
If it was a peaceful protest why did they have assault weapons and make videos promising gunfire?

You say a lot of stupid shit.

You don't think aiming a firearm (assault with a deadly weapon) is an escalation from peaceful protest and discussion? The Feds clearly did that. I doubt we'll ever know if that was Lavoy's intent or not.
New testimony is that the federal agents were screaming at LaVoy to remove his weapon when his hands were up seconds after he got out of his truck. When he complied and attempted to remove it the agent from behind shot him.
Right...because authorities ALWAYS tell people to remove their weapons.....:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving you are from the shallow end of the gene pool.....once again.

Nope. That's new testimony from citizens who were there. LaVoy was baited so he could be executed.

Obvious nonsense. LaVoy was given ample opportunity to surrender. He refused. He ran from cops, ran a blockade, resisted arrest and reached for a gun.

The shoot was justifiable. And you're narrative is disproven horseshit. Though you do give us a lovely window into how your ilk reach their batshit conclusions: they just make it up.
Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?

Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient.

They escalated a peaceful protest
If it was a peaceful protest why did they have assault weapons and make videos promising gunfire?

You say a lot of stupid shit.

You don't think aiming a firearm (assault with a deadly weapon) is an escalation from peaceful protest and discussion? The Feds clearly did that. I doubt we'll ever know if that was Lavoy's intent or not.

The Feds performed a lawful probable cause arrest, complete with warrants. You don't 'discuss' a warrant by trying to run a blockade, resisting arrest, or reaching for a gun.

That's how you get shot. And LaVoy knew it.
When a cop is making an arrest, and the suspect resists his orders, the cop is SUPPOSED to raise and aim his weapon. Only a spin master could even think to call that an escalation.
"Why are you disrespecting a service man with 2 purple hearts, a bronze and a silver star?"

Because he didn't earn them and he lied about those who did. Turn about is fair play.

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